190402 吖啶橙(Acridine Orange)染色原理、

2019-04-02  本文已影响0人  森尼啊



1. 简介

膜透性的吖啶橙插入/结合到核酸(DNA/RNA),发出不同的光。和dsDNA结合发绿光(520nm),和ssDNA/RNA结合,发出红色荧光(650nm)。这种结合主要是通过吖啶分子和核酸碱基的静电相互作用。吖啶橙是阳离子染料,所以也可以和细胞内的低pH部分如溶酶体结合,发出橘色光(orange light)。具有荧光异色性。



Requirements: Acridine orange,Glacial Acetic acid, Distilled water
Preparation of reagent: 50 mg acridine orange is dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water to preparea stock solution and stored in the refrigerator.1 ml of Acridine orange stock solution and 0.5 ml of glacial acetic acid is added to 50 ml of distilled water to prepare a working solution.
Staining procedure:
Prepare a smear in a clean grease free slide and allow it to air dry.
The slide is then fixed with methanol and dried again.
It is then put in trough with acridine orange staining working solution (i.e 0.01 per cent).
After 2 minutes of staining, the slides are washed gently with water and dried and then examined in a fluorescent microscope.
Observance: Bacteria stain orange against a green to yellow background of human cells and debris.


Requirements: 0.1M Citric Acid (dissolve 1.921g per 100ml distilled water) ,0.2M Dibasic Sodium Phosphate (dissolve 2.839g per 100ml distilled water) ,Triton X-100 (Baker),0.5M EDTA, Sodium chloride(NaCl), Acridine Orange (Powder) and Sucrose.
Preparation of reagents:

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