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1929-1933补卷· 目录

Preface 11

Turkey (1929-33)

Interview by the Daily Telegraph (March 14, 1929) 13

Help the Imprisoned Boishevik-Leninists (March 20, 1929) 15

Interview Given to the Social Democratic

Press (March 24, 1929) 17

Tactics in the USSR (October 1929) 19

Our French Press (October-November 1929) 20

Economic Necessity Helps Those Who Help Themselves

(Late 1929) 23

Discussions with Max Shachtman (March 1930) 24

Progressives in the United Mine Workers (March 15, 1930) 30

Prospects of the Communist League of America

(March 26, 1930) 31

The Mute Conference (April 16, 1930) 33

More About Comrade Blumkin (Published May 1930) 35

G. Mannoury and the Comintern (Published May 1930) 37 Stalin's "Reply to Collective Farm Comrades"

(Published May 1930) 39

Official Deceit and the Truth (Published May 1930) 40

Bureaucratic Tendencies (June 20, 1930) 42

The French Leadership (June 30, 1930) 44

We Should Proceed as Democratically as Possible

(August 18, 1930) 45

To the Bolshevik-Leninist Organization of Greece

(Archio-Marxists) (October 1930) 48

Personal Elements in the French Struggle

(November 25, 1930) 51

Every Group Should Take a Clear Stand

(December 19, 1930) 57

To Alfonso Leonetti on the French Section

(February 5, 1931) 60

You Should Help the New Leadership (February 11, 1931) 63

Miliukov and the February Revolution

(February 25, 1931) 65

Andres Nin and Victor Serge (Published March 1931) 69

The International Secretariat and the International

Bureau (March 7, 1931) 71

To Preserve Our Politics from Degeneration

(March 13, 1931) 75

National Conferences First (April 2, 1931) 76

Will Help New Publishing House (April 4, 1931) 78

What a Control Commission Should Do (May 1, 1931) 79

The First Lesson from Spain (May 1, 1931) 80

Part of the Responsiblility for the German Split

(May 23, 1931) 81

The Bordigist Line (June 10, 1931) 84

Miscellaneous Information (July 1, 1931) 86

The Secondary Place of Personal Characteristics

(July 5, 1931) 87

Irresponsible Types (August 2, 1931) 87

The French Discussion (August 20, 1931) 89

Rosmer's Politics (September 1, 1931) 90 Discussions with Albert Glotzer (October-November 1931) 93

To Help in Britain (November 9, 1931) 98 What Is Fascism? (November 15, 1931) 99

Better to Seek the Solid (November 30, 1931) 101

Why Mill Should Be Removed (December 29, 1931) 102

The Kind of Secretariat We Need (January 27, 1932) 105

Two Pamphlets (February 8, 1932) 106

The Weekly Comes First (February 10, 1932) 106

Bordiga and Social Fascism (February 14, 1932) 107

When Ultraleftists Can Be More Correct (March 6, 1932) 107

On an Entry into the SAP (March 8, 1932) 108

Our Strength Is in Clarity (March 23, 1932) 109

The American Dispute and International Questions

(May 1, 1932) 110

Worried About Spain (May 13, 1932) 112

International and National Questions (May 19, 1932) 113

Our Attitude to Weisbord (May 27, 1932) 115

Murphy's Expulsion (May 27, 1932) 117

Shachtman's "Character" (June 3, 1932) 118

Query About a Shop Paper (June 9, 1932) 119

Proposals for the Antiwar Congress (June 9, 1932) 120

A Discussion on Greece (Spring 1932) 124

Mter the CLA Plenum (July 4, 1932) 140

Permanent Factionalism Is Not Needed (July 4, 1932) 141

Hope for CLA Unity (July 18, 1932) 142

A Discussion with Herbert Solow (Summer 1932) 143

Willing to Speak in Copenhagen (August 28, 1932) 148

Mter the British Expulsions (September 6, 1932) 149

Minutes of the Commission: I (September 18, 1932) 150

Minutes of the Commission: II (September 23, 1932) 154

The Poverty of Our European Sections (October 4, 1932) 163

A Duty to Speak (October 10, 1932) 164

Minutes of the Commission: III (October 28, 1932) 164

"Down with Stalin" Is Not Our Slogan (Autumn 1932) 168

A Left Opposition Statement Should Be Prepared

(Autumn 1932) 172

Documents from Copenhagen (November 1932) 175

Answers to Personal Questions (December 16, 1932) 180

Memorandum on a Forgery in Spain (December 19, 1932) 181

The International Preconference (January 15, 1933) 183

A Possible Lecture Tour (February 1, 1933) 185

Greetings to the German Bolshevik-Leninists

(February 2, 1933) 186

A Possible Visa for France (February 8, 1933) 187

Reply to an Invitation (February 15, 1933) 188

What Is Happening in Germany? (February 22, 1933) 189

The Struggle in the CLA (February 27, 1933) 193

The Situation in Germany (March 2, 1933) 203

A Personal Letter on the CLA (March 7, 1933) 212

Don't Forget We Have an International Organization

(March 8, 1933) 213

In These Uncertain Times (March 8, 1933) 215

To the National Council of Labour Colleges

(March 10, 1933) 216

Advice for the CLA Minority (March 14, 1933) 217

The German Decision Against a New Party

(March 19, 1933) 218

A Congress Against Fascism (March 23, 1933) 219

Complaints to the IS (March 28, 1933) 221

We Must Have a Discussion on Germany (April 3, 1933) 223

Tasks of the Coming Plenum (April 12, 1933) 225

Errors of the Spanish Leaders (April 12, 1933) 229

Intellectuals Regrouping (April 13, 1933) 231

A Magnificent School (April 14, 1933) 232

Circulating an Illegal Paper (April 18, 1933) 234

The Discussion on Germany (April 21, 1933) 235

A Nucleus Outside (April 27, 1933) 236

Recommendations 􀃚o the IS (April 29, 1933) 237

A French Visa and an Essay on Herriot (April 30, 1933) 240

A Warning and a Criticism (May 1, 1933) 241

Tact, Caution, and Flexibility (May 8, 1933) 242

Paralyzed Financially (May 11, 1933) 244

Problems with a Publisher (May 14, 1933) 245

Suggestions for the Congress (May 26, 1933) 247

What I Would Do in France (May 31, 1933) 249

Fraction Work in the Social Democracy (Summer 1933) 250

Interview by Alice Hughes (July 4, 1933) 251

Restructuring the IS (July 5, 1933) 253

Southern France and Corsica (July 7, 1933) 254

Dangers Threatening the CLA (July 10, 1933) 256

New Questions Will Produce New Alignments

(July 12, 1933) 257

France (1933-35)

Full-Time Staff (July 30, 1933) 259

A Decisive Turn Is Necessary and Urgent

(July 31, 1933) 260

Barbusse's Cynicism (July 31, 1933) 261

A Plenum is Needed to Deal with the Paris Conference

(August 7, 1933) 262

Remarks on the French League's Theses (August 8, 1933) 266

Moving to France (August 11, 1933) 268

Documents for the Conference (August 12, 1933) 273

To J aco b Walcher on the Declaration of Four

(August 21, 1933) 274

Reassuring the Polish Section (August 22, 1933) 275

The ILP and the British Section (August 22, 1933) 276

Information for the U.S. (August 22, 1933) 277

Building a New International and the United Front Policy

(August 24, 1933) 279

"As It Is" and "As It Should Be" (August 26, 1933) 281

A Discussion with Pierre Rimbert (September 2, 1933) 283

After Talks with Fritz Sternberg (September 4, 1933) 289

Roosevelt's Experiment and Workers' Control

(September 6, 1933) 291

Planned Economy in the USSR: Success or Failure?

(September 7, 1933) 292

Soliciting Suggestions (September 9, 1933) 299

Trouble in the French Section (September 11, 1933) 300

In Defense of the IS (September 18, 1933) 301

Trade Union Problems in America (September 23, 1933) 303

Attempts to Revive the Control Commission's Corpse

(September 27, 1933) 305

Proposed Statutes for the Plenum of the IS

(September 27, 1933) 306

Comrade Witte's Violations of Bolshevik Organizational

Principles (September 28, 1933) 308

Lozovsky, Strategist of the Proletarian Revolution

(Published October 1933) 311

On the Projected Youth Conference (October 6, 1933) 313

Respect for Political Logic (November 2, 1933) 316

Man's Fate Is a True Work of Art (November 9, 1933) 317

Answers to Questions from New York

(November 13, 1933) 318

Comments on the Active-Socialist Front

(November 13, 1933) 320

Mter the British Municipal Elections

(November 14, 1933) 323

Minutes of the ICL Plenum (November 18-19, 1933) 324

Youth Conference Plans (November 21, 1933) 332

On Calling for Soviets in Cuba (November 21, 1933) 333

For United Action Against Fascism (November 22, 1933) 334

Bad News About the CLA (November 25, 1933) 336

Intervening in the SP (November 26, 1933) 337

Preface and Postscript, Abridged Edition of Ma Vie

(December 4, 1933) 339

Minutes, the Conference of Four of December 30, 1933 343

Notes 354

Partial Contents of the 12-Volume Writings of

Leon Trotsky (1929-40) 415

Index 423

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