

2017-08-05  本文已影响747人  菜菜子_forest


We launched Sia Bounties two weeks ago with a bounty for a Sia + Minio integration, and received an overwhelmingly positive response! David Gore (user dvstate) quickly submitted a high-quality integration only two days later, and has been working diligently with several testers from the Sia community to refine and improve the Minio integration. Today we are thrilled to announce that the integration is ready for wider use, and it brings some very exciting new file sharing features to Sia!

我们在两周前发起了Sia大奖赛,第一个大奖任务是实现Sia+Minio的集成应用。在我们发布了大奖赛任务通知后,我们收到了大量参赛者的积极回应!David Gore (网名为:dvstate)只在任务发布的两天后就很快地高质量地完成了集成任务,并在随后的时间内积极与Sia社区的大量测试用户进行交互,不断优化和提升Sia与Minio的集成功能。今天我们很激动地宣布集成功能已可以提供给更多用户使用了。它能为Sia带来一些令人兴奋的新的文件分享功能!

Minio is a distributed object storage server, which allows users to connect to any data source (like S3, Azure, GCP), create buckets for file storage, and then share URLs to the files. It also provides an external S3-compatible API.


With the Sia integration, Minio users can now store their files on the Sia network for a fraction of Amazon’s price.


Here’s how the integration works. First, on Sia, the user deposits Siacoin and creates an allowance for storage on the network. Then, on Minio server, the user launches the Sia gateway, creates buckets, and starts uploading files.


Uploaded files are first stored locally on the Minio server, and then uploaded to Sia. The upload is marked as complete once the file reaches 1x redundancy on Sia. From there, Sia will naturally boost the redundancy to 3x, storing the data across 30 hosts all over the world.


When downloading data, the files are first downloaded from the Sia network to the Minio server, and then downloaded from the server to the user. Minio server caches the file for quick downloading. As the cache fills up, it will automatically delete the oldest files. This ensures that popular, frequently downloaded files will be fast, while less frequently accessed files will have a slight delay.


Here’s a great example. We created a public bucket in a Minio server (thanks Luxor for hosting!) called “public” and added some files. You can view through the Minio web interface: http://minio.luxor.tech/minio/public/ or you can download or embed the files directly from a URL. Everything is being stored on the Sia backend:

下面是很好的示例。我们在Minio服务器中创公共存储空间(感谢Luxor提供主机托管!),我们称该服务器为“公有存储”,然后向该空间添加了一些文件。你可以通过Minio的web接口( http://minio.luxor.tech/minio/public/  )查看这些文件,也可以通过URL下载文件或者嵌入这些文件地址。

Obelisk Chip: http://minio.luxor.tech/public/obelisk_chip.png

Sia+Minio: http://minio.luxor.tech/public/Sia_Minio_Bounty_03.png

David’s Talk:http://minio.luxor.tech/public/David_Sia_Presentation.mp4

Sia v1.3.0: http://minio.luxor.tech/public/Sia 1.3.0 all platforms.zip

Sia V1.3.0 UI: http://minio.luxor.tech/public/SIa-UI 1.3.0 all platforms.zip

This means that, with the Sia + Minio integration, users can start using Sia for file sharing today!


We are thrilled with the success of this first bounty, and are looking forward to launching the next bounty in a couple weeks. Congratulations to David Gore for winning the 300,000 SC reward!


今天我们先祝贺此次获奖的David Gore,他将获得300000个SC。

For questions related to the Sia + Minio integration, please join the #bounties channel on our Slack or post issues to David Gore’s Github repository at https://github.com/dvstate/minio. More detailed instructions for getting set up are available on the repo.

如果有关于Sia+Minio的问题,请在我们的Slack讨论组中加入#bounties频道,或者向David Gore的Github空间https://github.com/dvstate/minio提问!更多的关于获取配置的说明可通过repo找到!

译者:区块链研习社 菜菜子

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