NO.2 The Adventures of Sherlock
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
First published by George Newnes 1892
Published by Penguin Group 1981
Dictionary =YOUDAO app
39 days to read.
This book has 260 pages, I should read all of it, nevertheless, the librarian returned it by himself when I left it on the public desk while lunch time. I don't want to borrow it again, so I just only read 190 pages.
Glossary (which is the words I have consult the dictionary) in total =151 words
1/This is the second original work i have read, the first one was Death on the Nile, by Agatha Christie.
2/The glossary was saved by YOUDAO cloud, so I can check it anytime, it's so convenient.
3/This book has 118,712 words, totally.
4/There are some well-used sentences or word groups I have written down in my notebook.
(1)extraordinary power
(2)Throwing himself down into an armchair
(3)With hardly a word spoken, but with a kindly eye.
(4)Hold it up to the light.
(5)His eyes sparkled
(6)On the contrary
(7)Her body oscillated backwards and forwards
(8)Vacuous facevacant chair
(9)At three o'clock precisely i was at Baker Street
(10)She was a lovely women, with a face that a man might die for.(How beautiful she is!)
(11)I hope that i have made myself clear?
(12)We were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and i, when the maid brought in a telegram. It was from Sherlock Holmes, and ran in this way
(13)Shall be glad if you will come with me
(14)The window is upon the righthand side
(15)I own you an apology
(16)A:he said that you can solve anything. B: he said too much.
(17)Quick tempered
(18)If the god sends me health, i shall set my hand upon this gang.(from The Five Orange Pips. Actually, i don't the meaning, if you can, just leave words, please~)
(19)A pair of very penetrating dark eye.
(20)The family was at one time among the richest in England.
(21)All effort were vain.
(22)Pray go on with your narrative. pray proceed.
(23)Simple folk could not be imagined.
(24)On the eve of being married.
(25)He is rather deeper and more dangerous one than one might judge from his appearance.
To write down all things makes me tired, so, that's all~
Chinese version
2019年第二本英语原著,《福尔摩斯探案集》,由12篇短篇故事构成,比如A Scandal of Bohemia, A Case of Identity, The speckled Band,等等脍炙人口的故事。但是,因为篇幅短小,情节无连贯性导致在看完一篇后没有兴致读下一篇,以后将以长篇为主。
成果:除了上述achievements 提到的外,词汇量明显进步,过去4个月增加了500个词汇量。对作者惯用词及文风有一定了解。
PS:Discussing mistakes or problems in grammar, spelling, phraseology this article are welcomed.Thanks~