
2020-09-13  本文已影响0人  自观问渠

学习重点: 1 动物相关词汇  2有趣的表达



1 主题相关:animal rights 动物权益,mink farming 水貂养殖,fur 毛皮,皮草

2 Not fur sale 谐音 not for sale 非卖品,不出售  

3 bring sth to an end: to make sth finish

注意:副标题以Covid-19为主语(其实bring sth to an end 也可以用人做主语)

例句:Trees and plants can bring environmental pollution to an end. Trees and Plants Can Bring Environmental Pollution to an END - EPPI


1 主题相关:animal-rights activists 动物权益保护者,cute/ adorable beasts 可爱的小动物,a cuddly critter 令人想抱抱的动物(联想:考拉)

2 mink are the only animal 注意此处名词指代复数,动词用复数

3 if so: if that is the case 此处用在句首,注意与上文的逻辑关系一脉相承

4 bring forward a ban on sth 提前禁止做某事

bring forward sth: to change the schedule of something so that it happens earlier

5 结果,not because +原因从句1, but because + 原因从句2,表示出现这种结果,不是原因1造成的,而是原因2造成的


1 mink跟在数量词后面,可以确定复数形式是mink

2主题词汇:raise/ tend mink养水貂, farm hands/ workers 养殖场工人

3 a clutch of : a small group of people or things

如 a clutch of students/ mink

4 the other way around / round: happening in the opposite way 反之亦然


1 主题词汇:infected minks 染病水貂

2 arm: An arm of an organization is a part of it that is responsible for a particular activity or place:

例如:Alipay, Alibaba's online payment arm

3 get out of the business 放弃这项业务, 不干这行了


1 主题相关:solitary predators 单独捕食的动物(联想:老虎、蛇)animal-rights advocates 动物权益倡导者 fur farming 皮草养殖

2 句型:As for +要引出的话题,the worry is that +从句

as for: considering or speaking about

造句:As for fur farming, the worry is that covid-19 could bring an end to its industry in the Netherlands.

3 translate: to change something into a new form, especially to turn a plan into something real  转化,实体化

例如:translate thoughts into sentences/ spoken words


