等候神 Wait Upon the Lord

2019-01-15  本文已影响0人  麦子恩
等候神 Wait Upon the Lord

诗篇 62:1-8, 11-12 CUNPSS-神

“我的心默默无声,专等候 神; 我的救恩是从他 而来 。 惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救; 他是我的高台,我必不很动摇。 你们大家攻击一人,把他毁坏, 如同毁坏歪斜的墙、将倒的壁,要到几时呢? 他们彼此商议,专要从他的尊位上把他推下; 他们喜爱谎话,口虽祝福,心却咒诅。 (细拉) 我的心哪,你当默默无声,专等候 神, 因为我的盼望是从他 而来 。 惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救; 他是我的高台,我必不动摇。 我的拯救、我的荣耀都在乎 神; 我力量的磐石、我的避难所都在乎 神。 你们众民当时时倚靠他, 在他面前倾心吐意; 神是我们的避难所。 (细拉)

神说了一次、两次,我都听见: 就是能力都属乎 神。 主啊,慈爱也是属乎你, 因为你照着各人所行的报应他。”








诗人说“神说了一次、两次,我都听见: 就是能力都属乎 神。” 听见神就得到安慰。听见神所说的更要以顺服的心来回应。



(内心深处, 等候神, 诗篇)


Psalms 62:1-3, 5, 6 NLT

I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.So many enemies against one man— all of them trying to kill me. To them I’m just a broken-down wall or a tottering fence.

..Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.


The most difficult thing to do in the midst of great pressure and stress , is to wait and be quiet. David was outnumbered and pushed to a corner. He faced threats, rebellion, challenges and slander from others. Yet, he chose to wait upon God. Waiting upon God reminded him where his hope comes from. Its so easy to become cluttered and frustrated when we are living in a city that never sleeps. Everything is instant, nothing is constant and people often feels distant towards one another. The busyness of life gives us very little time to think and reflect. And so, when troubles come and accidents happen, many crumble and break down. Isaiah 30:15 says, “in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” Waiting quietly allows our soul to be refreshed, allows one to refocus and see clearly. Creating Space to wait upon God is so vital and crucial for all Christians. Because in waiting, you can hear his voice clearly. In waiting, you can experience a peace that is beyond understanding. In waiting, you will know that in the end, it will be ok. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.

Lord, thank You for constantly reminding me to wait and be quiet before You! Indeed, I am reminded about what You told me in the recent spiritual retreat. Twice You reminded me about my ministry at home and have instructions for family matters. I was also surprised when Catherine was praying quietly and specifically that You would speak to me about family during this retreat. Teach me to live out and act upon what I have put down. To apply my HEART in family ministry.

1) H - hug them often

2) E - eat with them often

3) A - affirm them often

4) R - relate to them often

5) T - be transparent before them

Indeed Lord, being quiet is not my natural self and sometimes I rushed too much. But Thank You for teaching me to quiet my soul and wait upon You daily! For In quietness and trust is my strength. Bless my bros n sis to learn to wait upon You daily! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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