英语流利说 Level 4 Unit 1-4 Relations
Hey, Steven, you know I’m your friend, right?
Sure, I know that.
What are you trying to say?
I’m sorry to say this, but I think you are making a fool of yourself.
How am I making a fool of myself?
Your girlfriend is taking advantage of you.
Taking advantage of me?
Yes, I think so.
She's just using you.
To make a fool of someone means to make them look stupid.
So, maybe she is.
But I don’t mind.
Even if she is using me, it’s ok.
I’m using her too.
What do you mean?
Aren’t you in love with her?
Yes, I’m in love with her.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m not using her too.
Steven doesn't mind if his girlfriend is using him.
I don’t understand.
What do you mean?
Maybe I’m using her because I enjoy being in love.
I can’t imagine life without her.
Even if she hurts me sometimes, I love her.
What can't imagine? life without his girlfriend
Do you trust her?
Yes, I trust her.
She tells me what’s important to her.
She’s honest with me.
She has never lied to me about anything important.
To trust someone means you can believe what they say or promise to do.
Are you honest with her?
Yes, we are honest with each other, even when it hurts.
And because we’re honest with each other, we trust each other.
OK, so you don’t think you’re being taken advantage of.
No, I don’t, as long as she is honest with me.
The day she isn’t honest with me, will be the end of our relationship.
And when that happens, my heart will break.
But until then, I’m her man.
What would happened if she isn't honest with him? Their relationship will end.
OK, I think I understand.
I didn’t think you knew what was going on.
I’m not as stupid as my look, my friend.
Being in love with her, makes my life exciting.
Well, I hope you’re right.
What makes his life exciting? being in love with her
Their relationship will end when she is no longer honest with him.