200321《Marva Collins' Way》03
今天看chapter 2,主要讲开学第二天Marva通过给学生读寓言故事来带动大家一起讨论思考,让学生爱上学习。A teacher had to sell children on the idea of learning.
这一章大部分在介绍Marva小时候的生活,她以前从来没有想到要当老师。作为家里第一个孩子,他的父亲对她宠爱有加。虽然出生于大萧条时期(1936年阿拉巴马州),但是父亲很有生意头脑,经营牧牛场和殡仪馆,家里非常富有。和同龄人相比,她有野心而不是向生活屈服。她和父亲的关系一直都很好,有什么话都找父亲说,但是跟妈妈不怎么亲。虽然在12岁的时候爸妈离婚,她跟着妈妈生活,但是爸爸经常来看她He continued to be the strongest force in my life.
父母不要吝啬自己对孩子的赞扬鼓励 。
As an adult I have come to understand how important it is to be openly affectionate with a child, to be sensitive to a child’s feelings.
Marva added, “I love you children all the time, even though I may correct you or disagree with you some of the time.”
附上寓言故事:The little red hen and the grain of wheat
Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived on a farm . She was friends with a lazy dog , a sleepy cat , and a noisy yellow duck .
One day the little red hen found some seeds on the ground. The little red hen had an idea. She would plant the seeds .
The little red hen asked her friends, "Who will help me plant the seeds ?"
"Not I," barked the lazy dog .
"Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .
"Then I will," said the little red hen . So the little red hen planted the seeds all by herself.
When the seeds had grown, the little red hen asked her friends, "Who will help me cut the wheat ?"
"Not I," barked the lazy dog .
"Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .
"Then I will," said the little red hen . So the little red hen cut the wheat all by herself.
When all the wheat was cut, the little red hen asked her friends, "Who will help me take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour ?"
"Not I," barked the lazy dog .
"Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .
"Then I will," said the little red hen . So the little red hen brought the wheat to the mill all by herself, ground the wheat into flour , and carried the heavy sack of flour back to the farm .
The tired little red hen asked her friends, "Who will help me bake the bread ?"
"Not I," barked the lazy dog .
"Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .
"Then I will," said the little red hen . So the little red hen baked the bread all by herself.
When the bread was finished, the tired little red hen asked her friends, "Who will help me eat the bread ?"
"I will," barked the lazy dog .
"I will," purred the sleepy cat .
"I will," quacked the noisy yellow duck .
"No!" said the little red hen . "I will." And the little red hen ate the bread all by herself.