M1 复盘
Background: I have read the book named "fupan", I realize that there is something happened in my thinking pattern.
背景: 最近我读了一本书叫做复盘,我意识到在复盘我需要做些什么。
Comparison: I used to record the process of my feelings and analysis some relevant reasons. just record but no change in real actions.
比较: 我过去就是记录自我感受的过程,和分析一些相关的原因,只是记录但是行动上没有改变。
so, I want to follow the book's instructions. 所以, 我要跟着书的指导去做。
Like this: 像这样
Recall Aims回忆目标
For example, In today's class, I change class timetable. Hopefully, I could go through the content.举个例子,在今天的课堂里, 我改变了上课的时间表, 希望自己可以过了所有的东西。
Evaluate 估计结果
Overall, my feeling is below the so-so level.整体来说,我的感受在一般般之下。
Analysis reasons分析原因
My teaching content is not attractive. 我教的东西还是不够吸引人。 What is more, the exact procedure which I need is to preview.
1. previewing is so important.
2. patience