Mrs H:Lovely, Sherlock. That was lovely.真好听,夏洛克拉得太好听了。
L:Hmm, marvellous.余音绕梁。
W:Yes, very good.是啊,确实好听。
Mrs H:I wish you could have worn the antlers.你要肯戴那对鹿角就好了。
S:Some things are best left to the imagination, Mrs Hudson.有些事还是想象一下就好了,赫德森太太。
S:Mrs H? No thank you, Sarah.赫太太?谢了,不用,莎拉。
W:Er, no, no, he's not good with names.不不他总是记不住名字。
S:No, I can get this. Sarah was the doctor, then there was the one with the spots, then the one with the nose and then, who was after the boring teacher?别,我一定能回忆起来,莎拉是医生,然后是那个脸上有斑的,然后是个大鼻子,然后...无聊的老师后面是谁来着?
S:Jeanette! Ah, process of elimination.珍妮特,逐个排除错误答案的结果。
S:Oh, dear Lord.哦,天哪救命。
Molly:Hello, everyone. It said on the door to come up.大家好,抱歉,门上写着直接进所以我就...
W:Hello, Molly!你好啊,茉莉!
S:Everybody saying hello to each other, how wonderful!大家都在打招呼寒暄多美好啊
W:Let me, er... Holy Mary!我来拿...我滴神!
Molly:So we're having Christmas drinkies?看来都在圣诞小酌嘛。
S:No stopping them, apparently.他们盼好久了。
Mrs H:It's the one day of the year where the boys have to be nice to me, so it's almost worth it.一年中就这么一天,这俩娃能温柔些待我,还是很值得的。
S:The counter on your blog still says 1895.你博客的点击量还是1895。
W:Oh, no, Christmas is cancelled(!)不是吧,圣诞节都没劲了。
S:And you've got a photograph of me wearing that hat!你还把我带那个帽子的照片发上去了。
W:People like it.网友们可喜欢了。
S:No, they don't. What people?不可能,什么网友?
Molly:How's the hip?髋骨好些了吗?
Mrs H:Oh, it's atrocious, but thanks for asking.折磨死人了,谢谢关心。
Molly:I've seen much worse, but then I do post-mortems. Oh, God, sorry.我见过更严重的,也许因为我在停尸房工作。天哪,真对不起。
S:Don't make jokes, Molly.别讲笑话了,茉莉。
Molly:No, sorry.好,对不起。
L:Here you are.给你。
Molly:Thank you. I wasn't expecting to see you. I thought you were in Dorset for Christmas?谢谢没想到你也来了。你不是去多赛特过节了吗?
L:First thing in the morning, me and the wife, back together, sorted.明天一早就去,我就能和太太重归于好了。
S:No, she's sleeping with a PE teacher.别想了,她跟个体育老师睡觉呢。
Molly:And John, I hear you're off to your sister's? is that right?约翰我听说你要去你姐姐家?是吗?
Molly:Sherlock was complaining. Saying.夏洛克跟我抱怨...说起来着。
W:First time ever, she's cleaned up her act, off the booze.她终于首次戒了酗酒的毛病。
W:Shut up, Sherlock!闭嘴,夏洛克。
S:I see you've got a new boyfriend, Molly. You're serious about him.看来你找了个新男友,茉莉。对他挺真心啊。
Molly:Sorry, what?什么?
S:You're seeing him tonight, giving him a gift.你今晚要去见他,给他圣诞礼物。
W:Take a day off.推理全年无休啊。
L:Shut up. Have a drink.闭嘴,喝点酒吧。
S:Come on, surely yousee The others are slapdash. It's for someone special. 拜托,你们肯定都看到,其他的都是随手一裹,看来是给心仪的人的。
S:The shade of red echoes her lipstick-either an unconscious association, or one she's deliberately trying to encourage. Either way, Miss Hooper has love on her mind. That she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift. That she's seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and clothes. Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.红色包装跟唇彩色相同,要不是下意识统一,要不就是想鼓励对方有进一步举动。无论如何,胡帕小姐是有了心上人,显然她对他是真心的,从她想到送礼就能看出来。她的妆容和服饰证明他们今晚要见面,她精心打扮努力想掩盖大嘴平胸的缺陷。
Molly:You always say such horrible things. Every time. Always. Always.你总会说这种刻薄的话,每次都是,总这样,总这样。
S:I am sorry. Forgive me. Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper.对不起,请原谅我。圣诞快乐,茉莉·胡帕。
Molly:Oh, no! That wasn't, I didn't... No, it was me.不不,刚才那声不是我,我没有...不,是我。
L:My God, really?天呐,开玩笑吧?
S:My phone.是我的手机铃声。
W:Fifty seven?五十七?
S:Sorry, what?你说什么?
W:Fifty seven of those texts, the ones I've heard.我听到整整五十七次短信了。
S:Thrilling that you've been counting.你一直在数啊,真惊喜。
S:Excuse me.失陪一下。
W:What's up, Sherlock?怎么了,夏洛克?
S:I said excuse me.说了失陪一下。
W:Do you ever reply?你有回复过吗?
Mycroft:Dear Lord, we're not going to have Christmas phone calls now, are we? Have they passed a new law?老天,千万别告诉我,你是打电话来祝圣诞的。通过什么新法律了吗?
S:I think you're going to find Irene Adler tonight.你们今晚应该会找到艾琳·艾德勒。
Mycroft:We already know where she is. As you were kind enough to point out, it hardly matters.我们已经知道她在哪儿了,你也很好心地提示过了,基本无害。
S:No, I mean you're going to find her dead.不,我是说你们会找到她的尸体。
W:You OK?你没事吧?