
2022-04-03  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
Well, come along then please. 快跟我来
Settle. That's it. 坐一下 真好
Well, good evening to you. 晚上好啊
Here we are again in the excitement that is each other's company. 我们又将在相互陪伴中寻求刺激
The pleasure is all yours. 快乐都是你们的
Good one, me. 说得好吧
Now, previously in my life, 回顾往事
Stevie made me go on an Outward Bound Course. Stevie让我去参加拓展训练课
Help! 救命啊
Someone let me out, I don't like it! 来人把我放出来 我讨厌这个
Seriously, I really don't...! Oh, thank you. 真心的 我真的不 谢谢
I get my own kind of adrenalin kicks, thank you. 我有我自己的方法让肾上腺素飙升 谢谢
What else happened? Oh, yes, I went clubbing. 还有什么 对了 我去夜店了
Something I'm not prone to. 真的不是我的菜
A night out for me is going in to the garden, 对我来说晚上出门就是去个后院
coming back, "Aaah! Home at last." 然后回来 "终于到家了"
And I panic conversationally 要是环境太时髦
when in too trendy an environment. 我交谈的时候就慌张
So, er...tell me something about yourself. 介绍一下你自己吧
The other day, I weighed my breasts to see 之前有天我给我的胸称重了
how much they'd cost to post. 想看看要是邮寄出去要多少钱
Too heavy to go second class, 太重了不能用二等邮寄
if you know what I mean. 你懂吧
Right. Onwards with the show, team, quickly! 快点 好戏开始了
So we can forget what we've just witnessed. 那就能忘却刚刚的灾难了
So, pleased with it? 还满意吧
It's great, Gary, thanks for your help. 很棒 Gary 谢谢帮忙
"Oh, Gary, thanks for your help." "Gary 谢谢帮了个忙"
I've no idea what it does or how I make it do what it does, 我真心不知道这个是干啥的 也不知道怎么弄
but it looks cool. 但是看上去很酷
It's easy. I'll teach you. 很简单啊 我来教你
It's great cos you can sync all applications 这个很方便因为你可以把所有应用程序
with other hardware... 同步到其他设备上
All I'm hearing is... 我听到的就只是
- So, do you want a cup of tea, Gary? - Yeah, great. - Gary你要来杯茶么 - 好
Stevie, what are you doing on the floor, Stevie 你在地上干什么
you weird woman? 你这个傻缺
Sorry, what's that? 不好意思 你说什么
You'd like to make me and Gary a cup of tea? That's so sweet. 你愿意给我和Gary沏茶是吧 你真好
Fine. Just don't play with the toys. 切 不要玩玩具
They're part of the new children's range. 这是新到的儿童玩具
I really want to play with the toys. Do you really want to? 我真心想玩玩具 你想玩不
- I really want to play with the toys! - We can't, we're open. - 我也很想玩 - 不行 在营业呢
So? Caterpillar Duck race, hello? 那怎么了 毛毛虫玩具鸭赛跑怎么样
On your marks, get set, go! 各就各位 预备 开始
I think you'll find I have chosen the superior animal. 你发现我选的比你的强了吧
This one's got no turning circle, that's why! 因为我这个要转个大圈掉头
Oh, those are lovely! 真是太可爱了
My children would love them. 我的孩子肯定爱这个
- How old are yours? - Sorry? - 你们孩子多大 - 你说啥
Well, I hope they're for your kids. 我希望这是给你们孩子买的
Yeah, be weird if we were just playing. 当然 要是我俩玩就太诡异了
Very, yes, so, we've... 相当的 对啊 我们
- Got kids...- Got kids. - 有孩子 - 有孩子
What do you have? 男孩女孩
- Two... - Little... - 两个 - 小
Boys. 男孩
Two... 两个
Toys. 玩具
Aaah, we always do that! 我们经常这样配合
Two boys. Lovely. But exhausting! 两个男孩 真有爱 但是很累心啊
Oh, shattered. 累惨了
Yes, you look it. 对啊 你长得就很惨
Ooh, these would be perfect party gifts. Are you local? 这肯定是完美的派对玩具 你们是本地的么
Maybe yours are going to the same birthday. 可能你们的孩子也去同一个生日派对吧
What are they called? 他们叫什么
- Uh, Cliff - Richard - Uh, Cliff... - Richard.
Cliff and Richard. Cliff和Richard
We're massive fans. 我们是大粉丝啊
I'm Mandy. 我叫Mandy
M-M-Mary, and this is... 我叫Mary 这是
Joseph Joseph.
No way! 上帝啊
Well, I will look out for your boys. What's your surname? 我会照顾你们的孩子的 你姓什么
Oh...erm...Ri... Rich... 嗯 Ri Richa
Ards Richards ..Ards... Richards.
Right. So your sons are 好 那你的儿子是
Cliff Richards and...? Cliff Richards和
And Richard Richards. Yeah. Richard Richards 对
We just thought, life isn't fair, 我们只是觉得 生活太不公平了
let's teach them that from the off. 让他们从小就体会体会吧
Isn't it just that we're massive fans? 我们就是这么爱他们
That's it, yeah. 就是啊
We're all going on a summer holiday 我们一起去度假
Christmas time Mistletoe and wine 圣诞节来了 快摆上槲寄生和红酒
Children singing Christian rhymes 孩子们唱着圣诞歌
- Etcetera - Etcetera. - 等等 - 等等
Well, lovely to meet you. 很高兴认识你们
Nice to talk to adults 和成人聊天真好
otherwise it's just kids, kids, kids. 不然就只是孩子 孩子 孩子
Oh, isn't it? 可不是么
Oh, for a night out! Ooh, a holiday! 有天晚上能出去欢乐一下 那就是假期啊
I could do so much more before I had children. 我有孩子之前能享受更多欢乐的
I sometimes think, 有时候我就想
Mandy, "How do have enough time to bring up the kids Mandy "照顾孩子同时还能自己创业
and run your own business?" 你是如何做到的"
- You're a saint. - Well, yes, in a way. - 你就是圣人 - 某种程度上真的是
But children are worth it, aren't they, Mary? 但为了孩子很值得 是吧 Mary
I always say, until you've brought the gift of life, 我经常说 只有收获了生命的馈赠
you're not complete. 女人的人生才完整
"I'm a saint. I've just given birth." "我是圣人 我生了孩子"
"I don't even have enough time to eat!" "我没时间吃饭"
"My ovaries work and I'm so very excited!" "我卵巢不错 我好激动"
Not very annoying, ovary annoying! 不是超讨厌 是巢讨厌
Gary, not very annoying, ovary annoying! Gary 不是超讨厌 是巢讨厌
Oi, not very annoying, ovary annoying! 不是超讨厌 是巢讨厌
Nothing here, either. 也没反应
Rude. 放肆
My point is, I'm young, I'm free. 我意思是 我还年轻 我很自由
- Single. - Yes, happily so, mother. - 还单身 - 对 我骄傲 亲妈
I can do anything. I can go reckless, wild. 我想做啥做啥 我可以不顾后果 狂欢痛饮
You've never been wild. 你从来都不狂欢痛饮
OK. So I'm not a clubber. 我不是夜店咖
I don't "Large it, big style." 我不要"加量 加大"
Not unless you're in McDonalds. 你在麦当劳就这样
That's very good! 说得好
Such fun! 太搞笑了
It has to be said, Miranda, you're not cool. 真心的 Miranda 你一点都不酷
Oh, hello, cool new phone, 看好了 多酷的新手机
which I've worked out myself, 我自己设置的呢
plays music, and so is in effect a kind of ghetto blaster. 放音乐 实际上就像是手提式录音机
And what are you listening to at the moment? 你现在在听什么
Let's have a go, shall we? 让我们也听听
- Billy Joel? - Yeah. - Billy Joel - 答对了
You'll be up before you know. You'll all be dancing soon. 你们会情不自禁站起来 跟我一起跳
You'll love it. 你们会很爱这首的
Got a call from an old friend we used to be real close 接到了昔日密友的电话
You'll be feeling it any minute. 你们随时会来感觉的
Down low, up high! Down low, up really high! 下拍 上排 下拍 蹦个高
OK, fine. You've made your point. 服了你们了 我都明白了
I'm not cool, 我一点都不酷
but I just want some fun, crazy times, you know? 我只是想找乐子 疯狂一把
I'm going to start by getting really drunk. 那我就从喝的烂醉开始
No! 不要
What? 又咋了
You get regal and angry when you're drunk. 你一醉就变震怒的华妃了
Oh, I do not! 我才不是
Have you had wild times, Penny? 你有没有疯狂的时候 Penny
Don't you know it! I've had... 你不知道么 我曾经
such fun. 太搞笑了
There was a spa in Malta in the '60s. 六十年代的时候马尔他有个温泉浴场
- Oh, no. - Let's just say, - 救救我吧 - 怎么说呢
clothes weren't an option, so... 穿不穿衣服随便
..Nigel Havers, twice. Nigel Havers 两次哦
Unacceptable. 大胆放肆
I'll tell you what I'm going to do. 告诉你们我要做什么
I'm just going to take off for a few days. 我要出国旅游几天
I'm going to pack a back-pack, grab a flight to...Thailand! 我要收拾行囊 坐飞机去 泰国
For a few days? 去几天么
Wild! Yeah, that's it! 疯狂吧
Well, I'm just off to book my spontaneous trip 我要回去订我那说走就走的机票
because I am one cool, hip chick. 因为我是个很酷的时髦妞
Obviously I'm not going on a spontaneous crazy trip. 很明显我才不要去什么傻缺的旅行
I'm no good at travel 我一点都不在行旅行
and even if I did get to an exotic beach location, 就算是在热带海滩我也想死
not relaxing. Beaches? 一点都不舒心 海滩啊
Try and put a towel down, immediate gust of wind, 想把浴巾铺在沙滩上 忽然来了阵风
towel in face. 浴巾糊在脸上
Tuck towel into sand. 把浴巾卷进沙子里
Sit down, have an ice lolly, wasp! 坐下 来根冰棒 大黄蜂
Wasp! Stand up to bat wasp away, oh no! 大黄蜂 站起来把黄蜂赶走 神啊
Sand on towel now, flap towel to get rid of sand, 沙子跑浴巾上了 拍走浴巾上的沙子
sand in face, sand on lolly, 沙子满脸 沙子满冰棒
wasp, abort, abort! 大黄蜂 不玩了 还是回家吧
Right, holiday search. 度假搜索
Hotel, England, Surrey. 旅馆 英格兰 萨里郡
It's too expensive, it's a bit far... 太贵了 有点远
Oh, hang on, brilliant! The Hamilton Lodge. 等一下 太棒了 汉密尔顿旅店
I know where that is. La bas. 我知道在哪 在那
Round the corner, no travel, 就在拐角 不用长途跋涉
no language barrier, book. 没有语言障碍 订个房
And there's no reason to say I'm not going to Thailand. 也不用找借口说我不去泰国了
- Morning. - Morning. - 早上好 - 早上好
Has broken Like the first morning 早晨来临 如同第一个清晨
Blackbirds have spoken Ski-mah-nah-neee. 画眉鸣唱 如同第一只鸣禽
- How are you? - Good. - 你怎么样 - 很好
When are you off? 什么时候出发
In about 20 minutes, to Thailand. 20分钟之后 去泰国哦



