Creating a custom plugin(创建自定义的插

2017-06-29  本文已影响0人  心印印心

Creating a custom plugin(创建自定义的插件)


首先,我们创建一个遵循了PluginType协议的类,接收一个view Controller(用来展示alert提示框):

final class RequestAlertPlugin: PluginType {

    private let viewController: UIViewController

    init(viewController: UIViewController) {
        self.viewController = viewController

    func willSend(request: RequestType, target: TargetType) {


    func didReceive(result: Result<Response, MoyaError>, target: TargetType) {



func willSend(request: RequestType, target: TargetType) {

    //make sure we have a URL string to display
    guard let requestURLString = request.request?.url?.absoluteString else { return }

    //create alert view controller with a single action
    let alertViewController = UIAlertController(title: "Sending Request", message: requestURLString, preferredStyle: .alert)
    alertViewController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil))

    //and present using the view controller we created at initialization
    viewController.present(viewControllerToPresent: alertViewController, animated: true)


func didReceive(result: Result<Response, MoyaError>, target: TargetType) {

    //only continue if result is a failure
    guard case Result.failure(_) = result else { return }

    //create alert view controller with a single action and messing displaying status code
    let alertViewController = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: "Request failed with status code: \(error.response?.statusCode ?? 0)", preferredStyle: .alert)
    alertViewController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil))

    //and present using the view controller we created at initialization
    viewController.present(viewControllerToPresent: alertViewController, animated: true)

就是这样,你现在已经非常了解(And that's it, you now have very well informed, if slightly annoyed users.)


总结 这小节的核心:

  1. 如何自定义插件,对请求过程进行友好提示
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