英语流利说 Level3 Unit3 Part2 - Life

2019-04-29  本文已影响0人  karen_ffda

Life and the Universe生命与宇宙

Do you ever look up at the sky and think about life and universe? 你曾经仰望天空,思考生命和宇宙吗?

I did when I was a kid. 我小时候就是这么做的。

But I don’t do that very much anymore. 但我现在不常这么做了。

Why do you ask?你为什么这么问?

Sometimes I feel like I'm lost in day-to-day details. 有时我觉得自己迷失在日常琐事中。

Then when I look up at the sky, I see the big picture.然后当我仰望天空,我看到了大的画面。

I appreciate things more, even the little things.我更欣赏事物,即使是小事情。

You sound like a philosopher or a poet. 你听起来像个哲学家或诗人。

I felt like that too when I was a kid.我小时候也有这种感觉。

Don’t you feel like that anymore?你不再有那种感觉了吗?

No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。

In fact, I try not to. 事实上,我尽量不这么做。

When I think about things too deeply, I get depressed. 当我想得太深时,我就会感到沮丧。

It’s even a bit frightening.甚至有点吓人。

Really? For me, it’s just the opposite. 真的吗?对我来说,恰恰相反。

Everything seems like a wonderfulmiracle.一切似乎都是一个奇妙的奇迹。

Doesn’t that frighten you a bit? 你不觉得有点害怕吗?

The universe is so large and we are so small.宇宙那么大,我们又那么小。

What I realize is how little we understand. 我意识到我们了解的太少了。

We just need to appreciate our lives and not get lost.我们只是需要珍惜我们的生活,而不是迷失。

Sometimes being lost isn’t so bad. 有时候迷路并不是那么糟糕。

Do you the expression,ignorance is bliss?你说过,无知是福吗?

Sure, I’ve heard it many times. 当然,我已经听过很多次了。

To be ignorant is to be happy.无知就是幸福。

Maybe it’s true. 也许这是真的。

Maybe it’s best not to think or know too much.也许最好不要想太多或知道太多。

No, that’s not for me. 不,那不适合我。

I wanna (want to)understand as much as possible. 我想尽可能多地了解。

That’s why I became a scientist.这就是我成为一名科学家的原因

Well, I respect your choice, but it’s not for me. 我尊重你的选择,但这不是给我的。

If understanding is painful, I’d rather not understand如果理解是痛苦的,我宁愿不理解

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