English vocabulary learning 10/1

2022-10-12  本文已影响0人  资源狂小李

1. cronyism 英 /ˈkrəʊniɪzəm/  美 /ˈkroʊniɪzəm/ n. 任人唯亲;任用亲信

n.任人唯亲,对好朋友的偏袒: favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications

■e.g. officials practicing cronyism任人唯亲的官员

■同: favoritism

2. pedant 英 /ˈpednt/  美 /ˈpednt/ n. 学究;书呆子;卖弄学问的人;空谈家

n.书呆子,墨守成规之人: one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules

■e.g. He is a perfect type of pedant.他是个十足的书呆子

■同: doctrinaire, dogmatist

3. blazon 英 /ˈbleɪzn/  美 /ˈbleɪzn/ v. 生动展示;(耸人听闻地)报道,宣布;(用正确的纹章术语)描述(纹章);装饰 n. 对纹章(图案等)所作的确切描述;纹章

vt.使知名: to make known openly or publicly

■e.g. Their very public canoodling has pretty much blazoned the fact that they are having an affair 他们彼此间公开的亲昵举动让他们之间的恋情大白于天下

■同: annunciate, broadcast, declare, publicize, proclaim

■反: withhold保留,不透露

v.修饰,装扮: to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming

■e.g. The university's dormitory has been blazoned with banners celebrating graduation 学校宿舍被那些庆祝毕业的横幅所装点

■同: adorn, bedeck, embellish, garnish

■反: blemish, deface, mar, spoil 损害,破坏

4. rabble 英 /ˈræbl/  美 /ˈræbl/ n. 乌合之众;暴民;下层社会;(搅炼用的)长柄耙 vt. 聚众闹事;用长柄耙搅拌

n.混乱的人群: a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people

■e.g. the crown prince was reminded that even the rabble deserved his attention and compassion 太子应该 知道即使是草民,也值得他的关注和同情

■同: ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, scum, rag, trash, unwashed

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