
The Soul of Steve Jobs中英短篇(五)

2022-09-06  本文已影响0人  无法补完的希望之地

41. Those who worked around Steve Jobs spoke, and sometimes joked, about his reality distortion field, a term borrowed from the Star Trek TV series. Isaacson quotes long-term Jobs’s co-worker, Andy Hertzfeld, “(Jobs’s) reality distortion field was confounding mélange of a charismatic rhetorical style, indomitable will, and eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand (italics mine).”

那些在史蒂夫乔布斯身边工作的人谈论,有时甚至开玩笑,谈论他的现实扭曲场,这个术语是从星际迷航电视剧中借来的。 艾萨克森引用了乔布斯的长期同事安迪·赫茨菲尔德的话,“(乔布斯的)现实扭曲场混合了一种魅力十足的修辞风格、不屈不挠的意志和渴望改变任何事实以适应手头的目的(斜体是我的)。”

42. In a few words, Hertzfeld was saying that Steve Jobs often tried to talk things into existence. Plainly put: Jobs could lie, make unkeepable promises, and reframe facts. He knew few limits in trying to get people to see things his way. He not only convinced others but also himself. You could say that the man often drank his own Kool-Aid.

简而言之,赫茨菲尔德是在说史蒂夫乔布斯经常试图让事情成为现实。 简单地说:乔布斯可能会撒谎,做出无法兑现的承诺,并重新构建事实。 他知道试图让人们以他的方式看待事物的限制很少。 他不仅说服了别人,也说服了自己。 你可以说这个人经常喝他自己的Kool-Aid。

43. “At the root of the reality distortion was Jobs’s belief that the rules didn’t apply to him,” Isaacson writes. “Rebelliousness and willfulness were ingrained in his character. He had the sense that he was special, a chosen one, an enlightened one.”

“现实扭曲的根源在于乔布斯认为规则不适用于他,”艾萨克森写道。 “叛逆和任性在他的性格中根深蒂固。 他觉得自己很特别,是一个被选中的人,一个开明的人。”

44. In the Steve Jobs world, the casualty rate in such a Darwinian atmosphere was great. But --- and here is the conundrum --- the work usually got done, the objectives were achieved, the products shipped. More often than not, people delivered the impossible that Jobs demanded. Call it a task-driven leadership. But it wasn’t a place where people with values ascended. Only the toughest survived.

在史蒂夫·乔布斯的世界里,在这种达尔文式的氛围中伤亡率很高。 但是——这就是难题——通常工作完成,目标实现,产品发货。 很多时候,人们实现了乔布斯所要求的不可能。 称之为任务驱动型领导。 但这不是一个有价值观的人上升的地方。 只有最坚强的人幸存下来。

45. It’s not difficult to see this pattern in a larger-than-life man like Steve Jobs and to harshly criticize it. What is more challenging is seeing that this same tendency lies latent in the hearts of most leaders --- Christians included. A great goal, a strong passion, a consuming need: they are the stuff of self-justification when a leader comes to believe that something must be achieved for the noblest of reasons. It is the temptation of the preacher who, in seeking to persuade, enhances or diminishes the truth to make his point. It is the temptation of any organizational leader when additional money must be raised to keep the cause afloat.

在史蒂夫乔布斯这样的传奇人物身上不难看出这种模式并严厉批评它。 更具挑战性的是,大多数领导人——包括基督徒——都潜藏着同样的倾向。 伟大的目标、强烈的热情、强烈的需求:当领导者开始相信必须出于最崇高的原因实现某事时,它们就是自我辩解的东西。 传道人的试探是在试图说服、加强或削弱真理以表明他的观点。 当必须筹集额外的资金来维持这项事业时,任何组织领导者都会受到诱惑。

46. How do we accomplish the task but do so with integrity? File that away for a future staff retreat. Or thoughtful conversation.

我们如何以诚信的方式完成任务? 将其归档以备将来的员工务虚会。 或深思熟虑的谈话。

47. As I read this biography of Jobs, I wanted to see how a man dealt with his own brokenness and defects. I wanted to see what the good and the bad looked like in organizational leadership. I wanted to learn what’s possible when someone --- whatever the reason --- reaches for their notion of the best, Isaacson helped me to do that.

当我阅读乔布斯的这本传记时,我想看看一个人如何处理自己的破碎和缺陷。 我想看看组织领导中的好与坏。 我想了解当有人——无论出于何种原因——达到他们的最佳概念时,艾萨克森帮助我做到了这一点。

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