

2019-03-26  本文已影响3人  拿着号码牌徘徊


***installModule 函数可接收5个参数,store、rootState、path、module、hot,store 表示当前 Store 实例,rootState 表示根 state,path 表示当前嵌套模块的路径数组,module 表示当前安装的模块,hot 当动态改变 modules 或者热更新的时候为 true。***
installModule(this, state, [], this._modules.root)
function installModule (store, rootState, path, module, hot) {
  const isRoot = !path.length
  const namespace = store._modules.getNamespace(path)

  // register in namespace map
  if (module.namespaced) {
    store._modulesNamespaceMap[namespace] = module

  // set state
  if (!isRoot && !hot) {
    const parentState = getNestedState(rootState, path.slice(0, -1))
    const moduleName = path[path.length - 1]
    store._withCommit(() => {
      Vue.set(parentState, moduleName, module.state)

  const local = module.context = makeLocalContext(store, namespace, path)

  module.forEachMutation((mutation, key) => {
    const namespacedType = namespace + key
    registerMutation(store, namespacedType, mutation, local)

  module.forEachAction((action, key) => {
    const type = action.root ? key : namespace + key
    const handler = action.handler || action
    registerAction(store, type, handler, local)

  module.forEachGetter((getter, key) => {
    const namespacedType = namespace + key
    registerGetter(store, namespacedType, getter, local)

  module.forEachChild((child, key) => {
    installModule(store, rootState, path.concat(key), child, hot)


function registerMutation (store, type, handler, path = []) {
  const entry = store._mutations[type] || (store._mutations[type] = [])
  entry.push(function wrappedMutationHandler (payload) {
    handler(getNestedState(store.state, path), payload)
function registerAction (store, type, handler, path = []) {
const entry = store._actions[type] || (store._actions[type] = [])
  const { dispatch, commit } = store
  entry.push(function wrappedActionHandler (payload, cb) {
    let res = handler({
      getters: store.getters,
      state: getNestedState(store.state, path),
      rootState: store.state
    }, payload, cb)
    if (!isPromise(res)) {
      res = Promise.resolve(res)
    if (store._devtoolHook) {
      return res.catch(err => {
        store._devtoolHook.emit('vuex:error', err)
        throw err
    } else {
      return res
function registerGetter (store, type, rawGetter, local) {
  if (store._wrappedGetters[type]) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
      console.error(`[vuex] duplicate getter key: ${type}`)
  store._wrappedGetters[type] = function wrappedGetter (store) {
    return rawGetter(
      local.state, // local state
      local.getters, // local getters
      store.state, // root state
      store.getters // root getters


function resetStoreVM (store, state, hot) {
  const oldVm = store._vm

  // bind store public getters
  store.getters = {}
  const wrappedGetters = store._wrappedGetters
  const computed = {}
  forEachValue(wrappedGetters, (fn, key) => {
    // use computed to leverage its lazy-caching mechanism
    // direct inline function use will lead to closure preserving oldVm.
    // using partial to return function with only arguments preserved in closure enviroment.
    computed[key] = partial(fn, store)
    Object.defineProperty(store.getters, key, {
      get: () => store._vm[key],
      enumerable: true // for local getters

  // use a Vue instance to store the state tree
  // suppress warnings just in case the user has added
  // some funky global mixins
  const silent = Vue.config.silent
  Vue.config.silent = true
  store._vm = new Vue({
    data: {
      $$state: state
  Vue.config.silent = silent

  // enable strict mode for new vm
  if (store.strict) {

  if (oldVm) {
    if (hot) {
      // dispatch changes in all subscribed watchers
      // to force getter re-evaluation for hot reloading.
      store._withCommit(() => {
        oldVm._data.$$state = null
    Vue.nextTick(() => oldVm.$destroy())
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