
2018-02-06  本文已影响0人  a39677f69f30

CYBEX 开发进展

· 与硬件开发团队合作,确定CYBEX转账交易的数据结构,硬件团队开始编写私钥生成与签名逻辑。CYBEX 的硬件签名方案中,已避免新近爆出有关Ledger钱包在与客户端通讯过程中可能存在的签名交易篡改漏洞。

· 完成与ICOAPE通讯模块开发与初步联调。ICOAPE作为CYBEX的合作平台,负责记录优惠码用户信息,并调用CYBEX网关服务确认CYBEX账户与ICOAPE账户的关联关系,并在未来的正式链上发放CYB给相应用户。目前所需功能基本完成开发。

· 为进行CYBEX公测链模拟盘比赛,交易所和官网页面增加了部分活动用提示,并创建了用于收集和跟踪参赛用户反馈的Github项目。为增加比赛真实性,扩展了之前的交易喂价脚本和游戏币发行脚本。

CYBEX 运营进展

· 以区块链教育和为区块链正能量发声的“链向未来,携手并肩亚太区块链领袖未来行“成都站在2月3日顺利举行.CYBEX CMO Big.Joe 作为特邀嘉宾出席会议。在会议上就去中心化交易所在保障资产方面的安全性和可靠性发表的精彩演讲。

· 2月1日CYBEX团队正式入驻位于东京六本木的Longhash区块链孵化中心。Longhash是一个专注于区块链和加密货币的安全生态系统,它的线上线下平台包括了媒体、数据分析和世界各地的孵化器。Longhash为区块链创业公司提供可全面的支持。

· 为了让用户对CYBEX Exchange有着更好的体验,CYBEX 团队特此推出了 【赛贝投资大赛】,在CYBEX正式上线前,让用户在体验交易的过程中,也为我们提出更多宝贵的建议。活动设置高额奖金,旨在调动用户参与的积极性。活动发出后,短短两天里,就有两千多注册账户,反响热烈。



For English, please refer to below passage.

CYBEX Development Updates

·Cooperated with hardware developers to define data structure of CYBEX transfer. The hardware team has started programing of private key generation and signature logic. CYBEX's hardware signature program has already avoided the potential bug of signed trade tampering that the Ledger Wallet may have during client communications.

·Completed development and initial interworking with ICOAPE communication module. ICOAPE is an ecosystem partner of CYBEX, which has recorded information of users with discount codes and called CYBEX gateway service to confirm the linking status between CYBEX account and ICOAPE account, so as to send CYB tokens to those users on the main chain in the future. So far, the basic development of related functions is completed.

·To conduct the simulated trading campaign during CYBEX public test, added some related prompt messages on the pages of exchange and its official website, and established the Github program to collect and track feedbacks from participating users. In order to increase the authenticity of the campaign, expanded the trade price feeding script and game coin issuance script.

CYBEX Operation Updates

·On February 3, the event centered on blockchain education and positive impact of the industry, featuring the topic of The future of blockchain, working hand in hand with great leaders in Asia-pacific blockchain industry, was successfully held in Chengdu. At this time, CYBEX CMO, Big.Joe, was invited as guest to attend the meeting. During the meeting, Joe delivered excellent speech on the security and reliability of decentralized exchanges in asset protection.

·On February 1, CYBEX team officially joined the Longhash Blockchain Incubator in Roppongi, Tokyo. Longhash aims to build an ecosystem focused on the security of blockchain and crypto-currency. Its online and offline platform includes media, data analysis and incubators around the world. Longhash can offer turnkey support for blockchain startups.

·To bring better user experience of CYBEX, the team launched CYBEX Investment Competition. We hope users can give us more feedbacks during the test before CYBEX goes online officially. In order to achieve great mobility of users, the team will offer high awards for participants that meet requirements. After the event was launched, there were over 2000 newly registered accounts in just 2 days, showing a great impact in the community.

As always, the CYBEX team will publish its development progress periodically, and we look forward to hearing from you!


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