学习笔记(1)Stanford CS144 Introducti

2020-02-03  本文已影响0人  官子寒

1. Network Application

1.1 Bidirectional Byte Stream Model

Byte Stream Model

1.2 Word Wide Web

Word Wide Web(HTTP)

1.3 BitTorrent


1.4 Skype

Skype Skype with NAT Skype with more NAT

2.The 4 Layer of Internet Model

Link Network Transoport all together

IP: the thins waist of Internet

3. The IP Service

Network Layer Datagram

Why IP is so simple?

five features of IP IPv4 Model

4. Life of a packet

three-way handshake TCP Byte Stream Inside the Hop baidu traceroute

5. Principle: Layering

Layering Example: Postal Service Example: Computer System

Reasons for Layering:

6. Principle: Encapsulation

Layering and Encapsulation VPN Encapsulation

7. Network Byte Order

Big endian
Little endian

Network Byte Order


8. IPv4 Addresses

8.1 Goal of Internet ProtocolAddresses

  1. stitch many different networks together
  2. Need network-independent, unique address

网络配置的四大基本要素: IP + Netmask + Gateway + DNS

8.2 Net Mask


Net Mask

9. Longest Prefix Matching

Longest Prefix Matching Quiz

10. ARP

Introduction to Computer Networking学习笔记(五):ARP协议(Address Resolution Protocol)

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