传道书 11:7-12:1;
唱诗:诗篇103:1, 2
趁着年幼当记念造你的主……(传 12:1)
传道书11章9节鼓励年轻人说:“少年人哪,你在幼年时当快乐……行你心所愿行的……” 。少年时期或许是我们人生中最快乐的时光,不久之后,随着心志和身体的衰弱,困难的日子也接踵而来。传道书12章2-7节就描述了这种情况,我们不可能永远年轻。
值得注意的是,这节经文没有说 “记念你的神”,而是说 “记念造你的主”。 作为年轻人,我们不是战无不胜的,我们仅仅只是被造物,有对神的忠心和顺服,神有权要求我们对他专一敬虔,他的旨意高于一切。
January 19
Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:1
Song: Psalm 103:1,2
Remember your Creator in the day of your young... (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
In the books of Psalm and Proverbs, we find much direction for young people. The book of Ecclesiastes also devotes much attention to the time of youth. It is great to be young, and t there are new things to do and learn every day.
Ecclesiastes 11:9 encourage the youth: "Be happy, young man, while you are young...Follow the ways of your heart..." The time of youth is perhaps the best time of our life. Soon after, the days of trouble come, when the mind and body begin to deteriorate. This is described in Ecclesiastes 12:2-7. We will not be forever young.
Young people are therefore instructed to remember their Creator in the days of their youth. Remembering does not mean that we think about God now and then. It means that we place him front and center, all the time.
In every phase of life, we can be easily distracted from placing the LORD first. Every phase has its own challenges and pleasures. But when we are young, there is so much to see and do. We can be guided by impulse rather than wisdom. The world is lying at our feet, as it were. If we derail in our youth, it is very hard to find the right track when we are older.
I find ti remarkable that the text does not say, "Remember your God," but "Remember your Creator." As young people, we are not invincible. We are mere creatures who owe allegiance to the one who created us and who has the right to our undivided devotion. His will stands above all things.
Question: What happens when we do not remember our Creator in our youth?