
2018-08-10  本文已影响0人  赤瞳妖精


List directory contents.

- List files one per line:

ls -1

- List all files, including hidden files:

ls -a

- Long format list (permissions, ownership, size and modification date) of all files:

ls -la

- Long format list with size displayed using human readable units (KB, MB, GB):

ls -lh

- Long format list sorted by size (descending):

ls -lS

- Long format list of all files, sorted by modification date (oldest first):

ls -ltr


Print and concatenate files.

- Print the contents of a file to the standard output:

cat file

- Concatenate several files into the target file:

cat file1 file2 > target_file

- Append several files into the target file:

cat file1 file2 >> target_file

- Number all output lines:

cat -n file

3. mv

Move or rename files and directories.

- Move files in arbitrary locations:

mv source target

- Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files:

mv -f source target

- Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files but write to standard error before overriding:

mv -fi source target

- Move files in verbose mode, showing files after they are moved:

mv -v source target

4. touch

Change a file access and modification times (atime, mtime).

- Create a new empty file(s) or change the times for existing file(s) to current time:

touch filename

- Set the times on a file to a specific date and time:

touch -t YYYYMMDDHHMM.SS filename

- Use the times from a file to set the times on a second file:

touch -r filename filename2

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