使用would,used to谈论过去重复的动作

2016-11-22  本文已影响58人  耳东雨山

·Would + V ->讨论习惯或者过去重复发生的事情;
for example:
Lucy and I would explore old buildings in the city.
We wouldn't come home until dark.
When she'd play make-believe with her friends, she would always be a doctor.

·Used to + V ->论习惯或过去重复发生的事件。注意,used to 还强调过去的状态不再存在;
for example:
I used to be a troublemaker.
I used to live near the woods.
I used to have a detective hat, I would put it on and solve imaginary crimes.

·语言注释:当使用 would 描述过去的动作和事件时,注意语境。它与 would 表达愿望、可能性、建议和将来状态时的结构相同。例如,注意以下两个句子之间的含义区别:
When I was young, I would hang out with friends at the golf course.
I would hang out with friends more if I weren't working so much right now.

When I went home last week, I took this picture of that old train station a mile from town. Remember it? All the boys would wake up early in the morning and hang out there all day. We would explore the station and make believe that we were police or criminals. Or we'd play Capture the Flag. I used to love that game. The girls would ride their bikes there to meet us, but they'd always get really scared and go home. Later, we'd walk back home on the train lines and imagine all the places we would travel. Wouldn't you love to go back again?


Remember when we would make believe that we were married?
Those were the days. I'd swim all summer!
Life was simpler back then.

·请注意,对于仅发生过一次的过去事件,不可使用 would。
Lucy took her first step when she was 10 months old. She would walk and fall around each room of the house, and then she'd start again.

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