Here's how you can get ready for the next economic recession 我们如何为下一次经济衰退做好准备?
As we come to the end of one of the longest periods of economic growth, experts are certain a recession is coming within the next 12 to 18 months. Turns out, two out of every three people surveyed reported they are not prepared. Here are five steps you should take right now so you’re better prepared for the economic recession.
Start focusing on excelling in your current role to avoid layoffs during a recession: it’s important to “demonstrate your worth.” For example, start developing skills that give you a leg up at your company. Make yourself irreplaceable and become an asset, and it may pay off when a recession hits.
Start networking consistently to maintain contacts in multiple places: 85% of new jobs are found through contacts. First, ping your own family and friends for contacts they may have in industries that interest you。 Second, join professional networks; virtually all industries have clubs and societies that host networking events. Third, consider professional development opportunities through in-person or online educational programs.”
Start a side hustle now so you have a safety net in case of a layoff: Having a ‘plan B’ can give you peace of mind that no matter what happens you’ll have a source of income.
Start cutting your luxury expenses to create an emergency fund: Experts say people need six months worth of money saved in an account for emergencies, like a recession.
Start updating and refining your resume in case you lose your job: You should instead make sure your resume and LinkedIn is always up-to-date, not only with your most recent positions but also with your marketable skills.
Easy ways to reduce your use of plastics 减少塑料使用的简便妙招
Whether they’re clogging our oceans or causing harm to sea creatures, the use and creation of plastics has quickly become a crushing and widespread problem across the planet. Here rounded up some simple ways you can reduce your plastic use.
- Reflect on where you use plastics most: it is important for individuals to self-reflect on where they use plastics most, encourage people to assess their ‘plastic footprint’ to identify where they use the most plastic, the biggest contributors will be single-use plastic items and plastic packaging.
- Buy a reusable coffee cup: to kick the habit of disposable coffee cups. Not only are these coffee cups single-use, generally only used for about 30 minutes before being discarded.
- Reusable grocery bags can help too: This includes both the tote bags you’ve somehow acquired and even mesh produce bags. You can take a page out of a squirrel’s book and stow one away anywhere you might possibly need it – in your going out bag, gym bag, work bag, or the front seat of your car.
- Cut down on delivery: Ordering food may be convenient but it can come with extra plastics like utensils and plastic bags. The delivery food industry alone in China was responsible for 1.6 million tons of waste in 2017, including plastic containers, bags, and other forms of packaging and containers.
The 5 best features of Amazon Prime that make a membership worth the cost 亚马逊Prime值回会员价的5个最佳功能
When Amazon launched Amazon Prime back in 2005, it was a membership that guaranteed free two-day shipping on all sorts of different products. And if that’s all Prime ever was – a fast, free shipping plan – it would be worth the $US119 annual fee (or less, depending on your circumstances) based on how much we save in shipping costs by using Prime.
- Amazon Prime shipping: Prime has always and will always be all about fast shipping. If you don’t need that Emeril Lagasse air fryer or Bluetooth headphones delivered within two days, you can earn rewards that will apply to future orders by opting for no-rush shipping. Wait five or six days, earn future savings; not a bad deal, really.
- Prime Music: it offers access to millions of songs that you can stream through your computer or via the free Amazon app. Prime music lets you organise your tunes into playlists, by genre, artist, album, and more.
- Prime Video: Amazon also produces dozens of original programs – both movies and shows – which are available any time to Prime members.
- Cloud storage: get unlimited photo storage included with their membership, along with an additional 5 GB of free storage for non-photo files.
-Prime Wardrobe: Prime members can order eligible apparel and then enjoy seven days to try the stuff out after it arrives. You only pay for the garments you keep, and ship the rest back to Amazon in pre-paid packaging.
- AmazonFresh: For an additional monthly fee of $US14.99, Prime members can get groceries delivered to their door. That’s fresh stuff from the local grocery store, mind you, not canned goods and dry pasta.