21 pages left on chapter 2016

2016-12-11  本文已影响26人  冰弦断桥雪

There are only 21 pages left on chapter 2016, which reminds me again of the time flying. It seems that I have done nothing but eating, sleeping and playing when I take a look at my past. But I am also quite sure that my days are not spent in vain. After all, I have watched so many TV dramas, novels and movies. My foreign language learing turns all these entertaining activities into a kind of speed-up learning. A good language learner can never learn well just in class. That's what I learnt from long-time school education. Language classes are always boring and dull, full of grammar and new words. I often doubt the language teachers in middle school that if they really master the language. I have no confidence to teach others English at present, and I don't know how my college classmates deal with their teaching job. Well, I'm backing to the whole teacher thing again. That's the end of this subject.

I use four months to lose weight and it works perfectly on my body. I met a few friends who barely recognized me yesterday. They said my shape has changed a lot and they ask how. For me there is no secret but persistence. I think many things are all the same. Losing weight, learning a new language, writing, drawing, playing an instrument, etc. all needs our persistence. And when the persistence becomes part of my life, I enjoy it a lot. I have many dreams but to realize them, I should be practical and focused on one thing untill it becomes my habbit.

I often make plans of the new year but I often fail in the end of it. This time I promise I won't let myself down. I am going to lose the damn weight forever no matter what happens. I am going to study hard on Japanese and Korean and make it my weapons in the future career. I am going to learn more about computer skills. I am going to make many foreign friends and talk with them as much as possible to improve my speaking and know more about their culture. I am going to find a a job that I love. I am not satisfied with my past but I can only change tomorrow. Everything comes and goes, except the time, they never come back once they're gone. I want to seize the moment and do more things in my life. I'm so glad that I have friends like you growing up with me all the time. I hope we can both make great progress in next year and we can tell each other in the end of it that we didn't break our words and we did it. 


