1.广场舞:square dancing
2.不得扰乱公共秩序: not disturb public order
3.宣扬迷信: advocate superstition
superstition is belief in things that are not real or possible, for example magic.
Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.
4.舞蹈动作: choreographed practices
**choreographed ** ADJ
You describe an activity involving several people as choreographed when it is arranged but is intended to appear nature.
...a carefully-choreographed White House
metting between the two presidents.
5.专业小组: expert panel
6.限制广场舞时间、地点以及音乐音量的规定: rules governing the site,time and music volume
7.中国篮球协会主席: the president of the Chinese Basketball Association
8.给中国篮球带来变革: bring about reforms to Chinese basketball
9.职业化: professionalization
10.限制外援人数: limit the numbers of foreign players
11.状元秀: No.1 pick of the NBA draft
12.NBA全明星阵容:NBA All-Star Game
13.入选2016年奈·史密斯篮球名人纪念堂:be included into the Naismith Memorial Bsketball Hall of 2016
14.化学武器成分: chemical weapon substance
15.朝鲜; Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK)
16.VX神经毒剂: VX Nerve Agent
**agent **(旧词新意) n-count
A chemical that has a particular effect or is used for a particular purpose can be reffered to as a particular kind of agent.
the bleaching agent in white flour
17.大规模杀伤武器:weapon of mass destruction
18.琥珀色油状液体:amber-colored,oil liquid