
2018-07-12  本文已影响0人  是阿识呀
作者: [美]Paul Wilton / [美]John Colby
出版社: 清华大学出版社
原作名: Beginning SQL
译者: 敖富江
出版年: 2006-1
页数: 408
定价: 48.00元
装帧: 平装
丛书: wrox红皮书
ISBN: 9787302128335


1 数据库与表的建立,更新及删除

1.1 创建和删除数据库

CREATE DATABASE name_of_database;
DROP DATABASE name_of_database;

1.2 创建、更改和删除表

CREATE TABLE name_of_table
    name_of_column column_datatype

ALTER TABLE name_of_table ADD name_of_column column_datatype
ALTER TABLE name_of_table DROP COLUMN name_of_column
DROP TABLE name_of_table

1.3 主键与外键

主键(primary key)是一个字段或者多个字段,它们能够唯一标识数据库中的每个记录。外键(foreign key)包含另一个表中的主键值,它允许第二个表引用第一个表中的数据。

1.4 创建示例数据库(use mysql)

create database filmClub;

use filmClub

create table MemberDetails
    -> (
    -> MemberId int,
    -> FirstName varchar(50),
    -> LastName varchar(50),
    -> DateOfBirth date,
    -> Street varchar(100),
    -> City varchar(75),
    -> State varchar(75),
    -> ZipCode varchar(12),
    -> Email varchar(200),
    -> DateOfJoining date,
    -> primary key(MemberId)
    -> );

create table Attendance
    -> (
    -> MeetingDate date,
    -> Location varchar(200),
    -> MemberAttended char(1),
    -> MemberId int references memberDetails(MemberId)
    -> );

create table Location
    -> (
    -> LocationId int,
    -> Street varchar(100),
    -> City varchar(75),
    -> State varchar(75),
    -> primary key(LOcationId)
    -> );

alter table Attendance drop Location;
alter table Attendance add LocationId int references Location(LocationId);
alter table Attendance add primary key(MemberId, LocationId);

create table Category
    -> (
    -> CategoryId int,
    -> Category varchar(100),
    -> primary key(CategoryId)
    -> );

create table Films
    -> (
    -> FilmId int,
    -> FilmName varchar(100),
    -> YearReleased int,
    -> PlotSummary text,
    -> AvailableOnDVD char(1),
    -> Rating int,
    -> CategoryId int references FilmCategory(CategoryId)
    -> );

create table FavCategory
    -> (
    -> CategoryId int references FilmCategory(CategoryId),
    -> MemberId int references MemberDetails(MemberId)
    -> );


create table Attendance
    -> (
    -> MeetingDate date,
    -> Location varchar(200),
    -> MemberAttended char(1),
    -> MemberId int ,
    -> Foreign key (MemberId) references memberDetails(MemberId)
    -> );

2 输入与提取数据

2.1 插入数据

INSERT INTO table_name (column_names) VALUES (data_values)

insert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (1, 'Thriller');
nsert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (2, 'Romance');
insert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (3, 'Horror');
insert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (4, 'War');
insert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (5, 'Sci-fi');
insert into Category(CategoryId, Category) values (6, 'Historical');

insert into MemberDetails values (1,'Katie','Smith','1977-01-09','Main Road','Townsville','Stateside','123456','Katie@mail.com','2004-02-23');
insert into MemberDetails values (2,'Bob','Robson','1987-01-09','Little Street','Big City','Small State','34565','rob@mail.com','2004-03-13');
insert into MemberDetails values (3,'Sandra','Jakes','1957-05-15','The Avenue','Windy Village','Golden State', '65423', 'sandra@her_mail.com', '2004-04-13');
insert into MemberDetails values (4,'Steve','Gee','1967-10-05','The Road','Windy Village','Golden State', '65424', 'steve@gee.com', '2004-02-22');
insert into MemberDetails values (5,'John','Jones','1952-10-05','New Lane','Big Apple City','New State', '88776', 'jj@jonesmail.org', '2005-01-02');
insert into MemberDetails values (6,'Jenny','Jones','1953-08-25','New Lane','Big Apple City','New State', '88776', 'jj@jonesmail.org', '2005-01-02');

insert into Location values (1, 'Main Street', 'Big Apple City', 'New State');
insert into Location values (2, 'Winding Road', 'Windy Village', 'Golden State');
insert into Location values (3, 'Tiny Terrace', 'Big City', 'Small State');

insert into FavCategory values (1,3);
insert into FavCategory values (1,5);
insert into FavCategory values (1,2);
insert into FavCategory values (1,3);
insert into FavCategory values (2,1);
insert into FavCategory values (2,3);
insert into FavCategory values (3,3);
insert into FavCategory values (4,6);
insert into FavCategory values (4,1);
insert into FavCategory values (5,2);
insert into FavCategory values (5,3);
insert into FavCategory values (5,4);

insert into Films values (1,'The Dirty Half Dozen',1987,'Six men go to war wearing unwashed uniforms. The horror!','N',2,4);
insert into Films values (2,'On Golden Puddle',1967,'A couple find love while wading through a puddle','Y',4,2);
insert into Films values (3,'The Lion, The Witch, and the Chest of Drawers',1977,'A fun film for all those interested in zoo/magic/furniture drama','N',1,3);
insert into Films values (4,'Nightmare on Oak Street,Part 23',1997,'The murderous Terry stalks Oak Street','Y',2,3);
insert into Films values (5,'The Wide Brimmed Hat',2005,'Fascinating life story of a wide brimmed hat','N',1,5);
insert into Films values (6,'Sense and Insensitivity',2001,'She longs for a new life with Mr Arcy, he longs for a small cottage in theHamtons','Y',3,6);
insert into Films values (7,'Planet of the Japes',1967,'Earth has been destoryed, to be taken over by a species of comedians','Y',5,4);
insert into Films values (8,'The Maltese Poodle',1947,'A mysterious bite mark, a guilty looking poodle, 1st class thriller','Y',1,1);
insert into Films values (9,'15th Late Afternoon',1989,'One of Shakespare''s lesser known plays','N',5,6);
insert into Films values (10,'Soylent Yellow',1967,'Detective Billy Brambles discovers Soylent Yellow is made of Soya Bean. Ewwww!','Y',5,5);

insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',1,2,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',2,2,'N');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',3,2,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',4,2,'N');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',5,2,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-01-01',6,2,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',1,1,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',2,1,'N');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',3,1,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',4,1,'Y');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',5,1,'N');
insert into Attendance values ('2004-03-01',6,1,'N');

2.2 更新数据

UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value WHERE condition

update MemberDetails set
    -> Street = '45 Upper Road',
    -> City = 'New Town',
    -> State = 'New State',
    -> ZipCode = '99112'
    -> where MemberId = 4;

update MemberDetails set
    -> City = 'Orange Town'
    -> where City = 'Big Apple City';
update Location set
    -> City = 'Orange Town'
    -> where City = 'Big Apple City';

update MemberDetails set
    -> State = 'Mega State'
    -> where State = 'Small State' or State = 'Stateside';
update Location set
    -> State = 'Mega State'
    -> where State = 'Small State' or State = 'Stateside';

2.3 删除数据

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition

下面删除Bob Robson(MemberId =2)的所有信息

delete from MemberDetails where MemberId = 2;
delete from Attendance where MemberId = 2;
delete from FavCategory where MemberId = 2;

2.4 SELECT语句

SELECT column1,column2,...,columnx FROM table_name

2.4.1 仅返回不同的行(DISTINCT)

select City from MemberDetails;
select distinct City from MemberDetails;


select distinct City,MemberId from MemberDetails;


select LastName as Surname from MemberDetails;


select concat(FirstName,' ',LastName) as 'Member Name' from MemberDetails;


select concat_ws(' ',FirstName,LastName) as 'Member Name' from MemberDetails;


select FirstName from MemberDetails where not state = 'Golden State';

select FilmName, YearReleased, Rating, AvailableOnDVD from Films where YearReleased between 1980 and 1989;


select LastName from MemberDetails where LastName like 'J%';
select LastName from MemberDetails where LastName like 'G_e';

select FilmName, YearReleased, Rating, AvailableOnDVD from Films where YearReleased in (1967,1977,1987);

2.4.4 使用ORDER BY排序结果

默认情况下,ORDER BY按照升序排序,使用DESC表示降序。可以基于多个列进行排序。

select YearReleased from Films order by YearReleased;
select YearReleased from Films order by YearReleased desc;
select FilmName,Rating,YearReleased from Films order by Rating,YearReleased,FilmName;

2.5 从多个表中选择数据


table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON column_from_table1 = column_from_table2

select FilmName,YearReleased,Rating
    -> from Films inner join Category
    -> on Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> where Category.CategoryId = 6;


select FilmName,YearReleased,Rating
    -> from Films,Category
    -> where Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> and Category.CategoryId = 6;


select MemberDetails.FirstName,MemberDetails.LastName,Category.Category,Films.FilmName,Films.YearReleased
   -> from (( FavCategory inner join Category on FavCategory.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId)
   -> inner join MemberDetails
   -> on FavCategory.MemberId = MemberDetails.MemberId)
   -> inner join Films
   -> on Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
   -> order by MemberDetails.LastName,MemberDetails.FirstName;

2.5.2 SQL是基于集合的


3 数据库设计

3.1 数据库设计的3个范式

3.1.1 第一范式

3.1.2 第二范式



FilmId      int             PK
FilmName    varchar(100)
ActorId     int            PK
ActorName   varchar(100)
DateOfBirth date


FilmId      int             PK
FilmName    varchar(100)

ActorId     int            PK
ActorName   varchar(100)
DateOfBirth date

FilmId      int             PK
ActorId     int            PK


3.1.3 第三范式



MemberId    int             PK
FirstName   varchar(30)
LastName    varchar(30)
Zipcode     char(6)
Street      varchar(50)
City        varchar(50)
State       varchar(50)


MemberId    int             PK
FirstName   varchar(30)
LastName    varchar(30)

Zipcode     char(6)         PK
Street      varchar(50)
City        varchar(50)
State       varchar(50)


3.2 利用约束确保数据有效性

3.2.1 NOT NULL约束

NOT NULL可以确保列必须具有一个值,否则记录就不能插入到数据库中。

create table tmp
   -> (
   -> column1 int not null,
   -> column2 varchar(20),
   -> column3 varchar(12) not null
   -> );

alter table tmp modify column2 varchar(20) not null;

3.2.2 UNIQUE约束


create table myuniquetable
    -> (
    -> column1 int,
    -> column2 varchar(20) unique,
    -> column3 varchar(30) unique
    -> );

insert into myuniquetable values (1,'abc', 'xyz');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

insert into myuniquetable values (1,'efg', 'xyz');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'xyz' for key 'column3'


create table myuniquetable2
    -> (
    -> column1 int,
    -> column2 varchar(20),
    -> column3 varchar(20),
    -> constraint myuniqueconstraint unique (column2,column3)
    -> );

insert into myuniquetable2 values (1,'abc', 'xyz');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

insert into myuniquetable2 values (1,'efg', 'xyz');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

insert into myuniquetable2 values (1,'abc', 'uvw');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

insert into myuniquetable2 values (1,'abc', 'xyz');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc-xyz' for key 'myuniqueconstriant'


create table myuniquetable2
    -> (
    -> column1 int,
    -> column2 varchar(20),
    -> column3 varchar(20),
    -> constraint myuniqueconstraint1 unique (column2,column3),
    -> constraint myuniqueconstraint2 unique (column1,column3)
    -> );


alter table myuniquetable2 add constraint myuniqueconstraint3 unique (column2,column3);
alter table myuniquetable2 drop index myuniqueconstraint3;

3.2.3 CHECK约束


create table nameage
    -> (
    -> name varchar(30),
    -> age int check (age>=0)
    -> );


3.2.4 主键约束

每个表都需要主键,主键提供了表之间的链接。主键 = UNIQUE + NOT NULL

create table booking
    -> (
    -> customerId int primary key,
    -> bookingId int,
    -> destination varchar(30)
    -> );

3.2.5 外键约束



create table record
    -> (
    -> bookingId int primary key,
    -> checkin date
    -> );

alter table booking type =InnoDB;
alter table record type =InnoDB;

alter table booking add constraint booking_pk foreign key (bookingId) references record(bookingId);

insert into booking values (1,1,'beijing');
ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`filmClub`.`booking`, CONSTRAINT `booking_pk` FOREIGN KEY (`bookingId`) REFERENCES `record` (`bookingId`))


3.3 利用索引加速结果查询


CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name column_names
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP INDEX index_name

use filmClub;
select FirstName,LastName from MemberDetails;
| FirstName | LastName |
| Katie     | Smith    |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |
| Steve     | Gee      |
| John      | Jones    |
| Jenny     | Jones    |

create index member_name_index on MemberDetails(FirstName,LastName);


select FirstName,LastName from MemberDetails;
| FirstName | LastName |
| Jenny     | Jones    |
| John      | Jones    |
| Katie     | Smith    |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |
| Steve     | Gee      |

alter table MemberDetails drop index member_name_index;


create unique index member_name_index on MemberDetails (LastName desc, FirstName);

select FirstName,LastName from MemberDetails;
| FirstName | LastName |
| Steve     | Gee      |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |
| Jenny     | Jones    |
| John      | Jones    |
| Katie     | Smith    |

unique确保LastName + FirstName组合唯一。

4 分组和聚合数据

4.1 分组数据

GROUP BY将一致的数据分组到一个子集中。GROUP BY子句必须位于SELECT子句中的FROM子句或WHERE子句之后,需要分组的所有列必须都位于GROUP BY的列列表中。

select State from MemberDetails group by State;
| State        |
| Golden State |
| Mega State   |
| New State    |

GROUP BY子句可以基于多列进行分组。

select City,State from MemberDetails
    -> where State in ('Mega State', 'Golden State', 'New State')
    -> group by City,State;
| City          | State        |
| New Town      | New State    |
| Orange Town   | New State    |
| Townsville    | Mega State   |
| Windy Village | Golden State |

4.2 汇总和聚合数据

4.2.1 统计结果的数目


select * from MemberDetails;
| MemberId | FirstName | LastName | DataOfBirth | Street        | City          | State        | ZipCode | Email               | DataOfJoining |
|        1 | Katie     | Smith    | 1977-01-09  | Main Road     | Townsville    | Mega State   | 123456  | Katie@mail.com      | 2004-02-23    |
|        3 | Sandra    | Jakes    | 1957-05-15  | The Avenue    | Windy Village | Golden State | 65423   | sandra@her_mail.com | 2004-04-13    |
|        4 | Steve     | Gee      | 1967-10-05  | 45 Upper Road | New Town      | New State    | 99112   | steve@gee.com       | 2004-02-22    |
|        5 | John      | Jones    | 1952-10-05  | New Lane      | Orange Town   | New State    | 88776   | jj@jonesmail.org    | 2005-01-02    |
|        6 | Jenny     | Jones    | 1953-08-25  | New Lane      | Orange Town   | New State    | 88776   | jj@jonesmail.org    | 2005-01-02    |

select count(*) from MemberDetails;
| count(*) |
|        5 |

insert into MemberDetails values (7,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);

select count(*) from MemberDetails;
| count(*) |
|        6 |

select count(Street) from MemberDetails;
| count(Street) |
|             5 |


select count(City),count(LastName) from MemberDetails;
| count(City) | count(LastName) |
|           5 |               5 |


select State,count(LastName) from MemberDetails;

但是可以使用GROUP BY子句使其变得有意义,如上面的语句改造一下。基于MemberDetails表显示每个州有多少成员。

select State,count(LastName) from MemberDetails group by State;


select count(state) from MemberDetails;
| count(state) |
|            5 |

select count(distinct state) from MemberDetails;
| count(distinct state) |
|                     3 |


select Category, count(FavCategory.CategoryId) as Popularity
    -> from FavCategory inner join Category
    -> on FavCategory.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> group by Category
    -> order by Popularity desc;
| Category | Popularity |
| Thriller |          3 |
| War      |          2 |
| Romance  |          2 |
| Sci-fi   |          2 |
| Horror   |          1 |

4.2.2 累加结果




alter table Films add DVDPrice float;
update Films set DVDPrice = rand()*30 where DVDPrice is null;


select sum(DVDPrice * 1.1) from Films where AvailableOnDVD = 'Y';
| sum(DVDPrice * 1.1) |
|     105.22270898819 |

4.2.3 求平均值



select avg(DVDPrice * 1.1) from Films where AvailableOnDVD = 'Y';
| avg(DVDPrice * 1.1) |
|    17.5371181646983 |


select Category,avg(DVDPrice)
    -> from Films inner join Category
    -> on Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> where AvailableOnDVD = 'Y'
    -> group by Category;
| Category   | avg(DVDPrice)    |
| Historical | 13.9817724227905 |
| Horror     | 1.45240497589111 |
| Romance    |  21.512659072876 |
| Sci-fi     | 23.2226696014404 |
| Thriller   | 12.5820322036743 |
| War        | 22.9054698944092 |

4.3 在GROUP BY语句中使用HAVING子句



select City from MemberDetails
    -> group by City
    -> having count(MemberId)>1;
| City        |
| Orange Town |


select City,count(MemberId)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> group by City;
| City          | count(MemberId) |
| NULL          |               1 |
| New Town      |               1 |
| Orange Town   |               2 |
| Townsville    |               1 |
| Windy Village |               1 |


select Category,count(FavCategory.CategoryId) as Popularity
    -> from FavCategory inner join Category
    -> on FavCategory.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> group by Category.Category
    -> having count(FavCategory.CategoryId) > 2
    -> order by Popularity desc;
| Category | Popularity |
| Thriller |          3 |

5 从不同的表中选择数据

5.1 内部联合


name_of_table_on_left INNER JOIN name_of_table_on_right ON condition

5.1.1 等值联合与不等值联合


one_table INNER JOIN another_table
ON one_table.some_field = another_table.another_field


5.1.2 多个联合与多个条件


select FirstName,LastName,Category.Category
    -> from MemberDetails inner join FavCategory
    -> on MemberDetails.MemberId = FavCategory.MemberId
    -> inner join Category
    -> on FavCategory.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId
    -> order by LastName,FirstName;
| FirstName | LastName | Category |
| Steve     | Gee      | Sci-fi   |
| Sandra    | Jakes    | Thriller |
| Sandra    | Jakes    | Horror   |
| Sandra    | Jakes    | Romance  |
| Sandra    | Jakes    | Sci-fi   |
| Sandra    | Jakes    | Thriller |
| Jenny     | Jones    | War      |
| John      | Jones    | Thriller |
| Katie     | Smith    | Romance  |
| Katie     | Smith    | War      |


select MemberDetails.City,MemberDetails.State
    -> from Location inner join MemberDetails
    -> on Location.State = MemberDetails.State and Location.City = MemberDetails.City;
| City          | State        |
| Windy Village | Golden State |
| Orange Town   | New State    |
| Orange Town   | New State    |

5.1.3 交叉联合

交叉联合不存在联合表的ON子句,可以使用CROSS JOIN语句创建交叉联合。结果集是两个表的笛卡儿积。

select Category, Street
    -> from Category cross join Location
    -> order by Street;
| Category   | Street       |
| Historical | Main Street  |
| Thriller   | Main Street  |
| War        | Main Street  |
| Romance    | Main Street  |
| Sci-fi     | Main Street  |
| Horror     | Main Street  |
| Romance    | Tiny Terrace |
| Sci-fi     | Tiny Terrace |
| Horror     | Tiny Terrace |
| Historical | Tiny Terrace |
| Thriller   | Tiny Terrace |
| War        | Tiny Terrace |
| War        | Winding Road |
| Romance    | Winding Road |
| Sci-fi     | Winding Road |
| Horror     | Winding Road |
| Historical | Winding Road |
| Thriller   | Winding Road |

5.1.4 自联合


select md1.MemberId,md1.FirstName,md1.LastName,md2.FirstName,md2.LastName,md1.ZipCode,md2.ZipCode,md1.Street,md2.Street
    -> from MemberDetails as md1 inner join MemberDetails as md2
    -> on md1.Street = md2.Street and
    -> md1.ZipCode = md2.ZipCode and
    -> md1.MemberId < md2.MemberId;
md1.MemberId < md2.MemberId确保一个成员仅出现在最终结果中一次。

5.2 外部联合

内部联合要求包含在联合中的两个表必须具有匹配的记录。事实上,ON子句的条件为真。而外部联合不需要两个表具有匹配记录。这样可以指定某个表总是返回结 果,无论ON子句的条件是否为真,尽管结果仍然服从WHERE子句和GROUP BY子句的过滤效果。存在3种类型的外部联合,右外部联合、左外部联合和全外部联合。

5.2.1 左外部联合

SELECT column_list
FROM left_table LEFT OUTER JOIN right_table
ON condition


select Location.Street, MemberDetails.Street
    -> from Location left outer join MemberDetails
    -> on Location.Street = MemberDetails.Street;
| Street       | Street |
| Main Street  | NULL   |
| Winding Road | NULL   |
| Tiny Terrace | NULL   |


select Location.Street from Location;
| Street       |
| Main Street  |
| Winding Road |
| Tiny Terrace |

select MemberDetails.Street from MemberDetails;
| Street        |
| Main Road     |
| The Avenue    |
| 45 Upper Road |
| New Lane      |
| New Lane      |
| NULL          |

5.2.2 右外部联合

SELECT column_list
FROM left_table RIGHT OUTER JOIN right_table
ON condition


select Location.Street,MemberDetails.Street
    -> from Location right outer join MemberDetails
    -> on Location.Street = MemberDetails.Street;
| Street | Street        |
| NULL   | Main Road     |
| NULL   | The Avenue    |
| NULL   | 45 Upper Road |
| NULL   | New Lane      |
| NULL   | New Lane      |
| NULL   | NULL          |

5.2.3 全外联合


SELECT column_list
FROM left_table FULL OUTER JOIN right_table
ON condition


select Location.Street,MemberDetails.Street    -> from Location left outer join MemberDetails
    -> on Location.Street = MemberDetails.Street
    -> union
    -> select Location.Street,MemberDetails.Street
    -> from Location right outer join MemberDetails    -> on Location.Street = MemberDetails.Street;
| Street       | Street        |
| Main Street  | NULL          |
| Winding Road | NULL          |
| Tiny Terrace | NULL          |
| NULL         | Main Road     |
| NULL         | The Avenue    |
| NULL         | 45 Upper Road |
| NULL         | New Lane      |
| NULL         | NULL          |

5.3 利用UNION组合结果集


SELECT myColumn, myOtherColumn, someColumn FROM MyTable
SELECT anotherColumn, yetAnotherColumn, moreCloumn FROM MyOtherTable

select FilmName,FilmId from Films
    -> union
   -> select LastName,MemberId from MemberDetails;
| FilmName                                      | FilmId |
| The Dirty Half Dozen                          |      1 |
| On Golden Puddle                              |      2 |
| The Lion, The Witch, and the Chest of Drawers |      3 |
| Nightmare on Oak Street,Part 23               |      4 |
| The Wide Brimmed Hat                          |      5 |
| Sense and Insensitivity                       |      6 |
| Planet of the Japes                           |      7 |
| The Maltese Poodle                            |      8 |
| 15th Late Afternoon                           |      9 |
| Soylent Yellow                                |     10 |
| Smith                                         |      1 |
| Jakes                                         |      3 |
| Gee                                           |      4 |
| Jones                                         |      5 |
| Jones                                         |      6 |
| NULL                                          |      7 |

UNION合并两个查询,但是仅包含唯一的记录。如果需要在结果集中返回所有的记录,不管它们是否唯一,则需要使用UNION ALL。

select FilmId from Films
    -> union
    -> select MemberId from MemberDetails;
| FilmId |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|      6 |
|      7 |
|      8 |
|      9 |
|     10 |

select FilmId from Films
    -> union all
    -> select MemberId from MemberDetails;
| FilmId |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|      6 |
|      7 |
|      8 |
|      9 |
|     10 |
|      1 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|      6 |
|      7 |

可以通过ORDER BY子句来排序结果。但是,仅可以添加一个ORDER BY子句,并且它必须位于SELECT语句的最后面。在ORDER BY子句中仅可以使用第一个SELECT语句中的列名。

select FilmName,YearReleased from Films
    -> union all
    -> select LastName,year(DateOfBirth) from MemberDetails
    -> union all
    -> select City,NULL from Location
    -> order by FilmName;
| FilmName                                      | YearReleased |
| NULL                                          |         NULL |
| 15th Late Afternoon                           |         1989 |
| Big City                                      |         NULL |
| Gee                                           |         1967 |
| Jakes                                         |         1957 |
| Jones                                         |         1953 |
| Jones                                         |         1952 |
| Nightmare on Oak Street,Part 23               |         1997 |
| On Golden Puddle                              |         1967 |
| Orange Town                                   |         NULL |
| Planet of the Japes                           |         1967 |
| Sense and Insensitivity                       |         2001 |
| Smith                                         |         1977 |
| Soylent Yellow                                |         1967 |
| The Dirty Half Dozen                          |         1987 |
| The Lion, The Witch, and the Chest of Drawers |         1977 |
| The Maltese Poodle                            |         1947 |
| The Wide Brimmed Hat                          |         2005 |
| Windy Village                                 |         NULL |

6 子查询

6.1 SELECT列表中的子查询

可以将子查询作为SELECT查询内的返回一个值的表达式。此时子查询必须只返回一个记录。这种在一个表达式中子查询必须只返回一个记录,这样的子查询被称为标量子查询(scalar subquery)。

select Category,
    -> (select max(DVDPrice) from Films where Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId) as MaxDVDPrice,
    -> CategoryId
    -> from Category;
| Category   | MaxDVDPrice      | CategoryId |
| Thriller   | 12.5820322036743 |          1 |
| Romance    |  21.512659072876 |          2 |
| Horror     | 7.19807624816895 |          3 |
| War        | 22.9054698944092 |          4 |
| Sci-fi     | 23.2226696014404 |          5 |
| Historical | 24.1937522888184 |          6 |

上面SQL语句中的子查询位于主查询内部,它返回一种DVD影片的最高价格。聚合函数仅返回一个值,这满足SELECT语句中的子查询必须是标量子查询的 条件。通过WHERE子句,这个子查询也被链接到外部的SELECT查询。因为这个链接,MAX(DVDPrice)返回Category表中每种电影类 型的最高价格。如果没有这个WHERE子句,则查询只会显示Films表中所有记录的最大DVDPrice。

select Category,
    -> (select max(DVDPrice) from Films) as MaxDVDPrice,
    -> CategoryId
    -> from Category;
| Category   | MaxDVDPrice      | CategoryId |
| Thriller   | 24.1937522888184 |          1 |
| Romance    | 24.1937522888184 |          2 |
| Horror     | 24.1937522888184 |          3 |
| War        | 24.1937522888184 |          4 |
| Sci-fi     | 24.1937522888184 |          5 |
| Historical | 24.1937522888184 |          6 |

6.2 WHERE子句中的子查询


select Category, FilmName, min(DVDPrice)
    -> from Category inner join Films
    -> on Category.CategoryId = Films.CategoryId
    -> group by Category;
| Category   | FilmName                                      | min(DVDPrice) |
| Historical | Sense and Insensitivity                       |       13.9818 |
| Horror     | The Lion, The Witch, and the Chest of Drawers |        1.4524 |
| Romance    | On Golden Puddle                              |       21.5127 |
| Sci-fi     | The Wide Brimmed Hat                          |       15.6678 |
| Thriller   | The Maltese Poodle                            |        12.582 |
| War        | The Dirty Half Dozen                          |       13.4551 |


select Category, FilmName, DVDPrice
    -> from Category inner join Films
    -> on Category.CategoryId = Films.CategoryId
    -> where Films.DVDPrice =
    -> (select min(DVDPrice) from Films where Films.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId);
| Category   | FilmName                        | DVDPrice |
| War        | The Dirty Half Dozen            |  13.4551 |
| Romance    | On Golden Puddle                |  21.5127 |
| Horror     | Nightmare on Oak Street,Part 23 |   1.4524 |
| Sci-fi     | The Wide Brimmed Hat            |  15.6678 |
| Historical | Sense and Insensitivity         |  13.9818 |
| Thriller   | The Maltese Poodle              |   12.582 |


6.3.1 IN运算符


select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> where year(DateOfBirth) in (select YearReleased from Films);
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Katie     | Smith    |              1977 |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |


select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails inner join Films
    -> on year(DateOfBirth) = YearReleased
    -> group by FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth);
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Katie     | Smith    |              1977 |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |

如果不使用GROUP BY子句,则会出现重复记录,

select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails inner join Films
    -> on year(DateOfBirth) = YearReleased;
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |
| Katie     | Smith    |              1977 |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |


select distinct FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails inner join Films
    -> on year(DateOfBirth) = YearReleased;
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |
| Katie     | Smith    |              1977 |


select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> where year(DateOfBirth) not in (select YearReleased from Films);
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |              1957 |
| John      | Jones    |              1952 |
| Jenny     | Jones    |              1953 |


select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> left outer join Films
    -> on Films.YearReleased = year(DateOfBirth)
    -> where YearReleased is null;
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |              1957 |
| John      | Jones    |              1952 |
| Jenny     | Jones    |              1953 |
| NULL      | NULL     |              NULL |

6.3.2 ANY,SOME和ALL运算符


where 2 < any (3,9,15) // true
where 7 < any (3,9,15) // true
where 2 < all (3,9,15) // true
where 7 < all (3,9,15) // false


select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> where year(DateOfBirth) = any (select YearReleased from Films);
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Katie     | Smith    |              1977 |
| Steve     | Gee      |              1967 |

为了和前面的NOT IN运算符产生相同的效果,可使用<> ALL运算符

select FirstName, LastName, year(DateOfBirth)
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> where year(DateOfBirth) <> all (select YearReleased from Films);
| FirstName | LastName | year(DateOfBirth) |
| Sandra    | Jakes    |              1957 |
| John      | Jones    |              1952 |
| Jenny     | Jones    |              1953 |

6.3.3 EXISTS运算符


select Category from Category
    -> where exists (select * from Films
    -> where Category.CategoryId = Films.CategoryId
    -> and Rating > 3
    -> and (select count(CategoryId) from FavCategory
    -> where FavCategory.CategoryId = Category.CategoryId) >= 2);
| Category |
| Romance  |
| War      |
| Sci-fi   |

6.3.4 在HAVING子句中使用子查询


select City from MemberDetails
    -> group by City
    -> having avg(year(DateOfBirth)) >
    -> (select avg(year(DateOfBirth)) from MemberDetails);
| City       |
| New Town   |
| Townsville |

7 视图

7.1 视图概述




7.2 创建视图

create view MemberNameEmail as
    -> select lastName, FirstName, Email, DateOfJoining
    -> from MemberDetails;

select * from MemberNameEmail;
| lastName | FirstName | Email               | DateOfJoining |
| Smith    | Katie     | Katie@mail.com      | 2004-02-23    |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | sandra@her_mail.com | 2004-04-13    |
| Gee      | Steve     | steve@gee.com       | 2004-02-22    |
| Jones    | John      | jj@jonesmail.org    | 2005-01-02    |
| Jones    | Jenny     | jj@jonesmail.org    | 2005-01-02    |
| NULL     | NULL      | NULL                | NULL          |

7.3 视图的类型


表联合视图(table join view)的作用是,将相关的表联合在一起,以从相关表中提取出特定字段,并显示为由多个表组成的一个视图。

create view MemberAttendance as
    -> select MemberDetails.LastName, MemberDetails.FirstName,
    -> Attendance.MeetingDate, Attendance.MemberAttended,
    -> Location.Street, Location.City, Location.State
    -> from MemberDetails inner join Attendance
    -> on MemberDetails.MemberId = Attendance.MemberId
   -> inner join Location
    -> on Attendance.LocationId = Location.LocationId;

select * from MemberAttendance;
| LastName | FirstName | MeetingDate | MemberAttended | Street       | City          | State        |
| Smith    | Katie     | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Gee      | Steve     | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Jones    | John      | 2004-03-01  | N              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Jones    | Jenny     | 2004-03-01  | N              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Smith    | Katie     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Gee      | Steve     | 2004-01-01  | N              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jones    | John      | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jones    | Jenny     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |


行视图(row view)是那些用于从一个较大数据集中的所有记录中选择一个子集的视图。我们在上面的视图基础上,构建

create view ActiveMemberAttendance as
    -> select * from MemberAttendance
    -> where MemberAttended = 'Y'
    -> order by LastName, FirstName, MeetingDate;

select * from ActiveMemberAttendance;
| LastName | FirstName | MeetingDate | MemberAttended | Street       | City          | State        |
| Gee      | Steve     | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |
| Jones    | Jenny     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jones    | John      | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Smith    | Katie     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Smith    | Katie     | 2004-03-01  | Y              | Main Street  | Orange Town   | New State    |


select * from ActiveMemberAttendance where State = 'Golden State';
| LastName | FirstName | MeetingDate | MemberAttended | Street       | City          | State        |
| Jakes    | Sandra    | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jones    | Jenny     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Jones    | John      | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |
| Smith    | Katie     | 2004-01-01  | Y              | Winding Road | Windy Village | Golden State |


字段视图(field view),它选择所有的记录,但仅选择其中的某些字段。

create view MemberName as
    -> select lastName, FirstName from MemberDetails;

select * from MemberName;
| lastName | FirstName |
| Smith    | Katie     |
| Jakes    | Sandra    |
| Gee      | Steve     |
| Jones    | John      |
| Jones    | Jenny     |
| NULL     | NULL      |


汇总视图(summary view)实际上是对所有记录进行某种计算。

create view CountAttendance as
    -> select count(MemberAttended), LastName, FirstName
    -> from Attendance inner join MemberDetails
    -> on Attendance.MemberId = MemberDetails.MemberId
    -> where MemberAttended = 'Y'
    -> group by LastName, FirstName;

select * from CountAttendance;
| count(MemberAttended) | LastName | FirstName |
|                     1 | Gee      | Steve     |
|                     2 | Jakes    | Sandra    |
|                     1 | Jones    | Jenny     |
|                     1 | Jones    | John      |
|                     2 | Smith    | Katie     |

7.4 更新视图


CHECK OPTION关键字。当在CREATE VIEW语句中指定CHECK OPTION关键字时,DBMS存储了视图与CHECK OPTION。当用户对视图进行UPDATE、INSERT或DELETE操作时,DBMS会检查每个操作,以确保它满足WHERE子句的条件,任何不满 足条件的操作将不被执行。

create view GoldenStateCheckOption as
    -> select MemberId, FirstName, LastName, State
    -> from MemberDetails
    -> where State = 'Golden State'
    -> with check option;

insert into GoldenStateCheckOption values (10, 'Lee', 'Santo', 'Ako');
ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'filmClub.GoldenStateCheckOption'

7.5 删除视图

drop view GoldenStateCheckOption;

CASCADE和RESTRICT关键字。删除一个视图可能存在危险。因为其他视图可能是基于这个被删除的视图创建的。如上面的视图 ActiveMemberAttendance是基于视图MemberAttendance创建的。此时可以使用两个关键字CASCADE和 RESTRICT。CASCADE关键字告诉DBMS,如果企图删除一个视图,并且存在其他依赖于该视图的视图,则应当也删除依赖视图。RESTRICT 关键字告诉DBMS,如果存在任何其他的视图依赖于被删除的视图,则删除应当被放弃。(在MySQL中这两个关键字不起作用,如果给定了RESTRICT 和CASCADE,将解析并忽略它们。)

8 事务

8.1 ACID


8.2 ANSI事务模型






8.3 Transact-SQL

Transact-SQL是对SQL的一种扩展。实际上ANSI标准假设在第一个SQL语句之前和COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句之后具有一个 BEGIN TRANSACTION语句,而Transact-SQL需要一个BEGIN TRANSACTION语句以初始化一个事务。

BEGIN TRANSACTION语句告诉DBMS,它后面的SQL语句将组成一个事务分组,并且必须作为一个原子单元处理,这些语句或者都被处理,或者都不被处 理。COMMIT TRANSACTION语句在功能上与ANSI模型的COMMIT语句一致。它使得自BEGIN TRANSACTION语句之后的所有SQL语句对数据库的改变被作为一个原子单元写到数据库中。


SAVE TRANSACTION语句允许创建保存点(save point),保存点标识了一个大型事务中的某一点。这使得ROLLBACK TRANSACTION能够执行局部回滚,其方式是为ROLLBACK语句提供一个保存点名称。




8.4 事务日志



8.5 锁


8.6 为什么需要对事务并发控制


8.7 数据库的隔离级别



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