

2022-06-11  本文已影响0人  Hayley笔记


  • CellphoneDB:是公开的人工校正的,储存受体、配体以及两种相互作用的数据库。此外,还考虑了结构组成,能够描述异构复合物。(配体-受体+多聚体)
  • iTALK:通过平均表达量方式,筛选高表达的胚体和受体,根据结果作圈图。(配体-受体)
  • CellChat:CellChat将细胞的基因表达数据作为输入,并结合配体受体及其辅助因子的相互作用来模拟细胞间通讯。(配体-受体+多聚体+辅因子)
  • NicheNet/NicheNet多样本分析:通过将相互作用细胞的表达数据与信号和基因调控网络的先验知识相结合来预测相互作用细胞之间的配体-靶标联系的方法。( 配体-受体+信号通路)



0. 读入expression data of interest, NicheNet ligand-receptor networkligand-target matrix


library(Seurat) #


seurat_obj = readRDS(url("https://zenodo.org/record/4675430/files/seurat_obj_hnscc.rds"))
p1=DimPlot(seurat_obj, group.by = "celltype") # user adaptation required on own dataset
p2=DimPlot(seurat_obj, group.by = "pEMT") # user adaptation required on own dataset
table(seurat_obj@meta.data$celltype, seurat_obj@meta.data$pEMT)
#                 High  Low
#  CAF            396  104
#  Endothelial    105   53
#  Malignant     1093  549
#  Myeloid         92    7
#  myofibroblast  382   61
#  T.cell         689    3


seurat_obj@meta.data$celltype_aggregate = paste(seurat_obj@meta.data$celltype, seurat_obj@meta.data$pEMT,sep = "_") # user adaptation required on own dataset
DimPlot(seurat_obj, group.by = "celltype_aggregate")
seurat_obj@meta.data$celltype_aggregate %>% table() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
## .
##     Malignant_High        T.cell_High      Malignant_Low           CAF_High myofibroblast_High   Endothelial_High 
##               1093                689                549                396                382                105 
##            CAF_Low       Myeloid_High  myofibroblast_Low    Endothelial_Low        Myeloid_Low         T.cell_Low 
##                104                 92                 61                 53                  7                  3
celltype_id = "celltype_aggregate" # metadata column name of the cell type of interest
seurat_obj = SetIdent(seurat_obj, value = seurat_obj[[celltype_id]])


ligand_target_matrix = readRDS(url("https://zenodo.org/record/3260758/files/ligand_target_matrix.rds"))
ligand_target_matrix[1:5,1:5] # target genes in rows, ligands in columns
##                 CXCL1        CXCL2        CXCL3        CXCL5         PPBP
## A1BG     3.534343e-04 4.041324e-04 3.729920e-04 3.080640e-04 2.628388e-04
## A1BG-AS1 1.650894e-04 1.509213e-04 1.583594e-04 1.317253e-04 1.231819e-04
## A1CF     5.787175e-04 4.596295e-04 3.895907e-04 3.293275e-04 3.211944e-04
## A2M      6.027058e-04 5.996617e-04 5.164365e-04 4.517236e-04 4.590521e-04
## A2M-AS1  8.898724e-05 8.243341e-05 7.484018e-05 4.912514e-05 5.120439e-05
lr_network = readRDS(url("https://zenodo.org/record/3260758/files/lr_network.rds"))
lr_network = lr_network %>% mutate(bonafide = ! database %in% c("ppi_prediction","ppi_prediction_go"))
lr_network = lr_network %>% dplyr::rename(ligand = from, receptor = to) %>% distinct(ligand, receptor, bonafide)

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   ligand receptor bonafide
##   <chr>  <chr>    <lgl>   
## 1 CXCL1  CXCR2    TRUE    
## 2 CXCL2  CXCR2    TRUE    
## 3 CXCL3  CXCR2    TRUE    
## 4 CXCL5  CXCR2    TRUE    
## 5 PPBP   CXCR2    TRUE    
## 6 CXCL6  CXCR2    TRUE


# 10629  1390 


organism = "human" # user adaptation required on own dataset
if(organism == "mouse"){
  lr_network = lr_network %>% mutate(ligand = convert_human_to_mouse_symbols(ligand), receptor = convert_human_to_mouse_symbols(receptor)) %>% drop_na()

  colnames(ligand_target_matrix) = ligand_target_matrix %>% colnames() %>% convert_human_to_mouse_symbols()
  rownames(ligand_target_matrix) = ligand_target_matrix %>% rownames() %>% convert_human_to_mouse_symbols()
  ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix %>% .[!is.na(rownames(ligand_target_matrix)), !is.na(colnames(ligand_target_matrix))]
1. Define the niches/microenvironments of interest

在这个演示数据集中,我们想要去查看pEMT high和pEMT low的肿瘤组织中免疫细胞对肿瘤细胞的作用差异。因此“Malignant_High”和“Malignant_Low”被定义为“receiver/target”细胞群,其它细胞被定义为“sender/niche”细胞群。注意:T.Cell和Myeloid细胞只有在pEMT-High样本中才被定义为sender,因为pEMT-low样本中这两类细胞数目太少了。

! Important: your receiver cell type should consist of 1 cluster!

niches = list(
  "pEMT_High_niche" = list(
    "sender" = c("myofibroblast_High", "Endothelial_High", "CAF_High", "T.cell_High", "Myeloid_High"),
    "receiver" = c("Malignant_High")),
  "pEMT_Low_niche" = list(
    "sender" = c("myofibroblast_Low",  "Endothelial_Low", "CAF_Low"),
    "receiver" = c("Malignant_Low"))
  ) # user adaptation required on own dataset
2. Calculate differential expression between the niches

In this step, we will determine DE between the different niches for both senders and receivers to define the DE of L-R pairs.


计算差异基因的方法默认是Seurat Wilcoxon test(也可以使用其它方法)。

assay_oi = "SCT" # other possibilities: RNA,...
DE_sender = calculate_niche_de(seurat_obj = seurat_obj %>% subset(features = lr_network$ligand %>% unique()), niches = niches, type = "sender", assay_oi = assay_oi) # only ligands important for sender cell types
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_High and myofibroblast_Low"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_High and Endothelial_Low"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_High and CAF_Low"          
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_High and myofibroblast_Low"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_High and Endothelial_Low"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_High and CAF_Low"          
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_High and myofibroblast_Low" 
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_High and Endothelial_Low"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_High and CAF_Low"          
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: T.cell_High and myofibroblast_Low"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: T.cell_High and Endothelial_Low"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: T.cell_High and CAF_Low"          
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: Myeloid_High and myofibroblast_Low"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: Myeloid_High and Endothelial_Low"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: Myeloid_High and CAF_Low"          
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_Low and myofibroblast_High"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_Low and Endothelial_High"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_Low and CAF_High"          
## [4] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_Low and T.cell_High"       
## [5] "Calculate Sender DE between: myofibroblast_Low and Myeloid_High"      
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_Low and myofibroblast_High"
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_Low and Endothelial_High"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_Low and CAF_High"          
## [4] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_Low and T.cell_High"       
## [5] "Calculate Sender DE between: Endothelial_Low and Myeloid_High"      
## [1] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_Low and myofibroblast_High" 
## [2] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_Low and Endothelial_High"  
## [3] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_Low and CAF_High"           
## [4] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_Low and T.cell_High"       
## [5] "Calculate Sender DE between: CAF_Low and Myeloid_High"
DE_receiver = calculate_niche_de(seurat_obj = seurat_obj %>% subset(features = lr_network$receptor %>% unique()), niches = niches, type = "receiver", assay_oi = assay_oi) # only receptors now, later on: DE analysis to find targets
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   receiver       receiver_other_niche
##   <chr>          <chr>               
## 1 Malignant_High Malignant_Low       
## [1] "Calculate receiver DE between: Malignant_High and Malignant_Low"
## [1] "Calculate receiver DE between: Malignant_Low and Malignant_High"

可以看到,它是先计算了Sender:high的5种sender细胞分别和low的3中sender细胞的Sender DE,又反过来计算了low的3中sender细胞分别和high的5种sender细胞的DE。




expression_pct = 0.10
DE_sender_processed = process_niche_de(DE_table = DE_sender, niches = niches, expression_pct = expression_pct, type = "sender")
DE_receiver_processed = process_niche_de(DE_table = DE_receiver, niches = niches, expression_pct = expression_pct, type = "receiver")
Combine sender-receiver DE based on L-R pairs:

如前所述,来自一种sender细胞的差异表达的配体是通过计算该样品这种sender细胞和另一样品中所有sender细胞得到的。因此我们有多种方法总结得到细胞类型的差异表达配体。我们可以使用average LFC,也可以使用minimum LFC。但是更推荐使用minimum LFC。因为它是评估配体表达的最强的特异性指标,因为高的min LFC意味着和niche 2中的所有细胞类型相比,这个配体在niche 1的这个细胞类型中表达更强(如果使用average LFC,则不能排除niche 2中一种或多种细胞也很强的表达这个配体)。

specificity_score_LR_pairs = "min_lfc"
DE_sender_receiver = combine_sender_receiver_de(DE_sender_processed, DE_receiver_processed, lr_network, specificity_score = specificity_score_LR_pairs)


3. 计算空间互作差异(可选)


include_spatial_info_sender = TRUE # if not spatial info to include: put this to false # user adaptation required on own dataset
include_spatial_info_receiver = FALSE # if spatial info to include: put this to true # user adaptation required on own dataset
spatial_info = tibble(celltype_region_oi = "CAF_High", celltype_other_region = "myofibroblast_High", niche =  "pEMT_High_niche", celltype_type = "sender") # user adaptation required on own dataset
specificity_score_spatial = "lfc"
# this is how this should be defined if you don't have spatial info
# mock spatial info
if(include_spatial_info_sender == FALSE & include_spatial_info_receiver == FALSE){
    spatial_info = tibble(celltype_region_oi = NA, celltype_other_region = NA) %>% mutate(niche =  niches %>% names() %>% head(1), celltype_type = "sender")
if(include_spatial_info_sender == TRUE){
  sender_spatial_DE = calculate_spatial_DE(seurat_obj = seurat_obj %>% subset(features = lr_network$ligand %>% unique()), spatial_info = spatial_info %>% filter(celltype_type == "sender"))
  sender_spatial_DE_processed = process_spatial_de(DE_table = sender_spatial_DE, type = "sender", lr_network = lr_network, expression_pct = expression_pct, specificity_score = specificity_score_spatial)

  # add a neutral spatial score for sender celltypes in which the spatial is not known / not of importance
  sender_spatial_DE_others = get_non_spatial_de(niches = niches, spatial_info = spatial_info, type = "sender", lr_network = lr_network)
  sender_spatial_DE_processed = sender_spatial_DE_processed %>% bind_rows(sender_spatial_DE_others)

  sender_spatial_DE_processed = sender_spatial_DE_processed %>% mutate(scaled_ligand_score_spatial = scale_quantile_adapted(ligand_score_spatial))

} else {
  # # add a neutral spatial score for all sender celltypes (for none of them, spatial is relevant in this case)
  sender_spatial_DE_processed = get_non_spatial_de(niches = niches, spatial_info = spatial_info, type = "sender", lr_network = lr_network)
  sender_spatial_DE_processed = sender_spatial_DE_processed %>% mutate(scaled_ligand_score_spatial = scale_quantile_adapted(ligand_score_spatial))  

## [1] "Calculate Spatial DE between: CAF_High and myofibroblast_High"
if(include_spatial_info_receiver == TRUE){
  receiver_spatial_DE = calculate_spatial_DE(seurat_obj = seurat_obj %>% subset(features = lr_network$receptor %>% unique()), spatial_info = spatial_info %>% filter(celltype_type == "receiver"))
  receiver_spatial_DE_processed = process_spatial_de(DE_table = receiver_spatial_DE, type = "receiver", lr_network = lr_network, expression_pct = expression_pct, specificity_score = specificity_score_spatial)

  # add a neutral spatial score for receiver celltypes in which the spatial is not known / not of importance
  receiver_spatial_DE_others = get_non_spatial_de(niches = niches, spatial_info = spatial_info, type = "receiver", lr_network = lr_network)
  receiver_spatial_DE_processed = receiver_spatial_DE_processed %>% bind_rows(receiver_spatial_DE_others)

  receiver_spatial_DE_processed = receiver_spatial_DE_processed %>% mutate(scaled_receptor_score_spatial = scale_quantile_adapted(receptor_score_spatial))

} else {
    # # add a neutral spatial score for all receiver celltypes (for none of them, spatial is relevant in this case)
  receiver_spatial_DE_processed = get_non_spatial_de(niches = niches, spatial_info = spatial_info, type = "receiver", lr_network = lr_network)
  receiver_spatial_DE_processed = receiver_spatial_DE_processed %>% mutate(scaled_receptor_score_spatial = scale_quantile_adapted(receptor_score_spatial))
4. 计算配体活性,推断active ligand-target links


lfc_cutoff = 0.15 # recommended for 10x as min_lfc cutoff. 
specificity_score_targets = "min_lfc"

DE_receiver_targets = calculate_niche_de_targets(seurat_obj = seurat_obj, niches = niches, lfc_cutoff = lfc_cutoff, expression_pct = expression_pct, assay_oi = assay_oi) 
## [1] "Calculate receiver DE between: Malignant_High and Malignant_Low"
## [1] "Calculate receiver DE between: Malignant_Low and Malignant_High"
DE_receiver_processed_targets = process_receiver_target_de(DE_receiver_targets = DE_receiver_targets, niches = niches, expression_pct = expression_pct, specificity_score = specificity_score_targets)

background = DE_receiver_processed_targets  %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
geneset_niche1 = DE_receiver_processed_targets %>% filter(receiver == niches[[1]]$receiver & target_score >= lfc_cutoff & target_significant == 1 & target_present == 1) %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
geneset_niche2 = DE_receiver_processed_targets %>% filter(receiver == niches[[2]]$receiver & target_score >= lfc_cutoff & target_significant == 1 & target_present == 1) %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
# Good idea to check which genes will be left out of the ligand activity analysis (=when not present in the rownames of the ligand-target matrix).
# If many genes are left out, this might point to some issue in the gene naming (eg gene aliases and old gene symbols, bad human-mouse mapping)
geneset_niche1 %>% setdiff(rownames(ligand_target_matrix))
##  [1] "ANXA8L2"       "PRKCDBP"       "IL8"           "PTRF"          "SEPP1"         "C1orf186"      "CCDC109B"     
##  [8] "C10orf54"      "LEPREL1"       "ZNF812"        "LOC645638"     "LOC401397"     "LINC00162"     "DFNA5"        
## [15] "PLK1S1"        "ZMYM6NB"       "C19orf10"      "CTSL1"         "SQRDL"         "LOC375295"     "WBP5"         
## [22] "LOC100505633"  "AIM1"          "C1orf63"       "LOC100507463"  "GPR115"        "VIMP"          "SEP15"        
## [29] "C1orf172"      "NAPRT1"        "LHFP"          "KRT16P1"       "C7orf10"       "PTPLA"         "GRAMD3"       
## [36] "CPSF3L"        "MESDC2"        "C10orf10"      "KIAA1609"      "CCDC53"        "TXLNG2P"       "NGFRAP1"      
## [43] "ERO1L"         "FAM134A"       "LSMD1"         "TCEB2"         "B3GALTL"       "HN1L"          "LOC550643"    
## [50] "KIAA0922"      "GLT25D1"       "FAM127A"       "C1orf151-NBL1" "SEPW1"         "GPR126"        "LOC100505806" 
## [57] "LINC00478"     "TCEB1"         "GRAMD2"        "GNB2L1"        "KIRREL"
geneset_niche2 %>% setdiff(rownames(ligand_target_matrix))
##   [1] "LOC344887"    "AGPAT9"       "C1orf110"     "KIAA1467"     "LOC100292680" "EPT1"         "CT45A4"       "LOC654433"   
##   [9] "UPK3BL"       "LINC00340"    "LOC100128338" "FAM60A"       "CCDC144C"     "LOC401109"    "LOC286467"    "LEPREL4"     
##  [17] "LOC731275"    "LOC642236"    "LINC00516"    "LOC101101776" "SC5DL"        "PVRL4"        "LOC100130093" "LINC00338"   
##  [25] "LOC100132891" "PPAP2C"       "C6orf1"       "C2orf47"      "WHSC1L1"      "LOC100289019" "SETD8"        "KDM5B-AS1"   
##  [33] "SPG20"        "CXCR7"        "LOC100216479" "LOC100505761" "MGC57346"     "LPHN3"        "CENPC1"       "C11orf93"    
##  [41] "C14orf169"    "LOC100506060" "FLJ31485"     "LOC440905"    "MLF1IP"       "TMEM194A"     "RRP7B"        "REXO1L1"     
##  [49] "LOC100129269" "KIAA1715"     "CTAGE5"       "LOC202781"    "LOC100506714" "LOC401164"    "UTS2D"        "LOC146880"   
##  [57] "KIAA1804"     "C5orf55"      "C21orf119"    "PRUNE"        "LRRC16A"      "LOC339240"    "FLJ35024"     "C5orf28"     
##  [65] "LOC100505876" "MGC21881"     "LOC100133985" "PPAPDC2"      "FRG1B"        "CECR5"        "LOC100129361" "CCBL1"       
##  [73] "PTPLAD1"      "MST4"         "LOC550112"    "LOC389791"    "CCDC90A"      "KIAA0195"     "LOC100506469" "LOC100133161"
##  [81] "LOC646719"    "LOC728819"    "BRE"          "LOC284581"    "LOC441081"    "LOC728377"    "LOC100134229" "C3orf65"     
##  [89] "SMEK2"        "KIAA1737"     "C17orf70"     "PLEKHM1P"     "LOC338758"    "PCNXL2"       "LOC91948"     "C17orf89"    
##  [97] "LOC100505783" "SMCR7L"       "C8orf4"       "GPR56"        "ATHL1"        "LOC339535"    "PPAPDC1B"     "DAK"         
## [105] "LOC100507173" "CRHR1-IT1"    "PPAP2B"       "ADCK4"        "KIAA0146"     "GYLTL1B"      "LOC100272216" "LOC400027"   
## [113] "WHSC1"        "LOC100130855" "C7orf55"      "C19orf40"     "ADCK3"        "C9orf142"     "SGOL1"        "LOC90834"    
## [121] "PTPLAD2"      "KIAA1967"     "LOC100132352" "LOC100630918" "ADRBK2"       "LINC00263"    "FAM64A"       "LOC401074"   
## [129] "FAM179B"      "RP1-177G6.2"  "METTL21D"     "ERO1LB"       "FLJ45445"     "NADKD1"       "LOC100506233" "LOC100652772"
## [137] "FAM175A"      "LINC00630"    "C11orf82"     "SETD5-AS1"    "SGK196"       "FLJ14186"     "CCDC104"      "FAM63A"      
## [145] "NARG2"        "MTERFD1"      "CCDC74B-AS1"  "LOC286186"    "WDR67"        "C12orf52"     "FLJ30403"     "KIAA2018"    
## [153] "GCN1L1"       "FLJ43681"     "LOC152217"    "FONG"         "C18orf8"      "ALG1L9P"      "GTDC2"        "LOC100507217"
## [161] "NBPF24"       "WBSCR27"      "C14orf1"      "LOC284889"    "KIAA0317"     "FAM65A"       "PMS2L2"       "LUST"        
## [169] "C15orf52"     "FAM195A"      "LOC399744"    "PYCRL"        "LOC338799"    "LOC100506190" "C9orf91"      "FLJ45340"    
## [177] "LOC349196"    "LOC100128881" "TOMM70A"      "ALS2CR8"      "LDOC1L"       "HDGFRP3"      "ZNF767"       "LOC728558"   
## [185] "LOC283693"    "LEPREL2"      "QTRTD1"       "SELM"         "C6orf25"      "C1orf86"      "HNRPLL"       "LOC145820"   
## [193] "LOC100289341" "C17orf85"     "C3orf72"      "C14orf64"     "C9orf9"       "LOC100506394"

## [1] 1668
## [1] 2889

在这个演示数据中,我们使用的是Smart-seq2的数据,而且只有比较了2个niches,所以我们使用高LFC阈值以得到更少的DE基因(更高的阈值得到的DE基因 更少,可信度更高)。

lfc_cutoff = 0.75 

specificity_score_targets = "min_lfc"

DE_receiver_processed_targets = process_receiver_target_de(DE_receiver_targets = DE_receiver_targets, niches = niches, expression_pct = expression_pct, specificity_score = specificity_score_targets)
background = DE_receiver_processed_targets  %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
geneset_niche1 = DE_receiver_processed_targets %>% filter(receiver == niches[[1]]$receiver & target_score >= lfc_cutoff & target_significant == 1 & target_present == 1) %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
geneset_niche2 = DE_receiver_processed_targets %>% filter(receiver == niches[[2]]$receiver & target_score >= lfc_cutoff & target_significant == 1 & target_present == 1) %>% pull(target) %>% unique()
# Good idea to check which genes will be left out of the ligand activity analysis (=when not present in the rownames of the ligand-target matrix).
# If many genes are left out, this might point to some issue in the gene naming (eg gene aliases and old gene symbols, bad human-mouse mapping)
geneset_niche1 %>% setdiff(rownames(ligand_target_matrix))
## [1] "ANXA8L2"  "PRKCDBP"  "IL8"      "PTRF"     "SEPP1"    "C1orf186"
geneset_niche2 %>% setdiff(rownames(ligand_target_matrix))
## [1] "LOC344887"    "AGPAT9"       "C1orf110"     "KIAA1467"     "LOC100292680" "EPT1"         "CT45A4"

## [1] 169
## [1] 136
top_n_target = 250

niche_geneset_list = list(
  "pEMT_High_niche" = list(
    "receiver" = niches[[1]]$receiver,
    "geneset" = geneset_niche1,
    "background" = background),
  "pEMT_Low_niche" = list(
    "receiver" = niches[[2]]$receiver,
    "geneset" = geneset_niche2 ,
    "background" = background)
ligand_activities_targets = get_ligand_activities_targets(niche_geneset_list = niche_geneset_list, ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix, top_n_target = top_n_target)
## [1] "Calculate Ligand activities for: Malignant_High"
## [1] "Calculate Ligand activities for: Malignant_Low"
5. Calculate (scaled) expression of ligands, receptors and targets across cell types of interest (log expression values and expression fractions)


features_oi = union(lr_network$ligand, lr_network$receptor) %>% union(ligand_activities_targets$target) %>% setdiff(NA)
dotplot = suppressWarnings(Seurat::DotPlot(seurat_obj %>% subset(idents = niches %>% unlist() %>% unique()), features = features_oi, assay = assay_oi))
exprs_tbl = dotplot$data %>% as_tibble()
exprs_tbl = exprs_tbl %>% rename(celltype = id, gene = features.plot, expression = avg.exp, expression_scaled = avg.exp.scaled, fraction = pct.exp) %>%
    mutate(fraction = fraction/100) %>% as_tibble() %>% select(celltype, gene, expression, expression_scaled, fraction) %>% distinct() %>% arrange(gene) %>% mutate(gene = as.character(gene))
exprs_tbl_ligand = exprs_tbl %>% filter(gene %in% lr_network$ligand) %>% rename(sender = celltype, ligand = gene, ligand_expression = expression, ligand_expression_scaled = expression_scaled, ligand_fraction = fraction) 
exprs_tbl_receptor = exprs_tbl %>% filter(gene %in% lr_network$receptor) %>% rename(receiver = celltype, receptor = gene, receptor_expression = expression, receptor_expression_scaled = expression_scaled, receptor_fraction = fraction)
exprs_tbl_target = exprs_tbl %>% filter(gene %in% ligand_activities_targets$target) %>% rename(receiver = celltype, target = gene, target_expression = expression, target_expression_scaled = expression_scaled, target_fraction = fraction)
exprs_tbl_ligand = exprs_tbl_ligand %>%  mutate(scaled_ligand_expression_scaled = scale_quantile_adapted(ligand_expression_scaled)) %>% mutate(ligand_fraction_adapted = ligand_fraction) %>% mutate_cond(ligand_fraction >= expression_pct, ligand_fraction_adapted = expression_pct)  %>% mutate(scaled_ligand_fraction_adapted = scale_quantile_adapted(ligand_fraction_adapted))

exprs_tbl_receptor = exprs_tbl_receptor %>% mutate(scaled_receptor_expression_scaled = scale_quantile_adapted(receptor_expression_scaled))  %>% mutate(receptor_fraction_adapted = receptor_fraction) %>% mutate_cond(receptor_fraction >= expression_pct, receptor_fraction_adapted = expression_pct)  %>% mutate(scaled_receptor_fraction_adapted = scale_quantile_adapted(receptor_fraction_adapted))

这一步得到了ligand, receptor和target的表达表。以exprs_tbl_ligand为例,每个表中都有ligand/ receptor/ target的细胞类型,表达量和在细胞中的表达百分比。

6. Expression fraction and receptor

在这一步中,我们将会基于受体表达强度计算配体-受体互作,对各细胞类型里各配体的受体进行打分,表达最强的受体将被给予最高的评分。这不会影响随后对单个配体的排序,但是将会帮助我们对每个配体最重要的受体进行排序。(next to other factors regarding the receptor - see later).

exprs_sender_receiver = lr_network %>% 
  inner_join(exprs_tbl_ligand, by = c("ligand")) %>% 
  inner_join(exprs_tbl_receptor, by = c("receptor")) %>% inner_join(DE_sender_receiver %>% distinct(niche, sender, receiver))
ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction_df = exprs_sender_receiver %>% group_by(ligand, receiver) %>% mutate(rank_receptor_expression = dense_rank(receptor_expression), rank_receptor_fraction  = dense_rank(receptor_fraction)) %>% mutate(ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction = 0.5*( (rank_receptor_fraction / max(rank_receptor_fraction)) + ((rank_receptor_expression / max(rank_receptor_expression))) ) )  %>% distinct(ligand, receptor, receiver, ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction, bonafide) %>% distinct() %>% ungroup() 
7. Prioritization of ligand-receptor and ligand-target links

在这一步中,我们将会结合上面所有的计算结果来对ligand-receptor-target直接的links进行排序。We scale every property of interest between 0 and 1, and the final prioritization score is a weighted sum of the scaled scores of all the properties of interest.

We provide the user the option to consider the following properties for prioritization (of which the weights are defined in prioritizing_weights) :

prioritizing_weights = c("scaled_ligand_score" = 5,
                         "scaled_ligand_expression_scaled" = 1,
                         "ligand_fraction" = 1,
                         "scaled_ligand_score_spatial" = 2, 
                         "scaled_receptor_score" = 0.5,
                         "scaled_receptor_expression_scaled" = 0.5,
                          "receptor_fraction" = 1, 
                         "ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction" = 1,
                         "scaled_receptor_score_spatial" = 0,
                         "scaled_activity" = 0,
                         "scaled_activity_normalized" = 1,
                         "bona_fide" = 1)

Note: these settings will give substantially more weight to DE ligand-receptor pairs compared to activity. Users can change this if wanted, just like other settings can be changed if that would be better to tackle the specific biological question you want to address.

output = list(DE_sender_receiver = DE_sender_receiver, ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction_df = ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction_df, sender_spatial_DE_processed = sender_spatial_DE_processed, receiver_spatial_DE_processed = receiver_spatial_DE_processed,
         ligand_activities_targets = ligand_activities_targets, DE_receiver_processed_targets = DE_receiver_processed_targets, exprs_tbl_ligand = exprs_tbl_ligand,  exprs_tbl_receptor = exprs_tbl_receptor, exprs_tbl_target = exprs_tbl_target)
prioritization_tables = get_prioritization_tables(output, prioritizing_weights)

prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(receiver == niches[[1]]$receiver) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 37
##    niche   receiver  sender ligand_receptor ligand receptor bonafide ligand_score ligand_signific~ ligand_present ligand_expressi~
##    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>           <chr>  <chr>    <lgl>           <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--MET      PTPRC  MET      FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
##  2 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--EGFR     PTPRC  EGFR     FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
##  3 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--CD44     PTPRC  CD44     FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
##  4 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--ERBB2    PTPRC  ERBB2    FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
##  5 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--IFNAR1   PTPRC  IFNAR1   FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
##  6 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ TNF--TNFRSF21   TNF    TNFRSF21 TRUE             1.74                1              1             2.34
##  7 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ Myelo~ SERPINA1--LRP1  SERPI~ LRP1     TRUE             2.52                1              1             4.83
##  8 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ Myelo~ IL1B--IL1RAP    IL1B   IL1RAP   TRUE             1.50                1              1             1.93
##  9 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ Myelo~ IL1RN--IL1R2    IL1RN  IL1R2    TRUE             1.62                1              1             2.07
## 10 pEMT_H~ Malignan~ T.cel~ PTPRC--INSR     PTPRC  INSR     FALSE            3.22                1              1             9.32
## # ... with 26 more variables: ligand_expression_scaled <dbl>, ligand_fraction <dbl>, ligand_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   receptor_score <dbl>, receptor_significant <dbl>, receptor_present <dbl>, receptor_expression <dbl>,
## #   receptor_expression_scaled <dbl>, receptor_fraction <dbl>, receptor_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction <dbl>, avg_score_ligand_receptor <dbl>, activity <dbl>, activity_normalized <dbl>,
## #   scaled_ligand_score <dbl>, scaled_ligand_expression_scaled <dbl>, scaled_receptor_score <dbl>,
## #   scaled_receptor_expression_scaled <dbl>, scaled_avg_score_ligand_receptor <dbl>, scaled_ligand_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   scaled_receptor_score_spatial <dbl>, scaled_ligand_fraction_adapted <dbl>, scaled_receptor_fraction_adapted <dbl>, ...
prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_target %>% filter(receiver == niches[[1]]$receiver) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 20
##    niche           receiver   sender  ligand_receptor ligand receptor bonafide target target_score target_signific~ target_present
##    <chr>           <chr>      <chr>   <chr>           <chr>  <chr>    <lgl>    <chr>         <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--MET      PTPRC  MET      FALSE    EHF           1.04                 1              1
##  2 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--MET      PTPRC  MET      FALSE    GADD4~        0.836                1              1
##  3 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--MET      PTPRC  MET      FALSE    SERPI~        0.889                1              1
##  4 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--EGFR     PTPRC  EGFR     FALSE    EHF           1.04                 1              1
##  5 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--EGFR     PTPRC  EGFR     FALSE    GADD4~        0.836                1              1
##  6 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--EGFR     PTPRC  EGFR     FALSE    SERPI~        0.889                1              1
##  7 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--CD44     PTPRC  CD44     FALSE    EHF           1.04                 1              1
##  8 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--CD44     PTPRC  CD44     FALSE    GADD4~        0.836                1              1
##  9 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--CD44     PTPRC  CD44     FALSE    SERPI~        0.889                1              1
## 10 pEMT_High_niche Malignant~ T.cell~ PTPRC--ERBB2    PTPRC  ERBB2    FALSE    EHF           1.04                 1              1
## # ... with 9 more variables: target_expression <dbl>, target_expression_scaled <dbl>, target_fraction <dbl>,
## #   ligand_target_weight <dbl>, activity <dbl>, activity_normalized <dbl>, scaled_activity <dbl>,
## #   scaled_activity_normalized <dbl>, prioritization_score <dbl>

prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(receiver == niches[[2]]$receiver) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 37
##    niche   receiver sender  ligand_receptor ligand receptor bonafide ligand_score ligand_signific~ ligand_present ligand_expressi~
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>           <chr>  <chr>    <lgl>           <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ Endoth~ F8--LRP1        F8     LRP1     TRUE            0.952              1                1            2.17 
##  2 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ Endoth~ PLAT--LRP1      PLAT   LRP1     TRUE            0.913              1                1            2.70 
##  3 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low FGF10--FGFR2    FGF10  FGFR2    TRUE            0.385              0.8              1            1.07 
##  4 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low NLGN2--NRXN3    NLGN2  NRXN3    TRUE            0.140              0.2              1            0.269
##  5 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low RSPO3--LGR6     RSPO3  LGR6     TRUE            0.557              0.8              1            1.27 
##  6 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low COMP--SDC1      COMP   SDC1     TRUE            0.290              0.8              1            1.27 
##  7 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low SEMA3C--NRP2    SEMA3C NRP2     TRUE            0.652              1                1            1.73 
##  8 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low SLIT2--SDC1     SLIT2  SDC1     TRUE            0.494              1                1            0.846
##  9 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ Endoth~ IL33--IL1RAP    IL33   IL1RAP   FALSE           1.34               1                1            2.75 
## 10 pEMT_L~ Maligna~ CAF_Low C3--LRP1        C3     LRP1     TRUE            0.480              1                1            4.79 
## # ... with 26 more variables: ligand_expression_scaled <dbl>, ligand_fraction <dbl>, ligand_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   receptor_score <dbl>, receptor_significant <dbl>, receptor_present <dbl>, receptor_expression <dbl>,
## #   receptor_expression_scaled <dbl>, receptor_fraction <dbl>, receptor_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   ligand_scaled_receptor_expression_fraction <dbl>, avg_score_ligand_receptor <dbl>, activity <dbl>, activity_normalized <dbl>,
## #   scaled_ligand_score <dbl>, scaled_ligand_expression_scaled <dbl>, scaled_receptor_score <dbl>,
## #   scaled_receptor_expression_scaled <dbl>, scaled_avg_score_ligand_receptor <dbl>, scaled_ligand_score_spatial <dbl>,
## #   scaled_receptor_score_spatial <dbl>, scaled_ligand_fraction_adapted <dbl>, scaled_receptor_fraction_adapted <dbl>, ...
prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_target %>% filter(receiver == niches[[2]]$receiver) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 20
##    niche          receiver   sender   ligand_receptor ligand receptor bonafide target target_score target_signific~ target_present
##    <chr>          <chr>      <chr>    <chr>           <chr>  <chr>    <lgl>    <chr>         <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ Endothe~ F8--LRP1        F8     LRP1     TRUE     ETV4          0.771                1              1
##  2 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ Endothe~ PLAT--LRP1      PLAT   LRP1     TRUE     CLDN7         0.835                1              1
##  3 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ Endothe~ PLAT--LRP1      PLAT   LRP1     TRUE     ETV4          0.771                1              1
##  4 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  FGF10--FGFR2    FGF10  FGFR2    TRUE     ETV4          0.771                1              1
##  5 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  FGF10--FGFR2    FGF10  FGFR2    TRUE     WNT5A         1.40                 1              1
##  6 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  NLGN2--NRXN3    NLGN2  NRXN3    TRUE     CLDN5         0.979                1              1
##  7 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  NLGN2--NRXN3    NLGN2  NRXN3    TRUE     ETV4          0.771                1              1
##  8 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  RSPO3--LGR6     RSPO3  LGR6     TRUE     DDC           0.832                1              1
##  9 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  RSPO3--LGR6     RSPO3  LGR6     TRUE     EGFL7         0.763                1              1
## 10 pEMT_Low_niche Malignant~ CAF_Low  COMP--SDC1      COMP   SDC1     TRUE     CLDN7         0.835                1              1
## # ... with 9 more variables: target_expression <dbl>, target_expression_scaled <dbl>, target_fraction <dbl>,
## #   ligand_target_weight <dbl>, activity <dbl>, activity_normalized <dbl>, scaled_activity <dbl>,
## #   scaled_activity_normalized <dbl>, prioritization_score <dbl>
8. Visualization of the Differential NicheNet output
Differential expression of ligand and expression

在可视化之前,我们需要先定义每个niche中最重要的配体受体对。We will do this by first determining for which niche the highest score is found for each ligand/ligand-receptor pair. And then getting the top 50 ligands per niche.

top_ligand_niche_df = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand, receptor, prioritization_score) %>% group_by(ligand) %>% top_n(1, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() %>% select(ligand, receptor, niche) %>% rename(top_niche = niche)
top_ligand_receptor_niche_df = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand, receptor, prioritization_score) %>% group_by(ligand, receptor) %>% top_n(1, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() %>% select(ligand, receptor, niche) %>% rename(top_niche = niche)

ligand_prioritized_tbl_oi = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand, prioritization_score) %>% group_by(ligand, niche) %>% top_n(1, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() %>% distinct() %>% inner_join(top_ligand_niche_df) %>% filter(niche == top_niche) %>% group_by(niche) %>% top_n(50, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() # get the top50 ligands per niche

Now we will look first at the top ligand-receptor pairs for KCs (here, we will take the top 2 scoring receptors per prioritized ligand)

receiver_oi = "Malignant_High" 

filtered_ligands = ligand_prioritized_tbl_oi %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% pull(ligand) %>% unique()

prioritized_tbl_oi = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(ligand %in% filtered_ligands) %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand,  receptor, ligand_receptor, prioritization_score) %>% distinct() %>% inner_join(top_ligand_receptor_niche_df) %>% group_by(ligand) %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(2, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() 

Visualization: minimum LFC compared to other niches

lfc_plot = make_ligand_receptor_lfc_plot(receiver_oi, prioritized_tbl_oi, prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor, plot_legend = FALSE, heights = NULL, widths = NULL)

Show the spatialDE as additional information

lfc_plot_spatial = make_ligand_receptor_lfc_spatial_plot(receiver_oi, prioritized_tbl_oi, prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor, ligand_spatial = include_spatial_info_sender, receptor_spatial = include_spatial_info_receiver, plot_legend = FALSE, heights = NULL, widths = NULL)
Ligand expression, activity and target genes

Active target gene inference - cf Default NicheNet
Now: visualization of ligand activity and ligand-target links

exprs_activity_target_plot = make_ligand_activity_target_exprs_plot(receiver_oi, prioritized_tbl_oi,  prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor,  prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_target, output$exprs_tbl_ligand,  output$exprs_tbl_target, lfc_cutoff, ligand_target_matrix, plot_legend = FALSE, heights = NULL, widths = NULL)

基于这个plot,我们可以推断出许多假说假说,比如:“Interestingly, IL1 family ligands seem to have activity in inducing the DE genes between high pEMT and low pEMT malignant cells; and they are mainly expressed by myeloid cells, a cell type unique for pEMT-high tumors.”

important: ligand-receptor pairs with both high differential expression (or condition-specificity) and ligand activity (=target gene enrichment) are very interesting predictions as key regulators of your intercellular communication process of interest !

important: ligand-receptor pairs with both high differential expression (or condition-specificity) and ligand activity (=target gene enrichment) are very interesting predictions as key regulators of your intercellular communication process of interest !

filtered_ligands = ligand_prioritized_tbl_oi %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(20, prioritization_score) %>% pull(ligand) %>% unique()

prioritized_tbl_oi = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(ligand %in% filtered_ligands) %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand,  receptor, ligand_receptor, prioritization_score) %>% distinct() %>% inner_join(top_ligand_receptor_niche_df) %>% group_by(ligand) %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(2, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() 

exprs_activity_target_plot = make_ligand_activity_target_exprs_plot(receiver_oi, prioritized_tbl_oi,  prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor,  prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_target, output$exprs_tbl_ligand,  output$exprs_tbl_target, lfc_cutoff, ligand_target_matrix, plot_legend = FALSE, heights = NULL, widths = NULL)
Circos plot of prioritized ligand-receptor pairs

Because a top50 is too much to visualize in a circos plot, we will only visualize the top 15.

filtered_ligands = ligand_prioritized_tbl_oi %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(15, prioritization_score) %>% pull(ligand) %>% unique()

prioritized_tbl_oi = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(ligand %in% filtered_ligands) %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand,  receptor, ligand_receptor, prioritization_score) %>% distinct() %>% inner_join(top_ligand_receptor_niche_df) %>% group_by(ligand) %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(2, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() 

colors_sender = brewer.pal(n = prioritized_tbl_oi$sender %>% unique() %>% sort() %>% length(), name = 'Spectral') %>% magrittr::set_names(prioritized_tbl_oi$sender %>% unique() %>% sort())
colors_receiver = c("lavender")  %>% magrittr::set_names(prioritized_tbl_oi$receiver %>% unique() %>% sort())

circos_output = make_circos_lr(prioritized_tbl_oi, colors_sender, colors_receiver)
Interpretation of these results

由于肿瘤微环境中,髓系细胞和T细胞与其他细胞有很大不同,因此它们的配体会显示出很强的差异表达。与来自相同细胞类型但不同niche/条件的细胞之间的差异表达(pEMT-high中的CAF与pEMT-low中的CAF相比)相比,同一niche/条件中(如pEMT-low肿瘤中)髓系/T 细胞vs肌成纤维细胞/CAFs/内皮细胞的差异表达可能更明显。

Visualization for the other condition: pEMT-low
receiver_oi = "Malignant_Low"  
filtered_ligands = ligand_prioritized_tbl_oi %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(50, prioritization_score) %>% pull(ligand) %>% unique()

prioritized_tbl_oi = prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor %>% filter(ligand %in% filtered_ligands) %>% select(niche, sender, receiver, ligand,  receptor, ligand_receptor, prioritization_score) %>% distinct() %>% inner_join(top_ligand_receptor_niche_df) %>% group_by(ligand) %>% filter(receiver == receiver_oi) %>% top_n(2, prioritization_score) %>% ungroup() 

lfc_plot = make_ligand_receptor_lfc_plot(receiver_oi, prioritized_tbl_oi, prioritization_tables$prioritization_tbl_ligand_receptor, plot_legend = FALSE, heights = NULL, widths = NULL)
9. Notes, limitations, and comparison to default NicheNet.

在原始的NicheNet pipeline中,配体 - 受体对表达的排序仅仅是根据其配体活性得出的。在这个差异性NicheNet pipeline中,我们也是根据与其他niches(或者其他空间位置信息[空转数据])相比,L-R 对的差异表达来得到信息。
因为我们在这里关注配体- 受体对的差异表达,并且通过使用默认将DE而不是activity赋予更高的优先级权重,我们倾向于找到许多与默认NicheNet管道不同的hits。在Differential NicheNet中,我们倾向于找到更多的high-DE, low-activity hits,而使用default NicheNet,我们找到更多的low-DE, high-activity hits。
应该注意的是,一些high-DE, low-activity hits可能非常重要,因为它们可能是由于NicheNet活性预测的限制而具有低NicheNet活性(例如NicheNet中关于该配体的不正确/不完全的先验知识),但其中一些也可能在DE中很高,但activity不高,因为它们没有强烈的信号效应(例如,仅参与细胞粘附的配体)。
相反的,对于在Diffifer NicheNet中没有被强烈优先考虑的low-DE, high-activity的受体配体对,应考虑以下因素:1)一些配体受到转录后调控,高预测活性可能仍然反映的是真实的信号传导; 2)高预测活性值可能是由于NicheNet的局限性(不准确的先验知识),这些低DE配体在感兴趣的生物学过程中并不重要(但该配体的高DE家族成员可能是重要的。因为家族成员之间的信号传导往往非常相似); 3)一种情况下的高活性可能是由于另一种情况下的下调,导致高activity和DE低。目前,配体活性是在每个条件下根据上调基因计算的,但下调基因也可能是配体活性的标志。
当配体 - 受体对同时具有高DE和高activity时,我们可以认为它们是调节感兴趣过程的非常好的候选者,我们建议测试这些候选物以进行进一步的实验验证。


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