2018-04-18 Coding to generate da
2018-04-25 本文已影响0人
Step 1 Identify the information needed
For each test case execution, we need to collect below information:
- start-time & end-time of entire execution
- start-time, end-time & duration of each test case
- name of the test script
- execution status. 111=pass, 100=Fail, 000=Error, 101=Block
- comment
- location of log-files
- feature name, can be abstracted from script name
Step 2 Decide the format of the information
- start-time, end-time, duration, in seconds since 1970-01-01
- script name, of type string
- execution status, of type string
- comment, location of logs, feature, of type string
Step 3 Collect the information
- List all the sub-folders of current folder
import os
#list all the folders in this folder
target_folder = "./logs"
arr_dir = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target_folder):
for name in dirs:
- Build path to some log-file, then read contents of the file
stdout_path = os.path.join(target_folder, dir_name, "stdout.txt")
stdout_f = open(stdout_path, 'r')
stdout_contents = stdout_f.readlines()
- Get the first/last line of the log
first_line = stdout_contents[0].strip()
last_line = stdout_contents[-1].strip()
- Get the first/last line of the log
first_line = stdout_contents[0].strip()
last_line = stdout_contents[-1].strip()
- Convert time-string like
2018-04-18 07-33-08
into seconds since 1970-01-01
import time
#convert string to time
time_str = "2018-04-18 07-33-08"
the_tick = time.strptime(the_tick, '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')
#get time-stamp
the_tick = time.mktime(the_tick)
- Decide the execution result of the test case, using log content
def abstract_script_result_from_log_line(the_line):
if "Result = Pass" in the_line:
return "Pass"
if "Result = Fail" in the_line:
return "Fail"
return "Error"
Step 4 Write information into XML format
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Comment, tostring, ElementTree
#build xml-element
result = Element('result')
start_time = SubElement(result, 'startTime')
start_time.text = str(script_start_time)
end_time = SubElement(result, 'endTime')
end_time.text = str(script_end_time)
duration = SubElement(result, 'duration')
duration.text = str(script_duration)[0:6]
name = SubElement(result, 'name')
name.text = script_name.strip()
status = SubElement(result, 'status')
status.text = script_status_code
comment = SubElement(result, 'comment')
comment.text = script_comment
log_file = SubElement(result, 'logFile')
log_file.text = script_log_folder
class_name = SubElement(result, 'featureName')
class_name.text = script_feature_name
#write to result xml file
meta_data = "results.xml"
results_xml = open(meta_data, 'w')
#global start-time
#global end-time
Step 5 Define a script file to convert the XML content into J-Unit format
- Define the schema of the XML file(xlst.xsl)
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
indent="yes" />
<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
<xsl:template match="results">
<testsuite tests="{count(result/status)}" passed="{count(result[status='111'])}"
failure="{count(result[status='100'])}" skipped="{count(result[status='101'])}"
error="{count(result[status='000'])}" time="{endTime - startTime}">
<xsl:for-each select="result[status='111']">
<testcase name="{name}" classname="{featureName}" result="{status}"
comments="{comment}" time="{duration}">
<passed />
<xsl:for-each select="result[status='000']">
<testcase name="{name}" classname="{featureName}" result="{status}"
comments="{comment}" time="{duration}">
<failure message="{failReason}"></failure>
<error />
<xsl:for-each select="result[status='100']">
<testcase name="{name}" classname="{featureName}" result="{status}"
comments="{comment}" time="{duration}">
<failure message="{failReason}"></failure>
<failure />
<xsl:for-each select="result[status='101']">
<testcase name="{name}" result="{status}" comments="{comment}">
<skipped message="Test never ran"></skipped>
<skipped />
- Use Python to read and convert the XML based on the schema
from lxml import etree, objectify
import os.path
import sys
def generateJUnit(metadata):
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
tree = etree.parse(metadata, parser)
root = tree.getroot()
for elem in root.getiterator():
if not hasattr(elem.tag, 'find'): continue # (1)
i = elem.tag.find('}')
if i >= 0:
elem.tag = elem.tag[i + 1:]
objectify.deannotate(root, cleanup_namespaces=True)
tree.write(metadata,pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')
dom = etree.parse(metadata)
xslt = etree.parse("XLST.xsl")
transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
newdom = transform(dom)
str = etree.tostring(newdom, pretty_print=True)
print("Generating TestResults.xml under TestEnvironment")
with open("TestEnvironment\TestResults.xml","w")as fp:
if __name__ == '__main__':
metadata = sys.argv[1]
- Invoke the python script file
python JUnitResultGenerator.py
Step 6 Use Allure command-line to generate the HTML report
allure-commandline\bin\allure.bat generate TestEnvironment -c -o allure-results
- XML format used by J-Unit: http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/
- J-Unit data accepted by Allure: https://github.com/allure-framework/allure2/blob/a145f2933bb4c81b5bb0a3f24ae94e4023b71b83/allure-generator/src/test/resources/junitdata/TEST-test.SampleTest.xml