Tom Kuegler :62k粉丝的medium独立作者,全网累计10w+人订阅。他不是高深莫测,有资源背景的大V,也不是有运营团队的流量博主,而是从零开始,坚持不断写作的最普通创作者之一。
You always suck at the beginning Always.
Headlines are 90% of the battle.
标题很重要 -
Responding to every comment is never a waste of time.
积极互动,对每条评论的回应都是有意义的。 -
Leaving 5 comments a day is one of the best marketing strategies you can use as a beginning blogger.
自我推广,每天留下5条评论,是初级写作人最佳的自我营销策略。 -
If someone emails you a question, that’s a tell-tale sign you have a serious future in blogging.
如果有人给你发电子邮件问问题(私信也算),那是你的博客领域有人感兴趣,有市场,未来可期。 -
Do not use weird images you found on Google. Use Pexels and Unsplash for everything. I repeat: EVERYTHING.
Pexels和Unsplash是免费素材库,上面有很多优质图片素材 -
Your tribe will read everything you write, not your friends or family(weirdly enough).
物以类聚,人以群分,大家背景不一样,教育程度不一样, 相同领域,同频的读者会更认同你的想法。找到适合你的写作平台,和受众群体。
My best-performing blog posts were written in less than 45 minutes.
老话,一而再 ,再而三,三而竭。好的文章,往往不是左思右想,来回踱步,而是进入心流,如有神助,很短的时间内便可产生。 -
Scared to post something where you’re being raw? People don’t care as much as you think they do. There is no spotlight surrounding you every moment of every day. I say this to inspire you to publish!
没准备好,文章害怕不敢发?别人并不像你想象的那样在乎,都盯着你,不要太在意别人的眼光,有想法就快写,快发吧,Just do it !
写作也是个自我总结,反思的过程。 -
You won’t want to write every day, but neither does anybody else. If you can find a way to get over this, it’s a foregone conclusion that you’ll see success.
你不会每天都想写,但其他人也不会。如果你能找到一个方法来克服这一点,那么你将会成功。 -
Perfect grammar doesn’t matter as much as you think. Just write.
Writing isn’t always fun. Read that again for me.
写作并不总是有趣的,再读一遍给我听。 -
PLOT TWIST: You can be better than these people if you legitimately try to see their point of view and change.
惊人转折🐂:接受不同观点,如果你真正尝试去理解别人不同的观点,无论观点对与否,你会进入辩证思考,更深入的思考,你会变得更好。 -
Blogging is by far the easiest/best way to become a better person. You’re constantly having your views attacked/challenged, while others keep their thoughts to themselves. Congratulations, you’re going to grow 1,000% faster than everybody else.
Other people will be mean to you in the comments. To disarm them, reciprocate with love. It’s worked for me.
有些人留言可能很刻薄。要化解他们,以爱回报,这对我有用。对你这有用吗? -
Haters normally hate on everybody. Just look at their profile and see some of the recent responses they’ve written.
恨你的人通常对所有人都怀有敌意。只要看看他们的资料,看看他们最近写的一些回复就知道了。 -
Blogging is the most humbling thing you will ever do. People will light you up if your logic isn’t sound.
Always make your writing about helping other people. This isn’t just about telling your story/a way for you to vent when you’re pissed off. Ground your content in giving more than you take, and you’ll be so much closer to success.
写作可以帮助到其它人,写作不仅是讲述一些东西,或发泄情绪,或许,不要上来就带有很强的目的地性,给予式写作,帮助他人,不求回报,不知不觉,可能会离成功更近。 -
The best posts happen when you’re deeply, deeply upset. Use writing to help yourself feel better, then publish it to help other people feel better who are going through the same thing.