
没看这篇 活该你还在纠结团队利益和个人价值!

2017-08-28  本文已影响9人  Andy老师









CorporatePosition vs. Your Own Values

     These days Ifeel like as if I can air out my opinions on business, strategy and how thingsshould be done in my niche area the way my brain thinks it should be (I nevercondone speaking straight from the heart because those unprocessed thoughtscome back and bite you in the end). However, if you were like me previously andwas in charge of a team for a larger company, then balancing your company’scorporate position versus your own beliefs on how things should get done is aconstant struggle.

     For more junioremployees, this may or may not be relevant depending on the nature of the work.When I was tasked with developing an entirely new market as a juniorconsultant, of course I didn’t appreciate the fact that the corporate positionon a number of issues, which looking back in hindsight, is incredibly stupidand yet at the time I got penalized for point out such issues for the better ofthe company. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to be headhunted twice in my earlystages of my career, and moving up the corporate ladder gave me much moreauthority. On the flipside, for most people the battle between corporateposition and their own beliefs intensify the higher they move up the corporateladder, if their values are not initially aligned properly.

      To a client,“We believe Plan A is the perfect solution to your needs and is also the mostcost-effective”

      What you arereally think “Plan A is actually just hot air, full of crap and actually Plan Bis much better suited to the client’s needs. But because I don’t want to getdragged into the room and get screamed at by my Managing Director, I’m going tohave to play along with Plan B”

       Well, if the above sounds like a frequentoccurrence, then you are not alone. Over a reported of 72% of people that areconducted by a few market researching firm partners stated that they have atleast been in uncomfortable positions in which they do not necessarily agreewith the company’s vision.

       As far asemployees go, the conflict and struggle of whether or not the workplace isappropriate for your beliefs lives on another day, but what you need to do issit down and think about the issues that you have felt uncomfortable with andlist them out. The items that you feel can be compromised - then woohoo. Butit’s really the issues that you feel are intolerable, you then need to think atwhat point is it okay for you to continue staying at this kind of environment.You are not only doing a disservice to yourself, but also your employer whocould easily free up your headcount and have someone that is more of a fit totakeover. But be selfish for a second and think about your career - there aredefinitely more things worth your time pursuing than staying for an employerand feel all downbeat because your values don’t matter.

       So how shouldcompanies remedy this before hiring an employee whose value system may notalign? The short answer is, you can’t. There are a bunch of value-system testsout there that claim they help evaluate this ahead of time. I’ve certainlytaken one before and I felt like as if I was in grade 5 - taking a test thatyou know is meaningless but you still have to do it because the system dictatesyou to do so. What they fail to ignore is that people usually don’t know whatexactly their value system is out of context, and if just throw a roleplayingscenario in there then it often produces inaccurate results. What you CAN doahead of time however is to ensure the employee is a cultural fit through logicanalysis - for more information you are welcome to consult with me on this, butwhat you really need is ongoing evaluation as you develop throughout yourjourney climbing the internal corporate ladder to see if this works for you,which is something that I heavily insist all my clients implement not justbecause I happen to be an expert on this, but understanding how an employee’svalues affect their behavior as they progress through the ranks is of theutmost relevance.


-Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number ofcountries,American-born Chinese andThird Culture Kid (TCK)

多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人, 典型第三文化人士(TCK)

-Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals withassessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy


-Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China


- UCBerkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador


-Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions


-Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments


-Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schoolsgrowing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean andHong Kong education systems


欢迎大家关注其自媒体平台Andy Z老师。

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