Get Committed---商业即兴41

2020-04-29  本文已影响0人  祥祥布鲁斯

Get Committed全力以赴

All right, let’s say you’ve been assigned to work with a team. The team  members seem committed to making the team work. There’s no startlingly obvious reason why this team can’t accomplish whatever it’s been tasked with. And yet as we all know, as teams begin their work,it’s very easy for the team dynamics to slide sideways or southward.Let’s take a look at some of the things that go wrong within team dynamics, and at what improv-based solutions to those problems might be. About a half dozen years ago my colleague and great friend Kate Duffy introduced me to two great questions, which we now ask in every Business Improv program.

好的,假设您已被分配与团队一起工作。团队成员似乎致力于使团队工作。没有令人惊讶的明显原因说明该团队无法完成任务。然而,众所周知,随着团队开始工作,团队动力很容易侧滑或向南滑动。让我们看一下团队​​动力中出现的一些问题,以及基于即兴的解决方案这些问题可能是。大约六年前,我的同事和好朋友凯特·达菲(Kate Duffy)向我介绍了两个重要的问题,现在我们在每个Business Improv计划中都会提出这些问题。

Question 1. Have you ever been in a meeting that is supposed to be  100 percent collaborative—everyone is supposed to be involved—and you got through that meeting without once participating or speaking up?


Normally just about everybody raises a hand—that is to say, 100 percent of the people admit they have not participated at least once when 100 percent participation was required.


Question 2. Have you ever led a meeting that was supposed to be  100 percent collaborative and participatory and in this meeting you knew of at least one person who did not participate?


Again, just about everybody raises a hand. The conclusion: what a waste.


If team members aren’t committing to a team or a process, such as  a meeting, and leaders are not holding those nonparticipants accountable, then what a squandered opportunity. What a waste of time, of energy, of morale and trust (the last ones are a deficit that is particularly hard to recover from). And for those keeping an eye on the bot�tom line, what a waste of money! (You are paying someone to be in that meeting who might have mentally checked out.) Look at it this way: if you consistently do not participate in any meaningful way in meetings, you serve the same purpose as a penguin on a pirate ship.


If a team is supposed to be collaborative and every member is supposed to participate, then every member should consider that to be a personal responsibility. Every team member has to have a stake in the team’s success. Active participation—ownership of the fact that you are a part of this team—has to be a baseline requirement. Simply showing up in the room where the team meeting takes place is not  enough. 


The leader of a team has to be explicit about the rules of engagement—for this period of time you will be held accountable for these duties and responsibilities and this is how you will be held responsible—and then protect the team by making sure those rules are enforced. Team morale is a delicate thing to establish, and like an eggshell, once it is broken it’s incredibly difficult to put back together.A team that starts out with members who are not committed is undermining morale from the start, almost guaranteeing that it will be wasting its time rather than gunning for success.


As a member of a collaborative team, if you do not want to participate you should leave. If you don’t have the energy or attitude to commit to a team and contribute to it, then get up and go do something you actually want to do. I’d much rather endure the momentary sting of seeing someone leave than have to put up with the deadweight burden of someone who does not want to be part of the team and whose negative attitude undermines the process for weeks on end.


This is an approach that I embrace. It extends from my improv teams,to my classrooms, to my business dealings, and it is an approach I often encourage others in leadership positions to adopt. In laying out the rules of team engagement, I make it clear to any potentially antiteam player: I want you to stay and I respect your choice to stay and participate, and if you cannot follow these rules, I also respect your decision to leave and not participate in the team. 


However, you must understand (and here’s the kicker!) that if you choose not to be a part of this team and this process, you are also choosing to give up the right to judge whatever the team does, as well as the right to judge the final outcome of the team’s work. You are not allowed to remove yourself from the process and then claim ownership in any capacity once the process is completed. If the team succeeds you’re not a part of it, and if the team sinks you’re not on board. If this team seems like a wrong turn to you, then go do something else that will make you happy and proud.


Life is short—you should create a practice of happiness. Life is also a long journey, so you should do things that can contribute to your happiness. In my experience one of the greatest problems with teams in a business setting is that the team members are not committed to the team. This signals a lack of leadership, a lack of accountability, and a team headed straight for the dumper.


Start with yourself. Check your attitude to make sure you are active and engaged in meetings. Understand that it is not your birthright to sit around and be a wet blanket 100 percent of the time. No one values the curmudgeon who thinks it is his or her job to say no to everything—the business equivalent of the old man yelling at the kids attempting to retrieve a ball off his lawn. 


Understand that if you consider it your primary job to be the one who always says no, you are sending the message that you consider yourself more intelligent and more important than everyone else in the room. You send the message that only you have the right answer, no matter what the question. If that’s true, congratulations—you are the smartest person in the world and you do not need a team to collaborate with you. Otherwise, a persistent “No” attitude has no function on an effective team.


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