外刊每日一句 2018年
2018-01-06 本文已影响0人
- communicate telepathically
- envisage a world in which ……
- TECHNOLOGIES are often billed as transformative.
宣传 (某人出演某戏)
She was billed to play the Wicked Queen in "Snow White." - cochlear implant ['kɔkliə] 耳蜗的
- the pace of research into BCIs and the scale of its ambition are increasing.
- Sceptics scoff.
- Taking medical BCIs out of the lab into clinical practice has proved very difficult.
- electroencephalogram (EEG) struggle to pick up high-resolution brain signals through intervening layers of skin,bone and membrane.
- they provoke immune responses
- Clear the technological barrier, and another one looms.
- The brain is still a foreign country.
- Nor is complete knowledge always needed.
- commercialisation. It takes time,money and expertise to get medical devices approved. And consumer applications will take off only if they perform a function people find useful.
- craniotomy /ˌkreɪnɪˈɒtəmɪ/ 开颅手术
- But as uses move to the augmentation of abilities, whether for military purposes or among consumers, a host of concerns will arise.
- Privacy is an obvious one: the refuge of an inner voice may disappear.
- Security is another: if a brain can be reached on the internet, it can also be hacked.
you’re also going to be pulling in more water vapor from the periphery of the storm into the center
rucksack 双肩包
- poor children would on average receive just $0.66 for every dollar spent on educating the better-off
- To pay for the schools, the colony levied a tax on local dwellings.
- Although the aims of public schooling have changed since the 17th century, the critical role of property taxation in funding education has endured.
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作与发展组织
- It is an approach with many critics, who argue that ...
- It is true that public education is no engine of social mobility.
- not as egregiousas widely believed,
- offsetting the regressive effects of local taxation.
- The rise of other funding sources
- more egalitarian spending
- bringing them roughly in line with high-income districts.
- neglect the full picture
- After the Great Recession pinched states’ budgets,
- the main source of spending on primary and secondary education, have plummeted 28% per head since 2008.
- richer parents are quite willing to produce funds for trips, tutors and test preparation outside the classroom.
- School funding in America may not be as regressive as many of its critics contest, but the model still lags behind that of other rich countries.