
2014-11-05  本文已影响0人  tftlg

2012年威尼斯建筑双年展上,英国的参展项目是Venice Takeaway。10个团队在10个国家进行了研究并希望他们的成果可以对英国本土有借鉴意义。去年在英国皇家建筑师协会RIBA,这个展览被搬回了伦敦开放给公众参观。其中最吸引我的是建筑事务所dRMM的关于荷兰水上房屋的研究The Dutch Way。 


The Dutch Way hopes to address long-term flood strategies and housing need by proposing new floating neighbourhood ‘incubators’ to be tested in London’s Royal Victoria Dock. 


在采访中,皇家码头管理局的董事经理Mike Luddy提到: 

‘Our vision for the Royal Docks is to create a unique place for London with its own distinctive identity. The dock occupies a huge area, approximately 4km long. Since its closure in the 1980s, there have been many plans to redevelop the area, but every single one of them (and there have been 82 master plans) have looked at it from a land-based perspective: no one has actually looked at the water itself and at what an amazing asset we have. The water in the dock is controlled so it’s always at a certain level – it’s very stable. We could be developing a large community of up to 1,5000 – 2,000 homes, or we could have a more scaled-down development. The key is how to bring the local communities to the water, to incorporate infrastructure, housing and watersports. Through dRMM’s research in Holland we’ve started to understand more about how the Dutch have created this amazing development on the water. It has inspired us to believe that this is actually commercially possible.’ 


“荷兰模式”项目组对皇家码头管理局的董事经理Mike Luddy进行了采访

也许正是由于这个研究的推动,去年3月,伦敦市长Boris宣布了和皇家码头管理局合作在皇家维多利亚码头开发“漂浮村”。这项开发计划涉及位于阿联酋航空空中缆车正下方的15英亩水域,包含漂浮房屋,旅馆,餐厅和酒吧。然而今年2月份,纽约时报的一篇报道里提到了这个计划可能因为缺乏投资商加上地方政府(该项目地处Newham区)的抵触而流产。时隔不久的5月,伦敦市长正式宣布与中国的总部基地集团签署了价值10亿英镑的合约,在皇家维多利亚码头东侧的皇家阿尔伯特码头开发建设“亚洲商务港” 。这一320万平方英尺(约30万平方米)的商业中心将主要吸引中国及亚洲企业进驻。 

伦敦的皇家码头 皇家维多利亚码头和阿联酋航空空中缆车

就在也许所有人都以为漂浮村的计划完全搁浅让位于商业中心的开发时,7月份伦敦市长宣布了联合企业Carillion Igloo Genesis在竞争中取胜,将在皇家维多利亚码头设计建造“漂浮村”。这一联合企业是有建筑商Carillion,Igloo再开发基金(主要投资方是Aviva)以及旨在提供经济适用房的慈善机构Genesis住房协会共同组成,他们将会和dRMM建筑事务所及工程顾问公司Buro Happold协同研究开发建造百分百漂浮的50套住宅,步道以及其他商业空间包括餐厅,咖啡店,商店,露天浴场和溜冰场。 


Compared to house prices in similar locations near Amsterdam city centre, prices of the floating homes in Ijburg are relatively cheap. A 170 square metre houseboat divided over three floors, including a 45-square-metre sun terrace costs approximately 400,000 euros, including 120,000 euros for the 50-year lease. 




