2020-04-07 本文已影响0人
When Does Interleaving Practice Improving Learning?
笔记作者:Chen Yilin
- block有利于归纳,interleaved有助于分类
- block有利于注意集中在相似点上,interleaved有助于注意集中在相异点上
了解sequencing effect可以帮助我们理解学习过程
Elio& Anderson(1984)
非意识性的分类学习:从low-variability items开始
要求有意识地建立关于类别的假设:从high-variability items开始
The Case of Blocked and Interleaved Practice
Using Interleaved Practice to Boost Learning
- 运动学习的案例
- 学习过程中表现差,但是在测试的时候表现更好
- 数学:不仅仅学习解题过程,还学习了怎么恰当地应用
- block学习中可能存在序列效应:前面学的比较好,后面学的比较差
- 提高概念学习和泛化
- 对艺术家风格的识别
- 对蝴蝶种类的识别
- temporal spacing between presentation of different concepts during interleaved practice reduces its benefit
- increasing the temporal spacing between repetitions of the same category improved learning
- 语言概念
- 心理学概念之间的区分
- 心理疾病症状之间的区分
- X光图像的区分
- EEG结果的区分
- 脑解剖中新结构的区分
- 数学函数的区分
Using Blocked Practice to Boost Learning
概念学习可能不总需要进行概念间的比较,有时候用blocked practice来孤立地学习概念可能更好
运动学习:low-skilled students,ground strokes
Natural categories
- 用猜测类别+反馈的方式学习,block>interleaved
- 不包含repetition或者主动猜测的情况,interleaved>block
Verbal learning
- 学法语
- Association between novel words and groups of English words
- 在学心理学概念之前先呈现定义,block比interleaved好
benefits of blocked study have been found in self-regulated learning
- 学生在自主学习中更愿意使用block practice(自然的学习方法?)
How to Decide Whether to Use Interleaved or Blocked Practice?
Sequential Attention Theory(SAT)
- 学习是一个item-by-item比较的序列过程来描述重要的刺激特性
- 比较当前项目和之前的项目,注意两个项目之间的异同点
- 更近的分类事件会对新的分类决策产生更强的影响
- this proposal is also congruent with recent neurophysiological evidence suggesting the important role of pattern completion for learning and the role of the hippocampus in providing details not only about past events but also about the relationship between events to create learning (Mack & Preston, 2016; Schlichting & Preston, 2015; Zeithamova, Schlichting, & Preston, 2012)
- Interleaved learning:attending to differences
- Block learning:attending to similarities
- Different Types of Study Activities
- 推理任务受益于block 学习(语文中的阅读理解)
- 分类任务受益于interleaved学习(生物学习)
- Different Types of Testing Activities
- 不同的测试任务也要求不同的知识
- Different Types of Learners
- 发展阶段、专业性、工作记忆容量
- 更小的孩子注意分散、大一点的孩子可以把注意集中到某个维度
- 新手更适合block,专家更适合interleaved