

2022-07-25  本文已影响0人  小潤澤

文章链接:《Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution with multi-subject single-cell expression reference》


  1. Xjp 代表给定tissue的 sample j 中gene g的mRNA分子数
  2. Xjpc 代表给定tissue的 sample j ,某一cell c中gene g的mRNA分子数
  3. Ckj 代表cell type k
  4. mkj 代表cell type k的细胞数

这个式子代表给定tissue的 sample j ,cell type k 中gene g 的平均相对表达量

代表cell type k中细胞总mRNA分子数的平均值(除以cell type k的总细胞数记作平均)

  1. 记作total number of cells in the bulk tissue

  2. 记作proportion of cells from cell type k

  3. 记作 bulk tissue 中 gene g 的相对表达量


这样的正比关系也暗示我们可以用线性模型来衡量这种关系,因此我们的目标就是估计 pkj 来表示细胞成分


1. 读取数据并运算


GSE50244.bulk.eset = readRDS('C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/GSE50244bulkeset.rds')

EMTAB.eset = readRDS('C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/EMTABesethealthy.rds')

XinT2D.eset = readRDS('C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/XinT2Deset.rds')

Est.prop.GSE50244 = music_prop(bulk.eset = GSE50244.bulk.eset, sc.eset = EMTAB.eset, clusters = 'cellType',
                               samples = 'sampleID', select.ct = c('alpha', 'beta', 'delta', 'gamma',
                                                                   'acinar', 'ductal'), verbose = F)


# 读入数据
bulk.eset = GSE50244.bulk.eset ## 读入bulk 的数据
sc.eset = EMTAB.eset  ## 读入scRNA 的数据
markers = NULL
clusters = 'cellType'
samples = 'sampleID'
select.ct =  c('alpha', 'beta', 'delta',
           'gamma','acinar', 'ductal')   ## cell type 的名称
cell_size = NULL
ct.cov = FALSE
verbose = TRUE
iter.max = 1000
nu = 0.0001
eps = 0.01
centered = FALSE
normalize = FALSE

# bulk 中选择基因表达不全为0的基因
bulk.gene = rownames(bulk.eset)[rowMeans(exprs(bulk.eset)) != 0]
bulk.eset = bulk.eset[bulk.gene, , drop = FALSE]

# 把这部分的基因定义为scRNA的markers
sc.markers = bulk.gene
# 对scRNA 数据进行标准化
sc.basis = music_basis(sc.eset, non.zero = TRUE, markers = sc.markers, clusters = clusters, samples = samples, select.ct = select.ct, cell_size = cell_size, ct.cov = ct.cov, verbose = verbose)

# sc.basis$Disgn.mtx 代表着单细胞不同 cell type 的基因表达矩阵,取bulk和scRNA基因的交集
cm.gene = intersect(rownames(sc.basis$Disgn.mtx), bulk.gene)
m.sc = match(cm.gene, rownames(sc.basis$Disgn.mtx))
m.bulk = match(cm.gene, bulk.gene)

# 筛选scRNA矩阵的交集基因
D1 = sc.basis$Disgn.mtx[m.sc, ]; 
M.S = colMeans(sc.basis$S, na.rm = T);

# 定义 bulk 表达矩阵的相对表达量
Yjg = relative.ab(exprs(bulk.eset)[m.bulk, ]); N.bulk = ncol(bulk.eset);

Sigma = sc.basis$Sigma[m.sc, ]

# 对scRNA的cell type表达情况进行筛选
valid.ct = (colSums(is.na(Sigma)) == 0)&(colSums(is.na(D1)) == 0)&(!is.na(M.S))
D1 = D1[, valid.ct]
M.S = M.S[valid.ct]
Sigma = Sigma[, valid.ct]
# 初始化
Est.prop.allgene = NULL
Est.prop.weighted = NULL
Weight.gene = NULL
r.squared.full = NULL
Var.prop = NULL

# 对bulk 表达矩阵的每个 sample 进行遍历
for(i in 1:N.bulk){
  if(sum(Yjg[, i] == 0) > 0){
    # 筛选非零表达的基因
    D1.temp = D1[Yjg[, i]!=0, ];
    Yjg.temp = Yjg[Yjg[, i]!=0, i];
    Sigma.temp = Sigma[Yjg[,i]!=0, ];
    D1.temp = D1;
    Yjg.temp = Yjg[, i];
    Sigma.temp = Sigma;

  # 对每个 sample 的bulk表达矩阵 (向量)与 scRNA 表达矩阵做 nnls
  lm.D1.weighted = music.iter(Yjg.temp, D1.temp, M.S, Sigma.temp, iter.max = iter.max,
                              nu = nu, eps = eps, centered = centered, normalize = normalize)
  Est.prop.allgene = rbind(Est.prop.allgene, lm.D1.weighted$p.nnls)
  Est.prop.weighted = rbind(Est.prop.weighted, lm.D1.weighted$p.weight)
  weight.gene.temp = rep(NA, nrow(Yjg)); weight.gene.temp[Yjg[,i]!=0] = lm.D1.weighted$weight.gene;
  Weight.gene = cbind(Weight.gene, weight.gene.temp)
  r.squared.full = c(r.squared.full, lm.D1.weighted$R.squared)
  Var.prop = rbind(Var.prop, lm.D1.weighted$var.p)
colnames(Est.prop.weighted) = colnames(D1)
rownames(Est.prop.weighted) = colnames(Yjg)
colnames(Est.prop.allgene) = colnames(D1)
rownames(Est.prop.allgene) = colnames(Yjg)
names(r.squared.full) = colnames(Yjg)
colnames(Weight.gene) = colnames(Yjg)
rownames(Weight.gene) = cm.gene
colnames(Var.prop) = colnames(D1)
rownames(Var.prop) = colnames(Yjg)

## 其中 Est.prop.weighted 表示细胞组分


# 对于函数 music.iter
## 读入数据
Y = Yjg.temp   # 某个 bulk 的表达矩阵
D = D1.temp    # scRNA 的表达矩阵
S = M.S
Sigma = Sigma.temp
iter.max = 1000
nu = 0.0001
eps = 0.01
centered = FALSE
normalize = FALSE

k = ncol(D); # number of cell types
# 计算 bulk 和 scRNA 基因的交集,得到相应的表达矩阵
common.gene = intersect(names(Y), rownames(D))
Y = Y[match(common.gene, names(Y))];
D = D[match(common.gene, rownames(D)), ]
Sigma = Sigma[match(common.gene, rownames(Sigma)), ]
X = D
Y = Y*100
## nnls计算
lm.D = music.basic(Y, X, S, Sigma, iter.max = iter.max, nu = nu, eps = eps)

# 对于函数music.basic
k = ncol(X)
## nnls 计算某个 bulk (Y 矩阵) 的表达矩阵和 scRNA (X 矩阵) 的表达矩阵
lm.D = nnls(X, Y)
r = resid(lm.D)

## 定义基因的权重,lm.D$x 代表的是 nnls 回归系数
weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + colSums((lm.D$x*S)^2*t(Sigma)))

## 响应变量为 bulk 表达矩阵乘开根号后的weight.gene
Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
## 决策变量为 scRNA 表达矩阵对应元素乘根号后的weight.gene
D.weight = sweep(X, 1, sqrt(weight.gene), '*')

## 再次利用nnls计算
lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight)
## 细胞组分比例为 p.weight
p.weight = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
p.weight.iter = p.weight
r = resid(lm.D.weight)

## 循环的目的是不停的迭代更新 weight.gene 使得 胞组分比例 p.weight 收敛
for(iter in 1:iter.max){
  weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + colSums( (lm.D.weight$x*S)^2*t(Sigma)  ))
  Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
  D.weight = X * as.matrix(sqrt(weight.gene))[,rep(1,k)]
  ## 不断更迭scRNA的weight和bulk的weight,使得最终细胞组分 p.weight 达到稳定
  lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight )
  p.weight.new = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
  r.new = resid(lm.D.weight)
  if(sum(abs(p.weight.new - p.weight)) < eps){
    p.weight = p.weight.new;
    r = r.new
    R.squared = 1 - var(Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x))/var(Y)
    fitted = X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x)
    var.p = diag(solve(t(D.weight)%*%D.weight)) * mean(r^2)/sum(lm.D.weight$x)^2
    return(list(p.nnls = (lm.D$x)/sum(lm.D$x), q.nnls = lm.D$x, fit.nnls = fitted(lm.D), resid.nnls = resid(lm.D),
                p.weight = p.weight, q.weight = lm.D.weight$x, fit.weight = fitted, resid.weight =  Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x),
                weight.gene = weight.gene, converge = paste0('Converge at ', iter),
                rsd = r, R.squared = R.squared, var.p = var.p));
  p.weight = p.weight.new;
  r = r.new;

其中,lm.D$x 代表 nnls 模型的回归系数

由此可见,作者并不是简单的直接运用scRNA表达矩阵和bulk矩阵,利用nnls直接计算细胞组分 p.weight,而是先定义一个 weight.genel来衡量基因的贡献程度,然后再分别得到矫正后的scRNA表达矩阵 D.weight 和校正后的 bulk 表达矩阵 Y.weight (进行表达矩阵数值的矫正),利用矫正后的矩阵进行nnls的计算(bulk 矩阵的 Y.weight 为Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene);scRNA 矩阵 D.weight 为D.weight = sweep(X, 1, sqrt(weight.gene), '*'))。通过不断迭代使得 细胞组分 p.weight 收敛

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