的版本,但因为最近的几个功能我升级到了0.12.3。这篇先说说,compare policy的实现。

- apply dense layers to create embeddings for user intents, entities and system actions including previous actions and slots(稠密嵌入,包括用户意图、实体和系统行为:以前的动作和槽)
- use the embeddings of previous user inputs as a user memory and embeddings of previous system actions as a system memory.(使用以前的用户输入作为用户memory和以前的系统行为作为系统memory)
- concatenate user input, previous system action and slots embeddings for current time into an input vertor to rnn(合并用户输入,以前系统行为和槽作为当前时间用户的输入向量给rnn模型)
- using user and previous system action embeddings from the input vector, calculate attention probabilities over the user and system memories(使用输入向量中用户输入和以前的系统行为嵌入,来计算用户和系统的注意力向量)
- sum the user embedding and user attention vector and feed it and the embeddings of the slots as an input to an LSTM cell(用户词嵌入和用户注意力向量相加再和槽向量一起作为LSTM的输入)
- apply a dense layer to the output of the LSTM to get a raw recurrent embedding of a dialogue(应用LSTM的输出来获得一个对话的原始循环嵌入)
- sum this raw recurrent embedding of a dialogue with system attention vector to create dialogue level embedding, this step allows the algorithm to repeat previous system action by copying its embedding vector directly to the current time output(将对话的原始循环嵌入和系统注意力向量相加,来创建对话层的嵌入。这一步允许算法通过直接拷贝它的向量到当前的输出来重复之前的系统行为)
- weight previous LSTM states with system attention probabilities to get the previous action embedding, the policy is likely payed attention to(加权以前的LSTM状态和系统注意力来获取以前的行为嵌入,policy最有可能需要注意的)
- if the similarity between this previous action embedding and current time dialogue embedding is high, overwrite current LSTM state with the one from the time when this action happened(如果以前的行为嵌入和当前的对话嵌入相似度很高,overwrite当前的LSTM状态)
- for each LSTM time step, calculate the similarity between the dialogue embedding and embedded system actions(对于LSTM的每一步,计算对话嵌入和系统行为嵌入的相似度)

图中很明显可以看出policy的优劣。至于如何使用,首先需要建立要进行对比的policy.yml文件,这里分别是embed_policy.yml和keras_policy.yml文件。然后就是两个命令,一个是compare policy,一个是evaluate policy:
python -m rasa_core.train compare -c keras_policy.yml embed_policy.yml \
-d mobile_domain.yml -s data/mobile_edit_story.md -o comparison_models/ --runs 3 --percentages \
0 25 50 70
python -m rasa_core.evaluate compare -s data/mobile_edit_story.md --core comparison_models/ -o comparison_results/