
2020-11-03  本文已影响0人  5765f3fa240e

创新创业 innovation and entrepreneurship

知识产权 intellectual property protection

融资 financing, funding

竞争 competition

气候变化 climate change

基础设施 infrastructure

改革税收 tax reform

支出举债 change spending structure and borrow prudently

资金短缺 funding shortage

外国私人投资 private foreign investment

投资环境 investment environment

To encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, the Asian countries should also promote intellectual property protection and rule of law, better access to financing, and effective policies to encourage competition.

Asia also needs to invest a total of $26 trillion from 2016 to 2030 in infrastructure so that it can ease the impact of climate change.

To meet the needs, Asian countries should increase public funding through tax reform, change spending shortages will remain.

To address this issue, Asian countries should attract private investment by improving their investment climate.

They should forge partnership with private investors and offer higher returns to them. Let me conclude with this remark: Asia has already come so far so quickly. Joining high-income countries through sustained growth can be done.

It’s the next natural step.

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