
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's

2019-08-08  本文已影响0人  diligentgirl

Chapter 6 The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

This chapter depicted Harry's departure for Hogwarts school by train.The magic platform Nine and Three-Quarters was only visible and approachable to wizards.With a little excitement and puzzle,Harry started his journey and made acquaintance with the Weasleys who later became the second warm-hearted family for Harry.Hermione Granger was also a best friend of Harry and gave critical advice helping Harry escape danger and combat with Voldermort.

Neville was  one of the two brave boys  who met the standards the Prophet once indicated and narrowly escaped the attack from Voldermort.However,his parients had been mad because of the torture by Death Eaters

The Weasleys was a pure wizard family.Although they were not rich despite two of them working for  government,they were still in a talent-focus family.Charlie was studying dragons, Bill doing something for Gringotts, Charlia Captain of Quidditch in school, Percy the prefect,twin of Fred and George full of imagination,  Ron and Ginny brave to confront with evil.

Scabbers was a pet of Ron and it was more than a mouse.It was transfigured by Peter Pettigrew,the one who was an intimate friend of Harry's father and mother but betrayed their information to Voldermort and finally caused them to death.

The gang of Crabbe,Goyle and their leader Malfoy was boys wearing prejudice glasses and extremely arrogant.They standed for the antagonists and finally failed in the battle bewteen the justice and evil.

Words and phrases


   V 1>to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a sound, especially when you are crying, have a cold, etc. 抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气) 

      ◆ We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing. 我们都感冒了,一个劲地抽鼻子,打喷嚏。 

         2 >[transitive ,  intransitive ] to breathe air in through the nose in order to discover or enjoy the smell of sth (吸着气)嗅,闻 SYN smell

       3 >[transitive,  intransitive ] + speech | sniff (sth) :to say sth in a complaining or disapproving way 抱怨;不以为然地说 

2.time wasters 浪费时间

3.deadlocks :(n) a hairstyle in which the hair is washed but not combed and twisted while wet into tight braids or ringlets hanging down on all sides.头发打结

  deadlock: noun  [singular , uncountable ] a complete failure to reach agreement or settle an argument 僵持;僵局;相持不下 SYN stalemate

    ◆ European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlockover farm subsidies.欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局

4.feel a great leap of exccitement 表达心情激动

5.tarantula 狼蛛

6.alchemy n. 炼金术

7.druidess n. 女巫师=witch

8.riffraff n. 乌合之众

9.knock out   v击昏



Harry ticked off another day on the piece of paper he had pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first.

tick sb/sth ˈoff:to put a mark (✓) beside a name or an item on a list to show that sth has been dealt with 给…画上钩;给…打核对号

count  down (to sth):to think about a future event with pleasure or excitement and count the minutes, days, etc. until it happens 倒计时◆ She's already counting down to the big day. 她已经在对这一重大日子倒计时了。


 Harry's stomach lurched with nerves

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