cocos creator 刚体与碰撞
首先来看碰撞组件。CocosCreator提供了三种碰撞组件:Box Collider,Circle Collider,Polygon Collider。增添十分简单,只需要选中节点在属性检查器中选择添加组件。
function boxAddBound(box, offset, size) {
let bound = box.addComponent(cc.PhysicsBoxCollider);
bound.offset = offset;
bound.size.width = size.x; bound.size.height = size.y;
extends: cc.Component,
properties: {
box_width: 0,
box_heigth: 0,
onLoad () {
// append a bound box
let boundbox = new cc.Node("boundbox");
// = "map";
boundbox.addComponent(cc.RigidBody).type = cc.RigidBodyType.Static; // attach a rigid body to the new node.
boundbox.enabledContactListener = true;
// size of box
let width = this.box_width || this.node.width;
let height = this.box_height || this.node.height;
// add right bound
let offset = cc.p(width/2, 0);
let size = cc.p(20, height);
boxAddBound(boundbox, offset, size);
//add left bound
offset = cc.p(-width/2, 0);
boxAddBound(boundbox, offset, size);
// add top bound
offset = cc.p(0, height/2);
size = cc.p(width, 20);
boxAddBound(boundbox, offset, size);
//add bottom bound
offset = cc.p(0, -height/2);
boxAddBound(boundbox, offset, size);
// attach this node to the scene tree after physics things attached to the node.
this.node.addChild(boundbox); //attach it to the script related node
update() {
var graphics = this.node.getChildByName("boundbox").getComponent(cc.Graphics);
graphics.clear();, 200, 10);
// let collider = this.node.addComponent(cc.PhysicsCircleCollider);
// collider.radius = this.node.width / 2;
// // 开启碰撞检测
// var mngr = cc.director.getCollisionManager();
// mngr.enabled = true;
// mngr.enabledDebugDraw = true;
// // 开启物理系统
// var physics = cc.director.getPhysicsManager();
// physics.enabled = true;
// physics.debugDrawFlags = cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_aabbBit || cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_pairBit;
// physics.enabledDebugDraw = true;