Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud Netflix项目进入维护模式之我见

2018-12-26  本文已影响7人  周立_itmuch



Spring Cloud Netflix Projects Entering Maintenance Mode

Recently, Netflix announced that Hystrix is entering maintenance mode. Ribbon has been in a similar state since 2016. Although Hystrix and Ribbon are now in maintenance mode, they are still deployed at scale at Netflix.

The Hystrix Dashboard and Turbine have been superseded by Atlas. The last commits to these project are 2 years and 4 years ago respectively. Zuul 1 and Archaius 1 have both been superseded by later versions that are not backward compatible.

The following Spring Cloud Netflix modules and corresponding starters will be placed into maintenance mode:

  1. spring-cloud-netflix-archaius
  2. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-contract
  3. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-dashboard
  4. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream
  5. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix
  6. spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon
  7. spring-cloud-netflix-turbine-stream
  8. spring-cloud-netflix-turbine
  9. spring-cloud-netflix-zuul

This does not include the Eureka or concurrency-limits modules.

What is Maintenance Mode?

Placing a module in maintenance mode means that the Spring Cloud team will no longer be adding new features to the module. We will fix blocker bugs and security issues, and we will also consider and review small pull requests from the community.

We intend to continue to support these modules for a period of at least a year from the general availability of the Greenwich release train.


Spring Cloud Netflix项目进入维护模式

最近,Netflix 宣布 Hystrix正在进入维护模式。自2016年以来,Ribbon已处于类似状态。虽然Hystrix和Ribbon现已处于维护模式,但它们仍然在Netflix大规模部署。

Hystrix Dashboard和Turbine已被Atlas取代。这些项目的最后一次提交别是2年和4年前。Zuul 1和Archaius 1都被后来不兼容的版本所取代。

以下Spring Cloud Netflix模块和相应的Starter将进入维护模式:

  1. spring-cloud-netflix-archaius
  2. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-contract
  3. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-dashboard
  4. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream
  5. spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix
  6. spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon
  7. spring-cloud-netflix-turbine-stream
  8. spring-cloud-netflix-turbine
  9. spring-cloud-netflix-zuul



将模块置于维护模式,意味着Spring Cloud团队将不会再向模块添加新功能。我们将修复block级别的bug以及安全问题,我们也会考虑并审查社区的小型pull request。

我们打算继续支持这些模块,直到 Greenwich版本 被普遍采用至少一年。


从上文可知,由于Netflix对Zuul 1、Ribbon、Archaius等的维护不利,Spring Cloud决定在Greenwich中将如上项目都进入“维护模式”——

基本上,除了spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-* 以及spring-cloud-netflix-concurrency-limits ,其他模块都进入“维护模式了”。


  • 考虑到spring-cloud-netflix-concurrency-limits 可能很多童鞋没有见过。简单介绍一下,concurrency-limits 是Netflix开源的限流器项目,Spring Cloud在Greenwich版本中引入。

  • Netflix Concurrency Limits的GitHub:https://github.com/Netflix/concurrency-limits

进入维护模式意味着,再也不会有功能的变化了,不过呢,Spring Cloud承诺会维护严重的Bug & 接受社区的pull request。


这应该是大家最关注的问题。目前业界对Spring Cloud使用最广的就是Spring Cloud Netflix了。这TM一下80%都进入“维护模式”,再也没有新功能福利了,让人如何是好啊!


当前 替代项目
Hystrix Resilience4j
Hystrix Dashboard / Turbine Micrometer + Monitoring System
Ribbon Spring Cloud Loadbalancer
Zuul 1 Spring Cloud Gateway
Archaius 1 Spring Boot external config + Spring Cloud Config




我相信未来Spring Cloud的生态会越来越好。事实上Spring Cloud生态中还有其他的替换项目&更多选择:

作用 业界用得最多 已孵化成功的替代项目 孵化中的替代项目
服务发现 Eureka Consul、Zookeeper Alibaba Nacos
负载均衡器 Ribbon - Spring Cloud Loadbalancer
断路器 Hystrix - Resilience4j、Alibaba Sentinel
声明式HTTP客户端 Feign - Retrofit
API网关 Zuul 1 Spring Cloud -
配置管理 Spring Cloud Config Consul、Zookeeper Alibaba Nacos


http://www.itmuch.com/spring-cloud-sum/spring-cloud-netflix-in-maintenance-mode/ ,转载请说明出处。


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