2019-07-28 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(在飞
Excuse me. where is 13L located? 请问13L座位在哪儿?
1. overhead compartment 位于头顶上头的行李架
2. fasten seat belt系安全带
3. food trolley 送餐车 trolley/'trɑli/ n. 手推车;(美)有轨电车(等于trolley car);(英)无轨电车(等于trolleybus);空中吊运车 vt. 用手推车运 vi. 乘电车 n. (Trolley)人名;(英)特罗利
4. in-flight meal 飞机餐
5. flight attendant 空中乘务员
6. emergency exits紧急出口
7. call button 呼叫按钮
8. airsickness bag 呕吐袋
1. I guess my seat is taken. 我想我的座位被人做了。
2. Could you please help me put my baggage up there? 您可以帮我把行李放到上面吗?
3. Can I put my baggage here? 我可以把我的行李放到这儿吗?
4. All the overhead compartments seem to be full. Is there anywhere else I can put my bag? 所有的行李架好像满了!还有别的地方可以放包吗?
5. May I have a blanket , please? 请给我一条毛毯。好吗?
6. Do you have any Chinese newspapers? 请问有中文报纸吗?
7. I feel sick. 我有点不舒服。
8. My ears feel funny. 我有点耳鸣。
9. This headache is just killing me. 我头痛得快死掉了。
1. Could you please tell me which channel I should use? 您能告诉我哪个频道我可以用吗?
2. How to turn the screen on? 怎么打开这个屏幕?
3. Can I use the lavatory now? 请问现在可以用卫生间吗?/'lævətɔri/ n. 厕所,盥洗室
1. May I have a vegetarian meal instead? 我可以换份素餐吗?vegetarian/ˌvɛdʒəˈtɛrɪən/ n. 素食主义者;食草动物 adj. 素食的;素的
2. One orange juice without ice, please. 一杯橙汁不加冰。
3. What are my choices for lunch? 午餐我有什么选择?
4. I've finished. Please take the tray away. 用完了,请把餐盘拿走吧。
5. Can I have lunch later? I don't feel well right now. 我现在有点不舒服,可以过会儿再吃午餐吗?
1. nose 机头
2. pilot's cockpit 驾驶舱 /'kɑkpɪt/ n. 驾驶员座舱;战场
3. luggage compartment 行李舱
4. wing 机翼
5. undercarriage 起落架
6. passenger cabin 客舱
1. Please tell me how to fasten the seat belt? 您可以告诉我怎么系上安全带吗?
2. I feel like I might throw up. 我觉得我可能快吐了。 throw up 呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃
3. May I have some medicine for airsickness? 请给我一些晕机药好吗?
4. Excuse me, how do I recline my seat? 请问座椅要怎么放下来?recline/rɪ'klaɪn/ vt. 使躺下;使斜倚 vi. 靠;依赖;斜倚
5. Look, all you do is to press that button. 看,只要按一下那个按钮就可以了。
6. I don't think my headphone is working.Can you please get me a new one? 我的耳机好像坏了。可以帮我换一副新的吗?
7. I don't know how to use the remote control. 我不知道遥控器怎么用。