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2017-12-18  本文已影响30人  头号联盟听天由己

今天是 2017 年 12 月 18 日,是再平常不过的一天了。

每到年底,心里总有莫名的伤感,每个人都在谈论 2017 年自己经历了多少,可回顾年初目标,却不免长吁短叹,恨不得时光倒流,把那些计划统统删除,这样还能心安理得些。

昨天无意间翻开 QQ 空间,十几篇日志安静地待在那里,仅仅瞥见两页标题,便直戳内心,有些熟悉依旧,有些可笑至极。细细想来,那些文字可是我最真实的内心活动,而大学前三年竟然都是在悲春伤秋,仿佛这个世界都是与我为敌,寻不得出路,觅不到解药,唯有用文字来发泄心中的那些小情绪。









(文章首发于 2013 年 1 月 13 日,为了方便阅读,此处做了删减)

The moment I stumbled across the writing task in the middle of the English examination during the two-day fateful battle, what popped into my mind was this phrase, illuminating but penetrating, which had epitomized the whole strenuous drill. My mind wandered while the other fighters completed their own missions. It was all about the determination as well as fortitude, everyone hastily agreed, or so it seemed. It is acknowledged that one who has a willing heart will wind up being the most admired general after the tribulation, and overshadow all his contemporaries. 

By and large, the fundamental wisdom shared by the troops of graduates rested on the harsh reality that the intimidating future will not fully embrace the newcomers unless proven. All of us, I believe, is driven by some unknown yearning, the potential force which strengthens us. To our enduring gratitude, we came, we saw and we conquered till the end.

Luckily, the whim faded away as I put pen to paper. Leaving behind every trivial stuff, I somehow managed to concentrate. The other day vanished in a puff where I constantly calmed down myself with “Yes, I can.” Every second, every hour seemed to hypnotize and confine me in the little universe. The truth that I was not strained was perplexing at first, but it was later justifiably explained by one of my teachers that I was entitled to a host of choices even the result turned out unsatisfying. 

Relieving as the exhortation is, I could not help wondering how the road would end up. After the action concludes, I decide to enjoy my life of leisure. However, whenever I catch a glimpse of the forum or anything relevant to the post-graduate examination, my heart races and then I would be curious enough to rush the pages. A maxim remarked by one of the candidates enlightens me: Always hoping for the best and expecting the worst. That is human’s nature all over.

However, along the road every single foe is no easy to be taken down, both physical ordeal and mental stress. It is more than clear to describe the stereotyped routine of a workaholic. 

As usual, he wakes up subconsciously at 6:40 in the morning while other roommates are still playing their own inception games. Then, after scrambling for the regular seat in piles of arrogant books, he is fortunate enough to be glued to his domain during the whole day. At times, he has to wave gracefully to other devoted students and even wrestle with the strike squad of librarians. The frequent episodes of dominating and defending territories never die away. 

Often, there are passionate reciters who strain to appreciate the texts in the corridors; there are enthusiastic soldiers who endeavor to seize the beachhead and make a heavy blow to hard-to-digest puzzles. The invisible pressure heightens whenever he stares at those dedicated ones, and he moves on with another wave of attack on the obscure articles. 

When his most familiar ally repeats the padlock at 21:50, he hurriedly clears the table with a regretful look, hoping desperately to land a higher rank the next day. As he expects to call it a night, the assignment from other courses visits him, with which he engages swiftly but sluggishly. So, this typical pattern goes on and on until the ultimate showdown. Three, two,one…Bang...

Perennially, the mental limbo is no less profound than the energy-sapping preparedness. The long-standing confrontation between the ideal and the efforts continues to sink in my mind. So many temptations are there that I have to reinforce my resistance, shunning anything that lures me into indulgence. But it is always harder than imagined. Hesitation, weariness and anguish occasionally assault me violently, and by savoring them the hard way I come to realize the gist of fighting as incisively expressed in an old saying: As the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I then double my arms and charge again.

So the Odyssey takes a lifetime to pursue. While I have been striving forward, I feel indebted to a bunch of comrades, who are always behind my back and watchout for me, and in particular, to my beloved one.

I am much grateful for what U have sacrificed and I promise to be stronger because of U. Many thanks~

A New Chapter and A New Calling…













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