used to advantage 发挥优势
2020-07-17 本文已影响0人
title: used to advantage
date: 2020-07-17 17:39:11
NO_sents: 19
NO_references: 15
used to advantage
- Finally, Geyer and Thompson (1992) show how Monte Carlo methods may be used to advantage in computing maximum likelihood estimates in exponential families where closed forms for the likelihood function are unavailable. (Carlin, Louis, Carlin, 2009)
- This is where linkage to process-oriented dynamic crop simulation models can be used to advantage. (Yin, Struik, 2015)
- This can be used to advantage in an MCMC implementation by augmenting the joint posterior with some unobservable "weights" following the appropriate gamma distributions. (Sorensen, Gianola, 2003)
- THE availability of a plethora of markers has led to consideration of the issue of the extent to which molecular information can be used to advantage in genetic improvement programs of agricultural species, such as maize or dairy cattle. (Gianola, Perez-Enciso, Toro, 2003)
- Finally, tools that are frequently applied in multiple regression situations are often not used to advantage in selection analyses. (BLOWS, 2007)
- This property can be used to advantage even when only stepwise deletion (or addition) is being used. (Breiman, 1992)
- This is surprising because the MME can be used to advantage in connection with computing algorithms for several methods of variance component estimation in generalized mixed effects linear models (Harville and Mee, 1984; Gilmour et al 1985; Foulley et al 1987a). (Balding, Bishop, Cannings, 2007)
- But even in those early times, the year-after-year repeatability of characteristics such as annual growth or "internode"G length in individual trees strongly suggested genetic differences that might be used to advantage. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
- These can be used to advantage in some situations, although in multi-generation breeding using additive genetic effects such non-additive effects do not accumulate over generations. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
- Increasingly, the disturbance to the land caused by mining is used to advantage to regenerate the economic potential of the region or locality, increase the diversity of the landscape, and to enhance biodiversity and recreational value. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- For all sites, slope plays a part in affecting soil water drainage, and may be used to advantage in slowly permeable soil materials to reduce the likelihood of waterlogging. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- These residues often are used to advantage for higher moisture content fuel. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- It estimates that variation due to additive X additive non-allelic interactions (!.aa) in the F2 sample, interac- tions which are potentially fixable and which could be used to advantage in breeding programmes. (Hill, Becker, Tigerstedt, 1998)
- The input flag init can be used to advantage. (Press et al., 2007)
- When can sampling representations be used to advantage for the approximate numerical computation of functions? (Press et al., 2007)
- One of the obvious alterations is the increase in rooting 颅 a characteristic that has been used to advantage in several species to overcome restrictions in vegetative propagation (see Christey 1997). (Tomes, 2005)
- They can be produced over a wide yield range and can be used to advantage in those products where good bonding properties rather than tear strength are of importance, e.g. for fine writing papers. (Walker, 2007)