

2021-07-30  本文已影响0人  努力变富

The meaning of life.

Today I went to exercise this with my two friends.

Then we talked each other.

I asked:

"  Did you know what is the  Growth?"

One of them said:

"  Grew up every day,  You will  more taller    and more heavier day after day "

Yes, i say.

There's the grown of your body.

But the more growth is from your mind.

  You will know more and more.

And then, You will have more question, than you know.

Somebody want to  Get more answer.

So they study and they grew more quickly.

But somebody afraid,  Or lazy.

They don't want to know more.

So they  Stop growing.

That's a difference of people and the others.

One person's body  More strongly than other one.

But you know the gap is very little.

  But if you know one person's mind more strongly than the other one.

The gap is very  huge.

Good good study , day day up.


See you

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