by 中国高翻团队整理
友谊勋章 Friendship Medal
上海精神 the Shanghai Spirit
特金会 Trump-Kim meeting
共享护士 nurse sharing
低头族专用道 special walkway for phubbers
燃油附加费 fuel surcharge
空气污染防控督查 air pollution control inspections
企业职工基本养老保险金中央调剂制度 central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees
世界杯 World Cup
个税改革 reform of personal income tax
起征点提高 raise the threshold
专项附加扣除 special expense deductions
税率变化 changes in tax rates
综合征税 comprehensive income taxation
反避税条款 anti-tax avoidance clause
联合国人权理事会 United Nations Human Rights Council
中国农民丰收节 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival
秋分(autumn equinox)
新精神活性物质 new psychoactive substances
新精神活性物质(new psychoactive substances,NPS),又称第三代毒品,指为逃避执法打击而对列管毒品进行化学结构修饰所得到的毒品类似物(a range of drugs that have been designed to mimic established illicit drugs),未被国际禁毒公约管制,但具有与管制毒品相似或更强的兴奋、致幻或麻痹效果(induce a similar or stronger psychoactive effect)。此前我们说过的“笑气(laughing gas)”就属于新精神活性物质。
毒品滥用(drug abuse)
合成毒品(synthetic drugs)
“金三角”毒品渗透加剧(drugs smuggled from the Golden Triangle region was on the rise)
“金新月”毒品产量大幅增长(drug production in the Golden Crescent region has also increased significantly)
毫米波人体成像技术 millimeter wave imaging
阴阳合同 dual contract / double contract
报税(tax declaration)