
Why not me ? 凭什么我做不到?

2020-04-27  本文已影响0人  橙弗弗

I was sitting in the chair you are literally sitting in right now. 我曾经和你一样坐在同一张椅子上

And I just whispered,"Why not me ?"  当时我心想:凭什么我做不到?

You are entering a world that we have toppled and we are relying on you to rebuild it. 你正在进入一个我们搞垮了的世界,而我们依赖你把它重建起来。

But how can you do that with the knowledge that things are so unstable out there?  但是你要怎么运用你的知识 来重建这个动荡不安的世界?

I'll tell you my secret. The one ting that has kept me going through the years, my super power—Delusion  我将告诉你我的秘诀。让我这些年一直走下去的秘诀,我的超能力是:活在幻觉中

You have to have insane confidence in yourself, even if it's not real.  你必须拥有狂人般的自信,就算你其实并没有

You need to be your own cheerleader now, because there  isn't a room full of people waiting with poms to tell you, "You did it ! We've been waiting all this time for you to succeed! " 你必须当你自己的啦啦队长,因为以后不会再有人拿着彩球为你打气,恭喜你说“你做到了!我们等待这一天好久了!”

So I'm giving you permission to root for yourself.  所以我想给你为自己打气的权利

And while you're at it, root for those around you too.   与此同时,也给你身边的人加油打气

It took me a long time to realize that success isn't a zero sum  game.   我花了很长时间才意识到成功不是一场零和博弈

In 1997, I was as many of you were. Driven, bright, ambitious  我和在座的各位一样,有拼劲、前途光明、充满抱负

I arrived here as a 17 year old, took the lay of the land, and immediately began making a checklist of everything I wanted to accomplish. 当我17岁来到这里,看看四周情况之后,我马上开始制定一张愿望清单

I told myself, that by the time I graduated in 2001, I would have checked them all off.   我告诉自己,在我2001年毕业的时候,我会完成清单上的所有愿望。

And here is my freshman fall checklist.Guess what?  这是我当时的新人清单。结果呢?

I completed that checklist. 我完成了清单上的所有愿望

But before you think, " Wait, why is this woman just bragging about her accomplishments from 17 years ago?" 不过在你断定“怎么这个女人开始炫耀,她在17年前的成就?”之前

Keep listening 请继续听下去

Then I graduated.And I made a new checklist for my 20s. 接着我毕业了,我为20岁的自己制定一张全新的清单

Get married by 27,  have kids at 20,  win an Oscar, be the star of my own TV show, host the MTV Music Awards. 27岁前结婚,30岁生孩子,赢得奥斯卡奖,在自己的电视节目里担任主角,主持MTV音乐录音带颁奖典礼

This was 2001, guys, it made more sense then. 各位,那时候是2001年 ,这些在以前听起来比较合理

And do it all while being a size too.完成的同时还要保持苗条的身材

Well, spoiler alert , I've only done one of those things and I'm not sure I will ever do the others.  好,准备剧透咯,我只完成了其中一项,而且我不确定我是否还有机会完成其他的事

And that is a really scary feeling, knowing how far that I've strayed from the person that I was hoping to be when I was 21. 不得不说,那是一种很可怕的感觉,知道自己跟21岁时希望成为的那个人偏离有多远

I just want to tell you guys, don't be scared if you don't do things in the right order, or if you don't do some things at all .我只想告诉大家,不要因为自己没有按照顺序完成你的人生计划,或者你没有完成任何大事而感到害怕

I didn't think I'd have a child before I got married.  我没想过自己会在结婚之前 就有了小孩

But hey, it turned out that way, and I wouldn't change a thing.   但是,嘿,结果变成这样,我也不想回去改变些什么

I didn't think I'd have dessert before breakfast today. 我也没想过今天在吃早餐之前 会先吃个甜点

But hey, it turned out that way, and I wouldn't change a thing.   但是,嘿,结果变成这样,我也不想回去改变些什么

So if I could impart any advice, it's this. 如果我可以给你们任何建议,将是如下。

If you have a checklist, good for you. Structured ambition can sometimes be motivating. But also, feel free to let it go.如果你有个愿望清单,那很好。有规划的理想确实能让你保持积极性。但是不要过于执着于它

I've covered a lot of ground today, not all of it was serious, but I wanted to leave you with this. 我今天的演讲覆盖了很多的话题,并非每个都是正经的,最后我想留给你这段话。

I was not someone who should have the life I have now and yet I do.  I was sitting in the chair you are literally sitting in right now.And I just whispered,"Why not me ?"  以前的那个我绝非能够完成今日成就的我,但最终我成为今日的我。我曾经和你一样坐在同一张椅子上。 当时我心想:凭什么我做不到?

And I kept whispering it for 17 years. And here I am, someone that this school deemed worthy enough to speak to you at your commencement. 这句话我对自己说了17年,今天我终于做到了,作为学院认为 符合条件站在毕业典礼上致辞的人

Don't let anyone tell you, that you can't do something, but especially not yourself.  Go conquer the world.不管别人跟你说什么,永远不要画地自限,特别是你自己。去征服这个世界吧

Just remember this. Why not you?  You made it this far.只要记住这句话。 为什么你做不到?既然你都已经走了这么远


