DAY 4--6--B17310--甘比精读
b:a force so communicated as to produce motion suddenly
2a:the act of driving onward with sudden force:impulsion
b:motion produced by such animpulsion:impetus
c:a wave of excitation transmitted through tissues and especially nerve fibers and muscles that results in physiological activity or inhibition — seenerve impluse
3a:a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to some usually unpremeditated action
b:a propensity or natural tendency usually other than rational
4a:the product of the average value of a force and the time during which it acts:the change in momentum produced by the force
He has to learn to control hisimpulses.
1:to show clearly demonstrate a willingness to cooperate must demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in order to pass the classThe police demonstrated calm restraint during the riot.
2a:to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidencecrowded classrooms thatdemonstratethe need for more schools in the area
b:to illustrate and explain especially with many examplesdemonstratea procedure
3:to show or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospective buyer demonstrate a new kitchen gadget
Each student mustdemonstratemastery of the subject matter in order to pass the class.
1:equal in force, amount, or value;also:equal in area or volume but not superposablea square equivalentto a triangle
2a:like in signification or importb:having logical equivalence equivalent statements
3:corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function
4obsolete:equal in might or authority
5:having the same chemical combining capacity equivalent quantities of two elements
6a:having the same solution set equivalent equations
b:capable of being placed in one-to-one correspondenceequivalentsets
c:related by an equivalence relation
Those less-known companies manufactureequivalentproducts at cheaper prices.
:that slants:sloping—often used in combinationslope-sided
His handwritingslopesto the left.
1a:an act or instance ofresisting:opposition
b:a means of resisting
2:the power or capacity toresist: such asa:the inherent ability of an organism to resist harmful influences (such as disease, toxic agents, or infection)b:the capacity of a species or strain of microorganism to survive exposure to a toxic agent (such as a drug) formerly effective against it
3:an opposing or retarding force
4a:the opposition offered by a body or substance to the passage through it of a steady electric current
b:a source of resistance
5:a psychological defense mechanism where in a patient rejects, denies, or otherwise opposes the therapeutic efforts of a psychotherapist
6often capitalized:an underground organization of a conquered or nearly conquered country engaging in sabotage and secret operations against occupation forces and collaborators
They have shown a stubbornresistance tochange.
1a:fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity:leaving no question as to meaning or intentexplicitinstructions
b:open in the depiction of nudity or sexualityexplicitbooks and films
2:fully developed or formulated an explicitplan an explicitnotion of our objective
3:unambiguous in expressionwas veryexpliciton how we are to behave
4of a mathematical function:defined by an expression containing only independent variables— compare implicit 1c
From closer restrictions on sexuallyexplicitwriting came the success, in the mid-19th century, of the novelist George Thompson, who combined graphically violent scenes set in urban dystopias with coy peekaboo references to sex. —Susan Dominus,New York Times Book Review5 Apr. 2009
1a:corresponding in size, degree, or intensity
b:having the same or a constant ratiocorresponding sides of similar triangles areproportional
2:regulated or determined in size or degree with reference toproportionsaproportionalsystem of immigration quotas
The features of the face in the drawing areproportional.
1a:a path described by one body in its revolution about another (as by the earth about the sun or by an electron about an atomic nucleus);also:one complete revolution of a body describing such a path
b:a circular path
2:a range or sphere of activity or influencewithin the president'sorbit
The Moonorbitsthe Earth.
The satellitesorbitat different heights.
1:of, relating to, or shaped like anellipse
2a:of, relating to, or marked byellipsisor an ellipsis
b(1):of, relating to, or marked by extreme economy of speech or writing
(2):of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style)
All synonyms and antonyms forelliptical
11、1a:winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching itthespiralcurve of a watch spring
2:of or relating to the advancement to higher levels through a series of cyclical movements
The glider flew in a widespiralover the field.
1a(1):the action or process ofrotatingon or as if on an axis or center
(2):the act or an instance of rotating something
b:one complete turn:the angular displacement required to return a rotating body or figure to its original orientation
2a:return or succession in a seriesrotationof the seasons
3:the turning of a body part about its long axis as if on a pivot
4:a game of pool in which all 15 object balls are shot in numerical order
5:the series of pitchers on a baseball team who regularly start successive games in turn
The Earth makes onerotationevery day.
1a:a space of time between events or states
2a:a space between objects, units, points, or states
b:the difference in pitch between two tones
3:a set of real numbers between two numbers either including or excluding one or both of them
4:one of a series of fast-paced exercisesinterspersedwith slower ones or brief rests for training
(as of an athlete)
The sun shone for briefintervalsthroughout the day.
1:the act ofdisturbing:the state of beingdisturbedapologized for creating adisturbance
2:a local variation from the average or normal wind conditions
She doesn't want any moredisturbanceswhile she is studying.
He reacts badly todisturbanceof his daily routine.
:of, relating to, or produced byelectromagnetism
16、1:the distance in the line of advance of a wave from any one point to the next point of corresponding phase
2:a particular course or line of thought especially as related to mutual understandingtwo people on differentwavelengths
Light and sound have differentwavelengths.
1:situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end —used of radiation having a wavelength shorter than wavelengths of visible light and longer than those of X-rays
2:relating to, producing, or employing ultraviolet radiation
:up to this or that timereveals somehithertounknown facts about her life
hithertounknown gift for doing impressions>
1:of, relating to, or according withmathematics
2a:rigorously exact:precise
3:possible but highly improbableonly amathematicalchance
They recorded the changes withmathematicalprecision.
2a:to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary:depend upon or start from the postulate of
b:to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics)
Scientists have postulated the existence of water on the planet.
1a:the act or process ofequating
b(1):an element affecting a process:factor
(2):a complex of variable factorsc:a state of beingequated;specifically:a state of close association or identificationbring governmental enterprises and payment for them into immediateequation— R. G. Tugwell
2a:a usually formal statement of theequalityor equivalence of mathematical or logical expressions
b:an expression representing a chemical reaction quantitatively by means of chemical symbols
theequationof material wealth with happiness
1:extending indefinitely:endlessinfinitespace
2:immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive:inexhaustibleinfinitepatience
3:subject to no limitation or external determination
4a:extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however largeinfinitenumber of positive numbers
b:extending toinfinityinfiniteplane surface
c:characterized by an infinite number of elements or termsaninfinitesetaninfiniteseries
She hasinfinitepatience when she's dealing with children.
1:a piece of material used to mend or cover a hole or a weak spot
2:a tiny piece of black silk or court plaster worn on the face or neck especially by women to hide a blemish or to heighten beauty
3a:a piece of material (as adhesive plaster) used medically usually to cover a woundb:a usually disk-shaped piece of material that is worn on the skin and contains a substance (as a drug) that is absorbed at a constant rate through the skin into the bloodstreama nicotinepatchc:a shield worn over the socket of an injured or missing eye
4a:a small piece:scrapb:a part or area distinct from that about itcabbagepatchc:a period of time:spellwas going through a roughpatch
5:someone or something equal or comparable —usually used in negative constructionsthe new chairman isn't apatchon his predecessor
6:a piece of cloth sewed on a garment as an ornament or insignia;especially:shoulder patch
7:a temporary connection in a communication system (as a telephone hookup)
8:a minor correction or modification in a computer program
The fence needs to bepatched.
Theypatchedhim into the conference call.
1:relating to, occupying, or having the character of space
2:of or relating tofacilityin perceiving relations (as of objects) in spacetests ofspatialability
:relating to or having four dimensionsfour–dimensionalspace-time continuum;especially:consisting of or relating to elements requiring four coordinates to determine them
1archaic:extent or distance from side to side:width
2:angular distance from some specified circle or plane of reference: such asa:angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measured through 90 degreesan island located at 40 degrees northlatitudeb:angular distance of a celestial body from theeclipticc:a region or locality as marked by its latitude
b:the range of exposures within which a film or plate will produce a negative or positive of satisfactory quality
4:freedom of action or choicestudents are allowed considerablelatitudein choosing courses
Madrid and New York City are on nearly the samelatitude.
27、 longitude
1a:angular distance measured on a great circle of reference from the intersection of the adopted zero meridian with this reference circle to the similar intersection of the meridian passing through the object
b:the arc or portion of the earth's equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian and expressed either in degrees or in time
2archaic:long duration
The regions are on roughly the samelongitude.
1:relating to, occupying, or having the character of space
2:of or relating tofacilityin perceiving relations (as of objects) in spacetests ofspatialability
When patients have this kind of problem, they can't feel the relationship between their body and their feet, so they must rely on visual cues to keep themselves upright. Without these cues, they lose theirspatialorientation and fall. —John Pettinato,Discover, October 2004
1a:of or relating to the apparent junction of earth and sky:situated near thehorizon
b:parallel to, in the plane of, or operating in a plane parallel to thehorizonor to a baseline:levelhorizontaldistanceahorizontalengine
2:relating to, directed toward, or consisting of individuals or entities of similar status or on the same levelhorizontalmergershorizontalhostility
1a:the act or process ofequating
b(1):an element affecting a process:factor
(2):a complex of variable factorsc:a state of beingequated;specifically:a state of close association or identificationbring governmental enterprises and payment for them into immediateequation— R. G. Tugwell
2a:a usually formal statement of theequalityor equivalence of mathematical or logical expressions
b:an expression representing a chemical reaction quantitatively by means of chemical symbols
theequationof material wealth with happiness
1a(1):the apparent surface of the heavens of which half forms the dome of the visible sky
(2):any of the concentric and eccentric revolvingsphericaltransparent shells in which according to ancient astronomy stars, sun, planets, and moon are set
b:a globe depicting such a sphere;broadly:globea
2a:a globular body:ball
c(1):a solid that is bounded by a surface consisting of all points at a given distance from a point constituting its center — seevolume table
(2):the bounding surface of a sphere
3:natural, normal, or proper place;especially:social order or ranknot in the samesphereas his moneyed friends
4 aobsolete:orbitb:an area or range over or within which someone or something acts, exists, or has influence or significancethe publicsphere
All points on asphereare the same distance from the center.
1:a force manifested by acceleration toward each other of two free material particles or bodies or of radiant-energy quanta:gravity3a(2)
2:the action or process ofgravitating
thegravitationof young people to computer careers