Sentences for Memorizing in Each

1, It is far more important for a student to know how to make the most of his or her innate abilities.
2, You should set your priorities right.
3, He advocates a technique of reading effectively.
4, Don't be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand.
5, You are on the way to living a life that you want.
6, The research confirms that more than 70% of college freshmen encounter problems adapting to a new environment.
7, Instead of pressuring their children, these parents were always loving, gentle, and took pains to explain and motivate.
1, According to these advertisements, with very little effort on the student's part, he will be able to speak the language fluently in 3 months.
2, It's no use complaining.
No doubt Sheldon is a peculiar person.
3, She had gone to extremes to avoid seeing him.
4, If the AI were clever enough to do almost all the work, what would you do?
5, It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication
6, There is another relevant point worth mentioning here.
Unit 3
1. One warm and pleasant summer afternoon, I sat on an old blanket under a pine tree chatting with my mother.
2. We recalled events from my childhood, especially the most special event that occurred next to this tree.
3. Each year of their growth seemed to match our increasingly close relationship and the deepening love we had for each other.
4. On this particular sunny afternoon, Mother and I sat quietly breathing in the scent of freshly mown grass.
5. I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries.
6. We sat in silence gathering our thoughts.
7. she looked into my face, and her eyes filled with tears that split down her cheeks.
8. I had not been willing to admit the fact to myself.
9. I tell my children about their youthful funny behaviors and praise them for their accomplishments as young adults.
10. I cried tears of joy as my son hugged me---- his hug a rare and special treat.
11. As I sat there that cool April afternoon soaking up the sun and the smell of freshly mown grass, I felt I had come full circle under this giant pine tree.
12. As these trees grow straight and tall, I thought, will the lives of my family continue to grow with them?
13. The branches above were swaying in the breeze and in them I heard a whipersing voice: Who will you bring here when I'm gone?
Unit 5
1. The combination of characteristics that makes you different from every other person is your personality.
2. A closer look at personalities will show you why they are not so simple, and you will discover that your personality can be shaped if you make the effort.
3. A person's personality is composed of three elements, which fall into three categories.
4. As you observe how people handle their emotions, you start to form a picture of this part of their personality.
5. Some people prefer the company of others rather than being alone.
6. He sees humor in almost everything and is able to express it in entertaining ways.
7. The traits of personality become apparent to others through behavior.
8. When you start thinking about what you are like, you may start wondering why you are that way.
9. Heredity is the set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors.
10. People who feel loved and secure are likely to develop more positive personality traits than those who are troubled as they grow up.
11. Most people have at least some personality adjustments they would like to make.
12. Shaping/Building your personality as you want it to be may be easier now than later for you are changing while you are learning.