Suffice vi.

2018-09-25  本文已影响12人  Ada的学习笔记

suffice [səˈfaɪs] : to be enough


1) Good ideas alone do not suffice.

当表“足够”或“不足够”,除用sufficient, enough,也可用更简洁有力的动词suffice。

如果你刚刚开始跑步,先跑上 10 分钟,然后做些伸展运动就可以了:

2) For beginning runners, a 10-minute jog and a few stretches will suffice.


3) Extensive reading alone does not suffice. We have to, too, put what we read into practice.

在举例的时,表达“只用一个/两个例子就可以说明某事”时,也会用到 suffice。比如我们想说,只用马云的例子就可以证明颜值和财富并没有很大关系,就可以这样用 suffice:

4) A single example will suffice: Jack Ma.


我的版本:For advanced English learners, a word a day does not suffice.

参考翻译:For advanced English learners, a word per day does not suffice.


For improving your spoken English, a single word will suffice: practice.

A thousand cups of wine do not suffice when true friends meet, but half a sentence is too much when there is no meeting of minds.

                                  —Chinese proverb

Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.


