作者,Evil Genius
这一篇更新一下单细胞空间做轨迹分析的monocle2的认知以及call snp
多组学的时代你说来了吧,也只有大课题组在做,发的文章都是CNS级别,你说没来吧,做的人又非常少,可以做单细胞 + 空间的都不算很多,再加上VDJ 、 外显子、宏基因组等,就更少了,矛盾的背后其实是科技力量的竞争。
参考文章依然是An atlas of epithelial cell states and plasticity in lung adenocarcinoma,2024年2月发表于nature(IF 64.8)。
Analysis of differentiation trajectories of lung alveolar and malignant cells was performed using Monocle 2 by inferring the pseudotemporal ordering of cells according to their transcriptome similarity. Monocle 2 analysis of malignant cells from P14 was performed using default parameters with the detectGenes function. Detected
genes were further required to be expressed by at least 50 cells. For construction of the differentiation trajectory of lineage-labelled epithelial cells (GFP+), the top 150 DEGs (FDR-adjusted P value < 0.05, log(fold change) > 1.5, expressed in ≥50 cells) ranked by fold-change of each cell population from NNK-treated samples were used for ordering cells with the setOrderingFilter function. Trajectories were generated using the reduceDimension function with the method set to ‘DDRTree’
Trajectory roots were selected based on the following criteria:
- (1) inferred pseudotemporal gradient;
- (2) CytoTRACE score prediction
- (3) careful manual review of the DEGs along the trajectory
Deconvolution showed that KACs were closer to tumour regions relative to alveolar cells. ST analysis of a KAC-enriched region showed that KACs were intermediary in the transition of alveolar parenchyma to tumour cells. Tumour regions had markedly reduced expression of NKX2-1 and the alveolar signature, a result in line with reduced alveolar differentiation in KM-LUADs。
- (1) Cluster distribution: owing to the high degree of inter-patient tumour heterogeneity, malignant cells often exhibit distinct cluster distribution compared with normal epithelial cells. Although non-malignant cells derived from different patients are often clustered together by cell type, malignant cells from different patients probably form separate clusters.
- (2)CNVs: we applied inferCNV to infer large-scale CNVs in each individual cell with T cells as the reference control. To quantify CNVs at the cell level, CNV scores were aggregated using a previously described strategy16. In brief, arm-level CNV scores were computed based on the mean of the squares of CNV values across each chromosomal arm. Arm-level CNV scores were further aggregated across all chromosomal arms by calculating the arithmetic mean value of the arm-level scores using the R function mean.
- (3)Marker gene expression: expression of lung epithelial lineage-specific genes and LUAD-related oncogenes was determined in epithelial cell clusters.
- (4)Cell-level expression of KRASG12D mutations: as we previously described, BAM files were queried for KRASG12D mutant alleles, which were then mapped to specific cells. KRASG12D mutations, along with cluster distribution, marker gene expression and inferred CNVs as described above, were used to distinguish malignant cells from non-malignant cells.
Mapping KRAS codon 12 mutations. To map somatic KRAS mutations at single-cell resolution, alignment records were extracted from the corresponding BAM files using mutation location information. Unique mapping alignments (MAPQ = 255) labelled as either PCR duplication or secondary mapping were filtered out. The resulting
somatic variant carrying reads were evaluated using Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) and the CB tags were used to identify cell identities of mutation-carrying reads. To estimate the VAF of KRASG12D mutation and cell fraction of KRASG12D-carrying cells within malignant and non-malignant epithelial cell subpopulations (for example, malignant cells from all LUADs, malignant cells from KM-LUADs, KACs from KM-LUADs), reads were first extracted based on their unique cell barcodes and BAM files were generated for each subpopulation using samtools. Mutations were then visualized using IGV, and VAFs were calculated by dividing the number of KRASG12D-carrying reads by the total number of uniquely aligned reads for each subpopulation. A similar approach was used to visualize KRASG12D-carrying reads and to calculate the VAF of KRASG12D in KACs of normal tissues from KM-LUAD cases. To calculate the mutation-carrying cell fraction, extracted reads were mapped to the KRASG12D locus from BAM files using AlignmentFile and fetch functions in pysam package. Extracted reads were further filtered using the ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Quality’ tags to remove PCR duplicates and low-quality mappings. The number of reads with or without KRASG12D mutation in each cell was summarized using the CB tag in read barcodes. Mutation-carrying cell fractions were then calculated as the ratio of the number of cells with at least one KRASG12D read over the number of cells with at least one high-quality read mapped to the locus.