swot:informal to study a lot in a short time, especially for an examination. swot up:to learn as much as you can about a subject, especially in order to prepare for an examination
scheming:given to making plots; cunning 诡计多端的; 狡猾的
distraction:[C,U] something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing使人分心的事物 to distraction到发狂的程度,到无可忍受的地步She admired the older girl Hortensia to distraction for the daring deeds she had performed in the school.
mull:to think about a problem, plan etc for a long time before making a decision
foe:literary an enemy
exploit: /ɪk'splɔɪt,ɪkˋsplɔɪt/ n. a brave and exciting adventure that someone has had
colony:/'kɒləni,ˋkɑlənɪ/ n. [C ] 殖民地;聚居人群,聚居地
newt:/njuːt,nut/ n. [C ]蝾螈
murky:dark and difficult to see through
gruesome:very unpleasant or shocking, and involving someone being killed or badly injured令人厌恶的,可怕的〔涉及有人被杀或受重伤〕
slimy: /'slaɪmi,ˋslaɪmɪ/ adj. covered with slime , or wet and slippery like slime 黏糊糊的
amphibian: /æmˈfɪbiən,æmˋfɪbɪən/ n. [C ] 两栖动物
whopper: /'wɒpə,ˋwɑpɚ/ n. [C ] informal 1.a lie;2.something unusually big
swoop:written if the police, army etc swoop on a place, they go there without any warning in order to look for someone or something〔警方、军队等〕突然袭击;突然搜查
line: v. [T ] 铺,垫〔某物内部〕
wriggle: /'rɪɡ ə l,ˋrɪgḷ/ v.扭动;蠕动 = squirm
quicksilver:literary something that is like quicksilver changes or moves quickly in a way that you do not expect变化莫测的事物;神出鬼没的事物
satchel:/'sætʃ ə l,ˋsætʃəl/ n. [C ]〔尤指旧时小孩用的〕书包,小背包
tingle:if a part of your body tingles, you feel a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin〔尤指皮肤〕感到刺痛,刺痒 tingle with excitement/fear/anticipation etc 感到很激动/充满恐惧/充满期待等
glazed:adj. 光滑的;像玻璃的;上过釉的;呆滞无神的
tip:[I,T] to move into a sloping position, so that one end or side is higher than the other, or to make something do this(使)倾斜,(使)侧倾
thrash: to move or make something move from side to side in a violent or uncontrolled way(使)猛烈摆动;翻腾
see: to make sure or check that something is done. see (that)
bring off:to succeed in achieving (something), esp with difficulty or contrary to expectations (尤指很难地或出乎预料地)圆满完成
come up with:想出
the germ of an idea/theory/feeling etc:观念/理论/感情等的萌芽
the Duke of Wellington 威灵顿公爵,在滑铁卢战役中打败了拿破仑